Policy Index, by Topic

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - OP - Q - R - S - - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Abandoned Newborns, Safe Havens, 21-12

Abortion, 21-5

ABCD Child Safety Practice Model Policy, 21-2, 21-2PG

     by DCF employee, 22-1-1
     in DCF licensed family home, 22-1-1
     definition of, 22-3
     in private agency homes, 22-1-1
     in private facilities, 22-1-1
     reporting of, 22-1
     sexual harassment of child, 3-3-2

Academy for Workforce Development, 2-5, 2-5PG

Acceptance, Training Programs, 2-5, 2-5PG

Accident Reports, 2-3-1

Acts of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, Employee Conduct, 7-1

Adherence to Federal and State Statutes and Regulations and Collective Bargaining Agreements, 2-3

Administrative Case Review (ACR)
     introduction to the ACR process, 5-2
     ACR meetings,  5-2

Administrative Hearings
     introduction, 6-5
     removal hearings, 6-5
     treatment plan hearings, 6-5
     types of, 6-5  

Addressing Communication Needs When Children are Placed in a Residential Facility, 21-3

Administrative Leave With Pay, 2-3

Adolescent Parents Program, 28-1

Adolescent Services, 28-1

Adoption Resource Exchange, 25-1

Adoption Reunion Registry, 25-1

Adoption Services, 25-1   

AFDC. See also TANF, 2-2-1

Affidavits, 6-6

Affirmative Action and Plan, 7-1

After Hours, 22-1

AIDS, Practice Guide:  HIV

     personnel use of, 2-3
     Unified School District 2, use of, 3-3

Alternative Caregiver Arrangements, 21-21

Animal Abuse or Neglect:  Reporting Procedures,  21-19

Appellant, 6-5

     falsification of, 2-3
     for employment, 2-3

ARE, (Adoption Resource Exchange), 25-1

Arrest of an Employee, 2-3-1

     referring staff for training,  2-3, 2-5
     review of referrals for training, 2-3
     students, USD 2, 3-3

Assessment/Services Workers
     health treatment plan, 21-5
     in-service training, 2-5
     plan monitoring, 20-1-1

Assistant Attorney General Role, 6-1 

Attendance, 2-3
    Unified School District 2, 3-3

Authorization for Private Congregate Care Facilities to Exceed the DCF Bed Capacity or Age Range, 3-4



Babysitters, for Foster Children, 24-1

Barriers to Placement Reviews, 22-5-1

     for children, 2-2
     foster care, 2-2-1

Bisexuality:  Non-discrimination of LGBTQQIAA Individuals, 21-16

Breast Feeding During Placement, 21-10    

Bullying Behavior, Unified School District 2, 3-3, 3-3-1

Burden of Proof, Native American Families, 21-17

Burial Expenses for Children, 2-2

Bureau of Collection Services, 2-2        



Careline, 22-1, 22-1PG Careline

Case Management Service Rate (CHAP), 28-1

Case Narratives, 8-2

Case Plan Hearings, 6-5

Case Planning
     introduction, 20-1
     case plan monitoring:  contact standards, 20-1-1
     contents of a child in placement case plan, 20-1
     contents of the family case plan, 20-1
     timeframes for case plan completion, 20-1

Case Related Issues
     closing, treatment, 23-1
     confidentiality, 6-2
     critical incidents, reporting procedures, 22-1-2
     delivery of service, native language, 21-3
     in an administrative hearing, 6-5
     uniform case record, 6-4-1

Case Transfer
     conference, 28-1
     within DCF, 20-2

Central Registry, 22-4
     placements, 22-4
     appeals, 22-5

Change Management, 4-5

Chief of Quality and Planning, 5-1

CHAP (Community Housing Assistance Program), 28-1

Child Abuse and Neglect Careline, 22-1
     abandoned newborns, safe havens, 21-12
     mandated reporter's failure to report, 22-1-3
     mandated reporters, 22-1 Attachment A Mandated Reporters
     voluntary services, application for, 29-1

