Celebrating Hispanic/Latin(o,a,x) Heritage Month
By Monica Rams - Director of Multicultural Affairs
To me, this month is a time when the nation gets to see up close and personal the excellence, the brilliance, the pride, the culture, the music, and the joy that I get to experience and live with all year long. A time when the rest of the world gets to see the greatness that exists in and that is the Hispanic/Latin American Community; and when children and youth can see reflections of themselves more readily.
It’s a time where we can honor and amplify the history and the stories of our Indigenous and African ancestors. During this month, the contributions of Hispanics/Latin Americans are elevated and are viewed as an asset rather than being continuously underrepresented or negatively portrayed in mainstream media.
Hispanics/Latin(o,a,x's) are not people that can fit in a box. There is beauty in the complexities that exist among us. At times, Hispanics/Latin(o,a,x's) are silenced and it is during this month where we get to amplify our voices without regard, exude the beauty within our cultures, and radiate the pride that is carried in the depths of our being.
I reflect on the history and stories that are known and I receive those that have yet to be learned. I honor the generations that overcame barriers and showed resiliency in order to obtain and offer loved ones a better life. It’s a time for me to acknowledge the families that were left behind and/or separated during the journey to a better tomorrow. While this beautiful time is one of celebration, it is also a reminder that there are many Hispanics/Latinos currently fighting for freedom and hoping for a better tomorrow. It’s a time of reflection.

It’s a time where we can all take pride in our own cultures while honoring the cultural differences that exists. A time where we can elevate the diversity that sets us apart while appreciating the very elements that bring us together and make us stronger.