Key Focus Points
The Strengthening Families Practice Model incorporates a focus on family strengths and protective factors and draws on the Strengthening Families framework being implemented across the nation.  Core elements of the Connecticut Practice Model include family-centered practice, purposeful visits, family assessment and a family teaming model of engagement.
The goal of the Practice Model is to provide a framework for how the agency as a whole will work internally and partner with families, service providers, and others to put our mission and guiding principles into action in daily practice and operations. At its core, the model is the description of what we do, how we do it, why we do it and what outcomes we hope to achieve for children and families.
The Department's model of practice is one of direct intervention based upon engagement and assessment. The model emphasizes case supervision which includes administrative, educational and supportive components as one of its primary strategies to improve practice.
Connecticut's Practice Model is implemented through seven core strategies:
  • Family Engagement
  • Purposeful Visitation
  • Family Centered Assessments
  • Supervision and Management
  • Initial and Ongoing Assessments of Safety and Risk
  • Effective Case Planning
  • Individualizing Services
Mission and Transformation of the Department
All children and youth served by the Department will grow up healthy, safe and learning, and will experience success in and out of school.  The Department will advance the special talents of the children it serves and will make opportunities for them to give back to the community.
Six Cross-Cutting Themes:
  • A family-centered approach to all service delivery, reflected in development and implementation of a Strengthening Families Practice Model and the Differential Response System;
  • Trauma-informed practice as related to children and families but also to the workforce that serves them;
  • Application of the neuroscience of child and adolescent development to agency policy, practice and programs;
  • Development of stronger community partnerships;
  • Improvements in leadership, management, supervision and accountability; and
  • Establishment of a Department culture as a learning organization.