Child and Family Permanency Teaming, 21-2

Child's Registration, Adoption, 25-1

Child’s Role in an Administrative Hearing, 6-5

Children with Complex Medical Needs
     adoption subsidy and review, 25-2
     certification of, 21-5-2 
     medical needs, 21-5 
     exceptional foster care rate, 2-2
     training, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care

Civil Rights, 1-3

Closing a Case, Treatment, 23-1

Clothing, Foster Care, 2-2

Collection Services, Bureau of, 2-2

Collective Bargaining, 2-3

College Assistance/Post Secondary Education Assistance, 3-2-1

Combating Fraud, Waste and Abuse, 2-2 Attachment A:  Grants and Contracts:  Combating Fraud and Abuse/False Claims

Communicable Illnesses, 2-3

Communications and Media Relations, 4-2

Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP), 28-1

Community Life Skills Program, 28-1

Community Providers
     payments, private providers and rate setting, 2-2

Complaints. See Ombudsman’s Office, 5-1

Complex Medical Needs, 21-5, 21-5-2

Computers. See Information Systems, 2-4

     adoptions, 6-2
     case related issues, 6-2
     client access, 6-4
     definitions, 6-2
     disclosure of information, 6-4
     employee records, 2-3
     fair hearings records, 6-5
     health records, 6-2
     legal reference, 6-2
     Office of Legal Affairs, 6-1
     penalty for authorized disclosure, 6-2
     protected information, 6-2
     records, 6-4
     release of information forms, 6-2, DCF-2131T and DCF-2131F

Considered Removal: Child and Family Team Meetings, 21-2-1

Consulting Service Contracting, 2-4

Contracts, Request for Proposals, 2-2 Attachment B: Grants and Contracts: Procurement of Services by RFP

Conviction of an Employee, 2-3-1

Corrective Discipline, 2-3

Credentialing for Service Providers, 2-2

Critical Incidents
     definition of, 22-1-2
     reporting procedures, 22-1-2

CTNET, Acceptable Use, 2-4

Cultural Considerations, 5-1

Cultural Diversity, 5-1

Customer Service, Information Systems, 2-4



(In) Danger of Abuse,  22-1

Data Protections and Data Dignity, 5-4

Daycare for Foster Children, Payment Options, Responsibility of Foster Parents, Role of DCF, 24-1

Day Treatment Agreements with LEA, 3-3

DCF Police Division, 2-6

Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 21-3

Death of Child Notification of Exceptional Circumstances, 22-1-2, DCF-823

Department of Children and Families
     mission, strategy and cross-cutting themes, 1-1
     role of, with superior court, juvenile matters, 6-6

Department of Education, Surrogate Parents, 3-2 

Department Records, 6-4

Deputy Commissioner of Administration, 2-1 (Chapter 2)

Deputy Commissioner of Operations, 3-1 (Chapter 3)

Determination of Educational Jurisdiction, 3-2

Digital Pictures, Kidpix, 23-3

Disabled Infants, 21-24

Discretionary/Flexible Funds, 2-2

Discrimination, Sex, USD 2, 3-3-2

     adoption, 23-3
     conferences, placement, 21-2

DNA and Genetics, 5-3 Attachment A: Institutional Review Board DNA & Genetics

Documentation of Legal Advice, 6-1

Domestic Violence, See Intimate Partner Violence, 21-8

Dress Code, 2-3-3

Drivers Licenses, 28-1

Drug-Free Workplace, 2-3



Early Childhood Education, 21-4

Education, 3-2
     continuation beyond age twenty-one, 28-1
     early childhood education, 21-4
     home instruction, 3-3, 24-1
     information systems, 2-4
     jurisdiction, determination of, 3-2
     neglect, 22-3
     nexus/no nexus, 3-2
     notification to LEA, 3-2
     planning and placement team (PPT), 3-3
     residential planning and services, 3-3
     surrogate parents, 3-2

