Policy Index, by Topic

Practice Guides

Volume 1 - Administration

Volume 2 - Child Welfare Program Management


Volume 1 - Administration

Chapter 1 Department of Children and Families
          Parents Right to Know Brochures
1-1 Mission, Strategies and Cross-Cutting themes
1-2 Strengthening Families Practice Model
1-3 Civil Rights
1-4 Official Policy Forms and Practice Guides

Chapter 2 Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Administration

2-1 Deputy Commissioner for Administration Overview
2-2 Fiscal Services Division
          2‐2PG Practice Guide:  Credentialing for Service Providers
          2‐2PG Practice Guide:  DCF Contracting and Procurement Guide
          2-2 Attachment A Grants and Contracts: Combating Fraud, Waste and Abuse/False Claims
          2-2 Attachment B Grants and Contracts: Procurement of Services by RFP
                    2-2-1 Revenue Enhancement
                                2-2-1.1 Random Moment Time Study (RMTS)
                                2-2-1.2 IV-E Eligibility
                                2-2-1.3 IV-E Determination and Redeterminations
                                2-2-1.4 Federal Adoption Assistance Program Eligibility Criteria
                                2-2-1.5 Medical Eligibility
                                2-2-1.6 Social Security Benefits
                                2-2-1.6PG Practice Guide: Social Security Benefits
                    2-2-2 Engineering Services
2-3 Human Resources Management
          2‐3PG Practice Guide:  Supervisor's Guide to Corrective Discipline Including Attendance Expectations
                     2-3-1 Employee Code of Conduct
                     2-3-2 Supervision
                     2‐3‐2PG, Practice Guide:  Supervision
                     2-3-3 Appropriate Attire and Presentation Policy
2-4  Information Systems Division
          2-4 Attachment A Loss Reporting Action Steps
                    2-4-1 Proper Use of FBI Criminal Information
2-5 Academy for Workforce Development
          2‐5PG Practice Guide: DCF Academy for Workforce Knowledge and Development
2-6 DCF Police Division
          2-6 Attachment A POST Council Certification Division Advisory 2011-01
          2-6 Attachment B POST Qualification Relay
          2-6 Attachment C Certification Renewal FAQ's

Chapter 3 Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Operations

3-1 Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Operations Overview
          3-1 PG Practice Guide:  Worker Support and Secondary Trauma
          3-1 PG Practice Guide:  Early Childhood for Children Ages Zero to Five
          3-1 PGA Practice Guide Appendices:  Early Childhood for Children Ages Zero to Five
          3‐1PG Notification of Adverse Action Against a Provider
3-2 Education Management
          3-2 Attachment A Educational Stability Procedure
          3-2-1 College/Post-Secondary Education Assistance
                   3-2-1F College/Post-Secondary Education Assistance Application Form
                   3-2-1 PG Post-Secondary Education Financial Assistant Program Practice Guide
3-3 Unified School District #2
                    3-3-1 School Climate Plan
                    3-3-2 Students' Rights and Discrimination
3-4 Private Facility and Program Licensing
          3-4 PG Practice Guide:  Private Provider Licensing 

Chapter 4 Office of the Chief of Staff

4-1 Chief of Staff Overview
4-2 Communications and Media Relations
4-3 Governmental Affairs
4-4 Grants Development
4-5 Change Management
4-6 Webmaster

Chapter 5 Chief of Quality and Planning

5-1  (under revision) Office of the Chief of Quality and Planning Overview
5-2 Administrative Case Review
5-3  Institutional Review Board
          5-3 Attachment A Institutional Review Board DNA & Genetics
5-4 Client Data Protections and Client Data Dignity

Chapter 6 Office of Legal Affairs

6-1 Office of Legal Affairs Overview
6-2 Confidentiality
6-3 Failure to Report (NEW Policy Number is 22-1-3)
6-4 Records Management
          6-4-1 Uniform Case Record
6-5 Administrative Hearings
6-6 Superior Court for Juvenile Matters 
          6-6A Summary of Facts in Support of Petition for Termination of Parental Rights
          6-6B Social Study in Support of Petition for Termination of Parental Rights
          6-6C Affidavit in Support of OTC
          6-6D Summary of Facts for Neglect
          6-6E Social Study in Support of Neglect
          6-6F Study in Support of Permanency Plan 
          6-6G Status Report

