A Message from Commissioner Dorantes……….

Often mistakenly not viewed as part of DCF, Albert J. Solnit Children's Center-South Campus in Middletown and the North Campus in East Windsor proudly anchor the Department in their service to youth with intensive mental health treatment needs. Everyone knows the DCF Careline as our central hub receiving reports of abuse and neglect.
Do you know who leads these dynamic 24/7 operations?
Every day they balance our mission critical work with the health and safety of their workforce — With a few schedule adjustments and safety protocols enhanced, they have remained fully operational during this pandemic.
This is an opportunity for Careline Director Lisa Daymonde and Solnit Superintendents Dr. Brett Rayford and Dr. Frank Gregory to tell us more about them as people and what it takes to lead around the clock!
In this newsletter, you will learn more about the Careline staff supporting one another after a horrific injury to a young child. We will share the personal sacrifice staff at Solnit North were willing to make, when a staff member tested positive for COVID-19. You will read of teamwork and staff banding together at Solnit South.
In each of the stories, common themes emerge. The leaders are dedicated to their employees, are concerned about their welfare and search for ways to ensure they are taken care of.
They praised their staff for the creative and unselfish acts to get the job done. Each leader credits their staff for keeping focus on the children and families we all serve.
Leading a massive state agency during a pandemic is unpredictable and truly humbling. My gratitude and admiration go out to these leaders and to all of you who each day, try to give 100% and then some!
To the leaders & staff at Solnit South, Solnit North and The Careline -WE SEE YOU & appreciate your strength as the unwavering foundation of our DCF.