Education Stability, 3-2

Electronic Records, 2-4

     revenue enhancement, 2-2-1
     specialist, 2-2-1
     subsidized adoptions, 25-2
     subsidized guardianship, 26-1 

     signature, 2-3-3
     use of, 2-4

Emergency List, Foster Care, 22-1

Emergency Placement Homes, Foster Care, 23-3

Employee, Abuse or Neglect Involving, 2-3, 22-1-1

Employee Code of Conduct, 2-3-1

Employee Compensation and Benefits, 2-3

     of children in DCF care, 28-1
     verification and references, 2-3

Engineering Services, 2-2-2

Estates and Benefits for Children, 2-2

Ethnic Skin and Hair, 21-18

Exceptional Circumstances, 22-1-2, DCF-823

Exceptional Non-Categorical Services, 2-2

Expungement, 6-4

Extended Day Treatment Program, Agreements with LEA, 3-3


Fair Hearings, 6-5         

Family Assessment Response (FAR) 22-2-1, 22-2-1PG Family Assessment Response

FASU, 24-1

Financial Resources
     AFDC cases, 2-2-1
     Collection Services, Bureau of, 2-2
     earnings and savings, 2-2
     estates and benefits, 2-2
     funeral and burial expenses, 2-2
     legally liable relative, 2-2, 29-1
     notice of billing, Attachment to 2-2
     parental contributions, 2-2, 25-2, 29-1
     savings, 28-1
     subsidized relative guardianship, 26-1

Fiscal, 2-2
     Fiscal Services Division, 2-2
     Grant Development Approval Protocol, 4-4

Focused Program Review, 5-1

Foreign National, 21-23

     development,  4-7
     list of, alphabetical
     list of, numerical
     with policy, 4-7

Foster Care Services, 24-1

Foster Care Services, Assessment Process, 24-1PG Foster Care Services             

Foster Children
     registration of children, for adoption, 25-1
     registration of families, for adoption, 25-1
     subsidized adoption, 25-2
     support, post-licensing, 25-2
     therapeutic foster care, 24-1
     training, post-licensing, 24-1PG Foster Care Services 

Foster and Adoptive Family Assessment Process, 24-1PG Foster Care Services 

Foster Care
     agreement to provide care, 23-3
     babysitters/daycare, for foster children, 24-1
     benefits, 2-2-1
     clothing, 2-2
     emergency placement homes, 23-3
     home schooling for foster children, 3-2
     matching, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     medically fragile children,  21-5
     moving a child, 23-4
     out-of-state travel, with foster child, 23-4
     payments, foster families approved by specific agencies, 2-2
     placement, 23-3
     placement disruption conferences, 21-2, 23-4
     placement portfolio, 23-3
     reimbursement, 2-2
     responsibility of Department to biological parents, 23-3
     responsibility of social worker to child, 23-3
     responsibility of social worker to foster parents, 23-3
     sales tax, 2-2
     USDA categories of expenditures, 2-2

Foster Parent(s), 24-1
     foster/adoptive family assessment, 24-1
     agreement to provide care, 23-3
     removal hearing, attachment to 6-5
     role and responsibility, 23-3
     surrogate parent, appointment as, 3-2

Fraud, 2-2 Attachment A: Grants and Contracts: Combating Fraud and Abuse/False Claims

Freedom of Information Act, 6-1

Freedom of Information Request, 6-1  

Funeral and Burial Expenses for Children, 2-2



Gay: Non-discrimination of LGBTQI Individuals, 21-16

Genetics and DNA, 5-3 Attachment A: Institutional Review Board DNA & Genetics

Genetic Parents Information, 25-1

Governmental Affairs, 4-3

Grant Development Approval Protocol, 4-4

Grievance, UDS 2, 3-3-2

Group Assessment, Foster Care and Adoption, 24-1

     motion for review of permanency plan, guardianship, 6-6
     Subsidized guardianship, 25-1



Harassment and Discrimination-Free Workplace, 7-1

Health Care, 21-5
     for children in placement, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     conferences, regional units, 21-6
     emergency medical permission, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     informed consent, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     medical passport, 21-5
     payment for services, 21-5
     pregnancy, termination of, 21-5
     screening, initial, 21-5

Health Supervision and Well-Child Care, 21-5

Health Content of Placement Portfolio, 21-5

Health Management
     Health Standards and Practice Committee, 21-5
     Medical Review Board, 21-5