6-7 Probate Courts
          6-7 PG Practice Guide:  Probate Courts
          6-7 Attachment ADCF-Probate-001  Interagency Agreement Letter
          6-7 Attachment BDCF-Probate-002  Probate Court Study
          6-7 Attachment CDCF-Probate-003  Report for Temporary Custody
          6-7 Attachment D:  DCF-Probate-004  Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Study
                    6-7-1 Temporary Custody
                    6-7-2 Guardianship
                    6-7-3 Mental Health Commitments
                    6-7-4 Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
                    (Under Review) 6-7-5 Voluntary Services Review

Chapter 7 Office of Diversity and Equity

7-1 Office of Diversity and Equity Overview          

Chapter 8 Regional Administration

8-1 Bureau of Child Welfare
Case Narratives

Chapter 9 Albert J. Solnit Children's Center

9-1 Albert J. Solnit Children's Center Overview

Chapter 10 Wilderness School

10-1 Wilderness School Overview


Volume 2 -  Child Welfare Program Management

Chapter 20 Case Planning

20-1 Case Planning Overview
           DCF-780 (Child Bill of Rights and Expectations)
20-1 PG Practice Guide:  Case Planning
          20-1-1 Purposeful Visitation and Contact Standards
          20-1-1 PG Practice Guide: Purposeful Visitation
20-2 Case Transfer Between Offices

Chapter 21 Specialized Child Welfare Subject Matter

21-1 Trauma-Informed Care
           21-1PG Practice Guide: Trauma-Informed Care
21-2 ABCD Child Safety Practice Model Policy
           21-2-PG Practice Guide: The ABCD Child Safety Practice Model and Safety Planning Practice Guide
21-3 Delivery of Services Using a Client’s Preferred Method of Communication
           21-3-PG Practice Guide:  Delivery of Services Using a Client’s Preferred Method of Communication
21-4 Early Childhood Education
           21-4 PG Practice Guide: Access to Early Childhood Education
21-5 Health and Wellness
          21‐5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
                    21-5-1 HIV Testing 
                    21-5-1 PG Practice Guide:  HIV
                    21-5-2 Certification of Child’s Complex Medical Needs
21-6 Regional Resource Group
          21-6F Form: Request for Multi-Disciplinary Case Conference
          21-6 PG Practice Guide:  RRG
          21-6 PGA Practice Guide Attachment:  RRG Attachment
21-7 Substance Use Disorder Screening and Testing
          21‐7PG Practice Guide:  Substance Use
                    21-7-1 Naloxone Policy
21-8 Intimate Partner Violence
21-9 Safe Sleep Environment
          21-9 PG Practice Guide:  Safe Sleep
21-10 Breast feeding during placement
21-11 Newborn and Infant
21-12 Safe Havens for Newborns 
21-13 Immigration
          21-13 PG Practice Guide:  Immigration
21-14 Human Trafficking
          21‐14PG Practice Guide: Human Trafficking
21-15 Missing from Care      
21-16 Gender Identity and Sexuality
          21-16PG Practice Guide:  Working with Transgender Youth
21-17 Native American Families
          21-17 ICWA Form
21-18 Ethnic Skin and Hair Care
21-19 Animal Abuse or Neglect Reporting Procedures
21-20 USE Plans
          21-20PG Practice Guide:  USE
21-21 Alternative Caregiver Arrangement
21-22 Restraint of Clients
          21‐22PG Practice Guide:  Approval Process for Prevention and Emergency Safety Intervention Training Programs
21-23 Foreign Nationals and the Vienna Convention
21-24 Disabled Infants with Life Threatening Conditions

