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LGBTQIA+ Resources


MISSION STATEMENT: The CT Department of Children and Families is committed to consistent, safe, and affirming care, support, and services for LGBTQIA+ children, young adults, parents, caregivers, and foster parents working with the Department. We continually strive to ensure that our services, programs, and placements are safe, affirming, and free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying for all children and families, regardless of actual or perceived sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.





Cut paper side profile of a head with the top hinging open and a rainbow ribbon coming out is overlaid with text "behavioral health."    Silhouetted crowd of people outside hold a pride flag over their heads while one person makes a heart shape with their hands is overlaid with text that reads 'events.'


For more information, please feel free to reach out to Diane Rosell at diane.rosell@ct.gov or Victoria Peters at victoria.peters@ct.gov