Health Passport, 21-5

Health Records, 6-2

Health Standards and Practice Committee, 21-5

High Risk Newborns, 21-11

High School Senior Year Expenses, 28-1

HIPAA, 6-2

Hiring Practices, 2-3

HIV/AIDS, 21-5-1

Hold, 96-hour, 23-3

Home Schooling for Foster Children, 3-2

Human Resources, 2-3
     adherence to federal/state statutes & regulations and collective bargaining agreements, 2-3
     administrative leave with pay, 2-3
     attendance, 2-3
     communicable illnesses, 2-3
     confidentiality of employee records, 2-3
     corrective discipline, 2-3
     dress code, 2-3
     drug-free workplace, 2-3
     employee code of conduct, 2-3-1
     employee compensation and benefits, 2-3
     employment verification and references, 2-3
     harassment and discrimination-free workplace, 7-1
     hiring practices, 2-3
     human resource management investigations, 2-3
     performance evaluation, 2-3
     relations with labor unions, 2-3
     report of violation of work rule policy or law, 2-3-4
     smoking and tobacco use, 2-3
     supervision, 2-3-2
     worker's compensation, 2-3
     workers with disabilities, 2-3
     workplace violence prevention, 2-3

Human Trafficking, 21-14



ICRS (Institutional Case Reporting System), 2-4

Identifying Information, Adoption, 25-1

Immediate Removal, 96-hour Hold, 23-3

Immigration Issues, 21-13

In-Home Cases, 23-2

Independent Living Program, 28-1
     plan conferences, 28-1
     program services,28-1
     transitional living, case plan, 28-1
     treatment plan,  20-1
     treatment planning process, 28-1

Independent Living Support Programs and Services, 28-1

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), 21-17

Infant Care Review Committee, 21-24

Infants, Disabled, 21-24

Information and Referral Call, 22-1 (Chapter 22) 

Information Systems, 2-4

Inquiries, Legislative, 4-3

Institutional Case Reporting System (ICRS), 2-4

Institutional Review Board, 5-3

Intake, 22-2

Intake and Investigative Response to Human Trafficking, 21-14 (under review)

Interdepartmental Investigation Team, 21-24

Internet, use of, 2-3-1

     role in an administrative hearing, 6-5
     use of 21-3

Intersex: Non-discrimination of LGBTQI Individuals, 21-16

Interstate Compact
     on adoption and medical assistance, 27-1-3
     on mental health, 27-1-2
     office, 27-1
     on the placement of children, 27-1-1

Interview for Employment, 2-3

Intimate Partner Violence, 21-8

     abandoned newborns, safe havens, 21-12
     after-hours, 22-1
     case closing. 23-1
     death of child, 22-1
     educational neglect, 22-3
     educational professionals, 21-1-4
     of employee, 22-1-1
     by Careline (after-hours), 22-1PG Careline
     Infant Care Review Committee, 21-24
     Interdepartmental Investigation Team, 21-24
     medical examination of a child, 23-3
     newborns, safe havens, 21-12
     ninety-six hour hold, 23-3
     operational definitions, of abuse and neglect, 22-3
     Order of Temporary Custody, 6-6
     protocol, 22-2-1, 22-2-2
     religious beliefs, medical care, 21-5PG  Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     sexual abuse,  22-1PG Careline
     sexual harassment, USD 2, 3-3-2
     special reviews, role in investigations, 5-1

Involuntary Administration of Psychotropic Medications, 21-5PG  Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care



Jehovah's Witnesses, medical treatment, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care 

     educational, 3-2
     Native American families, 21-17



 KidPix, 23-3



Language, of Child and Family
     interpreter, use of, 21-3
     services provided in, 21-3
     use of, 20-1

LEA, 3-2

Legal Affairs, 6-1

Legal Risk, 23-3

Legally Liable Relative, Financial, 2-2, 29-1

     tracking of, 4-3
     record of,  4-3

Legislative Inquiries, 4-3

Legislative Proposals, 4-3

Lesbian: Non-discrimination of LGBTQI Individuals, 21-16

Lesson Plans, USD 2, 3-3

LGBTQI Individuals, Non-discrimination of, 21-16

License Hearings, 6-5

Licensing, 24-1

Licensing Waivers for Foster and Adoptive Homes, 24-1

Life Book, 23-4

Local Education Agency (LEA), 3-3

Loss Reporting, 2-4 Attachment A:  Loss Reporting Action Steps



Management Information Systems, 2-4

Mandated Reporter
     failure to report, 22-1-3 (formerly 6-3)
     letter to, 22-1
     list of, 22-1 Attachment A:  Mandated Reporters
     reporting requirements and procedures, 22-1