Chapter 22 Careline and Intake

22-1 Child Abuse and Neglect Careline Overview
          22-1PG Practice Guide:  Careline
          22-1PG Practice Guide: SDM Careline Manual
          22-1 Attachment A Mandated Reporters Attachment
          22-1-1 Special Investigations Unit
          22-1-2 Notification of Exceptional Circumstances
          22-1-3 Mandated Reporter's Failure to Report
          22-1-4 EPIU Policy
22-2 Intake
          22-2-1 Family Assessment Response
          22‐2‐1PG Practice Guide:  Family Assessment Response
          22-2-2 Child Protective Investigations
22-3 Operational Definitions of Abuse and Neglect
22-4 Central Registry Placements
22-5 Appeal Process
           22-5-1 Elimination of Barriers to Licensure, Placement, Family Arrangements and Limitations of Access

Chapter 23 Ongoing Services

23-1 Ongoing Services Overview
23-2 In-Home Cases
          23-2-1 Voluntary Placement Cases
23-3 Removal from Home and Placement
23-4 Out-of-Home Placement Cases

Chapter 24 Foster Care Services

24-1 Foster Care Services Overview
          24‐1PG Practice Guide:  Foster Care Services

Chapter 25 Permanency Planning

25-0 Introduction
25-1 Kinship Care
25-2 Shared Parenting
25-3 Permanency Teaming
        25-3-1 Considered Removal:  CFTM
        Practice Guides
        25-3 PG Practice Guide: Child and Family Permanency Teaming
        25-3 PGA Practice Guide Appendices:  Child and Family Permanency Teaming
        25-3-1 PG Practice Guide:  Considered Removal:  CFTM  
25-4 Reunification
        25-4F Trial Home Visit Notification
25-5 Visitation
25-6 Permanency Plans
25-7 Termination of Parental Rights
25-8 Adoption

Chapter 26 Subsidies

26-1 Subsidized Transfer of Guardianship Overview
26-2 Adoption Subsidies

Chapter  27 Interstate Compacts

27-1 Interstate Compacts Overview
          27-1-1 Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
          27-1-2 Interstate Compact on Mental Health (ICMH)
          27-1-3 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)

Chapter 28 Adolescent and Transitional Age Supports

28-1 Adolescent and Transitional Age Supports
          28‐1PG Practice Guide:  V.I.T.A.L

 Chapter 29 Voluntary Services Program

(Under Review) 29-1 Voluntary Services Program Overview


Practice Guides

 2‐2PG Credentialing for Service Providers

            DCF Contracting and Procurement Guide

2‐3PG Supervisor's Guide top Corrective Discipline

2‐3‐2PG Supervision

2‐5PG DCF Academy for Workforce Development

3‐1PG Worker Support and Secondary Trauma

3‐1PG Early Childhood Practice Guide for Children Aged Zero to Five

           3‐1PG A Appendices ‐Childhood Early

3‐1PG Notification of Adverse Action Against a Provider

3-2-1 PG Post-Secondary Education Financial Assistant Program Practice Guide

3‐4PG The Private Provider Licensing Process

6‐7PG Introduction to Probate Court

20‐1PG Case Planning

           PA 19-44 Sibling Bill of Rights

20‐1‐1PG Purposeful Visitation

21‐1PG Trauma‐Informed Care

21‐2PG Child and Family Permanency Teaming

           21‐2PGA Permanency Teaming Appendix
           21‐2‐1PG  Considered Removal (CR-CFTM)

21‐3PG Delivery of Service in a Client's Preferred Method of Communication


21‐4PG Access to Early Childhood Education


21‐5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care


21‐5‐1PG  HIV Testing


21‐6PG Regional Resource Group


            21‐6PGA Criteria for Consults with The RRG,  Attachment 1


21‐7PG Substance Use


21‐8PG Intimate Partner Violence


21‐9PG  Safe Sleep Environments


          21‐9 Safe Sleep Flyer ‐ English

          21‐9 Safe Sleep Flyer ‐ Spanish


21‐13PG Immigration


21‐14PG  Human Trafficking


21‐16PG Working with Transgender Youth and Caregivers


21‐20PG  Unique Services and Expenditures (USE) Plans


21‐22PG Approval Process for Prevention and Emergency Safety Intervention Training Programs

22‐1PG Careline

22-1 PG SDM Careline Manual

22‐2‐1PG Family Assessment Response (FAR)

24‐1PG  Foster Care, Adoption and Guardianship

28‐1PG  V.I.T.A.L.