Matching, Foster Care
     children with complex medical needs, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     transracial/transcultural placements. 23-3

Medical Alert Placement Portfolio,  21-5

Medical Benefits
     for children, 2-2
     fair hearings on, 6-5
     foster care, 24-1
     subsidized adoption, 25-2
     subsidized guardianship, 26-1

Medical Eligibility, Title IV-E, 2-2-1, 27-1

Medical Examination of Child, 23-3

Medical Expense, 25-2, 26-1

Medical Neglect, 21-24, 23-3

Medical Passport. 21-5

Medical Permission, Emergency, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care

Medical Registry, Adoption, 25-1

Medical Review Board, 21-5

Medically Fragile Children, 21-5, 21-5-2

Memorandum of Decision, 6-5

Mental Health Commitment Procedures, 6-7-3

Mentoring, Independent Living Program, 28-1

Minor Children of CHAP Participants, 28-1

Missing Child Report, 21-15

Mission of Department of Children and Families, 1-1

     Program Review and Evaluation Unit, 5-1
     treatment plan, 5-2

Moving a Child, Foster Care, 23-4 

Multi-ethnic Placements/Adoptions, 23-3



Naloxone/Narcan Administration, 21-7-1

Narratives, Case, 8-2

Native American Families, 21-17

Neglect, 22-3
     definition of, 22-3
     educational, 22-3
     emotional/moral,  22-3
     medical, 22-3
     petitions of, 6-6
     service of process, 6-6
     physical,  22-3
     reporting of, 22-1

Neglect of Duty, 2-3-1

     abandoned, safe havens 21-12
     high risk, 21-11

News, Media Relations, 4-2

Ninety-six Hour Hold, 23-3

No Nexus Unit, 3-3

Non-delinquent Out-of-State Runaway, 21-15

Non-discrimination of LGBTQI Individuals, 21-16

Non-identifying Information, Adoption, 25-1

Non-mandated Reporter Making a Report, 22-1

Notice of Billing, Attachment to, 2-2

Notification, Change in Visitation or Placement, 23-4

Notification, Exceptional Circumstances, 22-1-2

Notification to Local Education Agency (LEA) of a DCF Placement, 3-2



Office of the Attorney General, 6-1
     documentation of legal advice, 6-1

Off Duty Employee Misconduct, 2-3-1

Ombudsman’s Office, 5-1

On-call System, Regional Office,  22-1, 22-1PG Careline

One-to-One Therapeutic Safety Staffing,  2-2

Ongoing Services, 23-1 (Chapter 23)

Operational Definitions of Abuse and Neglect, 22-3

Order of Temporary Custody (OTC)
     documentation, 6-6
     removal, 6-6
     superior court, juvenile matters, 6-6
     with previous petition, 6-6

Out-of-Home Investigations 22-2-2

Out-of-State Runaways, Non-delinquent, 22-1, 22-1PG Careline

Out-of-State Travel, with Foster Child, 23-4

Out-of-State Visitation Standards, 20-1-1

Overcapacity, DCF-licensed Facility, 3-4

Overtime, Authorization of, 2-3



Parental Notification, Change in Visitation or Placement, 23-2

Passing from Care, Independent Living, 28-1

     acknowledged father, 6-6
     establishment, 6-6

Payments, 2-2
     foster families approved by specific agencies, 2-2
     health care services, medically fragile children, 21-5
     medically fragile children, 21-5
     private providers, 2-2

Payroll, 2-3

Performance Evaluation, 2-3

Permanency Planning
     adoption, 25-8
     introduction, 25-0
     kinship care, 25-1
     permanency plans, 25-6
     permanency teaming, 25-3, 25-3PG, 25-3PGA
          considered removal, 25-3-1, 25-3-1PG
          family selections, 25-3-2
     reunification, 25-4
     shared parenting, 25-2
     termination of parental rights, 25-7
     visitation, 25-5

Perpetrator of Child Abuse or Neglect, 6-5

Personnel Administration, 2-3

Petitions, 6-6

PHI, Protected Health Information, 6-2

Photo Listing Children, 25-1

Photographs, KidPix, 23-3

     administrative hearings issues, 6-5
     adoption, 23-4
     change in, notification to parents, 23-4
     child’s information, 23-3
     children with complex medical needs, 21-5, 21-5-2
     emergency placement homes, 23-3
     interstate compact , 27-1
     legal risk, 23-3
     moving a child in out-of home placement, 23-4
     portfolio, 23-3
     services to prevent out-of-home placement and facilitate reunification, 23-2
     sibling groups, 23-3
     visitation plan, 23-3
     voluntary placement, 23-2-1
     voluntary Services program, 29-1

Placement Disruption Conferences, Foster Care, 21-2, 23-4

Placement Portfolio, 23-3

Planning and Placement Team (PPT),  21-2-2

Pledge of Allegiance, Unified School District 2, 3-3

Police, DCF Division 2-6

Police, Removal of Child, 23-3

Policy, Official Forms and Practice, 1-4

Post High School Education, 28-1

Post-licensing Support, for Foster Families, 24-1

Post-licensing Training for Licensed Parents, 24-1

Post Secondary Education Expenses, 28-1

Pre-licensing Siting Activities, 3-1

Pre-Placement Physical Exam, 2-3

Prevention - Early Intervention, 21-6

Private Facility and Program Licensing, 3-4

Private Provider
     over-capacity, DCF licensed facility, 3-4
     payments & rate setting, 2-2

Probate Court, 6-7
     authority of, 6-7
     immediate temporary custody, 6-7-1
     mental health commitment procedures, 6-7-3
     reinstatement of parent, 6-7-2
     removal of guardian, 6-7-2
     temporary custody, 6-7-1
     transfer of custody, introduction, 6-7-1
     voluntary services review, 6-7-5

Procurement of One to One Services for DCF Children in Congregate Care, 2-2

Program Enhancement and Consultation, 5-1

Program Review and Evaluation Unit , 5-1

Property/Physical Plant , 2-2-2

Public Information and Communications, 4-2

Putative Father
     alleged or putative, 6-6
     paternity, 6-6



Quality and Planning, 5-1

Quality Assurance, Responsibilities of, 5-1

Questioning (one's inherent sexuality), 21-16



Random Moment Time Study,  2-2-1Attachment A:  RMTS Instructions

Rate Setting, 2-2

Reasonable Efforts, 6-6

Records, 6-4
     confidentiality of, 6-2
     fair hearings, 6-5
     keeping, 6-4
     license hearings, 6-5
     Unified School District 2, 3-3

Recruitment, Specialized, for Adoption, 25-1

Regional Resource Group, 21-6

Registration, 25-1

Regulations, 6-1

     adjustments, foster care, structure, 2-2

Relations with Labor Unions, 2-3

Relative Guardianship, 26-1

Release of Information
     confidentiality, 6-2
     health information, 6-2
     HIV/AIDS,  21-5-1 PG HIV

Religious beliefs
     Jehovah's Witnesses, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care
     of parents, medical care, 21-5PG Health Care Standards and Practice for Children and Youth in Care

     authorization for, 23-3
     considered removal: child and family team Meetings, 21-2-1
     factors determining, 23-3
     from home, 23-3
     in foster care, 23-4
     immediate removal/96 hour hold, 23-3
     medical care of child, 23-3
     notifications, 23-3
     options, 23-3
     order of temporary custody, 23-3, 6-6
     police, use of, 23-3
     residential placements, 23-3
     Unified School District 2, 3-3

Removal Hearings, 6-5

Report of Abuse or Neglect, 22-1

Request for Proposals (RFP), 2-2, 2-2 Attachment B: Grants and Contracts: Procurement of Services by RFP

Research, 5-3

Residential Providers, Planning and Services, 3-3

Respite Care, for Licensed Parents, 24-1

Restraints, 21-22

Retirement, 2-3

Revenue Enhancement, 2-2-1
     cost allocation plan, 2-2-1
     determination/redetermination program, 2-2-1
     granting medical coverage, 2-2-1
     instructions regarding medical coverage, attachment to, 2-2-1
     introduction, 2-2-1
     pre-placement administrative costs, 2-2-1
     purpose of, 2-2-1
     Random Moment Time Study, 2-2-1 Attachment A: RMTS Instructions
     responsibility for, 2-2-1
     TANF (temporary assistance for needy families), 2-2-1
     Title IV-E Eligibility, 2-2-1
     Title IV-E foster care benefits, 2-2-1

Revocation of Commitment, 6-6

Runaways, Notification and Follow up Processes, 21-15



Safe Havens for Newborns, 21-12 

Safe Sleep Environments, 21-9

Safety, 2-3

School Climate Plan, 3-3-1

"Search" Requests for Identifying Information, Adoption, 25-1

Security, Information Systems, 2-4

Service of Process, 6-6 

Sexual Assault by a School Employee Unified School District 2, 3-3

 Sexual Harassment
     Unified School District 2, 3-3
     Sexual Orientation (Inherent Sexuality), 21-16

Sibling Groups
     Placement, 23-3
     Visitation, 23-4

Smoking and Tobacco Use, 2-3

Special Needs
     Adoption, 25-2
     Certification of, 25-2
     Determining Eligibility, 25-2, 2-2 Attachment B: Grants and Contracts: Procurement of Services by RFP

Special Investigations Unit, 22-1-1

Special Reviews, 5-1

Specialized Recruitment, Adoption, 24-1

Standardized Referral Summary, 23-3

Standards and Practice for Children with Complex Medical Needs, 21-5

State Cars - Accident Report, Transporting Children and Adults, 2-3

State Medical Subsidy, 25-2

Strengthening Families Practice Model, 1-2

Student Rights and Discrimination, 3-3-2

Subpoenas, 5-1

Subsidies, Subsidized Adoption, 25-2

Subsidized Adoption Unit, 25-2

Subsidized Guardianship, 26-1

Substance Use Disorder and Testing, 21-7

Substantiated, 22-2-2 

Substantiation Hearings, 6-5

Superior Court for Juvenile Matters, 6-6                    

Supervision, 2-3-2

Supervisory Issues, 2-3-2

Surrogate Parents, 3-2 



TANF, 2-2-1

Telecommunications, 2-4

Termination of Parental Rights, 6-6

Therapeutic Foster Care, 24-1 

Title IV-E, 2-2-1

Title IX, 3-3-2, 7-1

Title VII, 7-1

Title XIX, 2-2-1

Training, (Academy for Workforce Development), 2-5

Transfer, of a Case, 20-2

Transgender: Non-discrimination of LGBTQI Individuals, 21-16

Transitional Living Case Plan, 28-1

Trauma-Informed Care, 21-1  

Travel Out-of-State, with Foster Child, 23-4

Trust Account System, 2-4 

Tuition Reimbursement, 28-1



Undocumented Adults, Children, 21-13

Unified School District 2, 3-3

Uniform Case Record, 6-4-1

Unit Health Conferences, Case Consultation Decisions, 21-6 

USDA Categories of Expenditures, 2-2

USE Plans, 21-20

Use of Drugs and Alcohol, Employee Conduct, 2-3

Use of Discretionary Funds for Home and Vehicle Modifications, 2-2



Vienna Convention, 21-23

Virtual Meeting Backgrounds, 2-3-3

Visitation, 23-4 

Voluntary Placement, 23-2-1

Voluntary Services
     program, 29-1 (Under Review)
     review, 6-7-5  (Under Review)


Waivers, 2-4-1

Waste, 2-2-Attachment A: Grants and Contracts Combating Fraud, Waste and Abuse/False Claims

Webmaster, 4-6

Wilderness School, 10-1

Workers with Disabilities, 2-3

Workplace Violence Prevention, 2-3


 (No entries)



Youth Advisory Boards, 28-1


(No entries)