A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U W Y
  • AA - Adoption Assistance
  • ABA - Applied Behavior Analyst
  • ABC Unit - Acute Behavioral Crisis Unit at Mt Sinai Hospital
  • ABLE - Adult Basic and Literacy Education
  • ACR - Administrative Case Review
  • AAG - Assistant Attorney General
  • ABH - Advanced Behavioral Health, Inc.
  • ACF - Administration for Children and Families (Federal)
  • AD - Area Director
  • ADA - American's with Disabilities Act
  • ADD  -  Attention Deficit Disorder
  • ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • AFCAMP - African, Caribbean, and American Parents of Children with Disabilities
  • AG - Attorney General
  • AIC - Alternative Incarceration Center
  • AO - Area Office
  • AOSW - Area Office Social Worker
  • APHSA - American Public Human Services Association
  • APPLA - Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement
  • APS - Adult Protective Services
  • ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ASFA - Adoption and Safe Families Act
  • ASO - Administrative Service Organization
  • B23 -  Birth to Three
  • Beacon - Beacon Health Options
  • BEA - Bureau of External Affairs
  • BHP - Behavioral Health Partnership
  • BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
  • BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • BOR - Board of Regents (Education)
  • BSF - Building Stronger Families


  • CA - Case Aide
  • CAFAF - Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families
  • CAN - Connecticut Association of Non-profits
  • CAN Codes - Child Abuse and Neglect Codes for LINK reporting
  • CAPTA - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
  • CARA - Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act
  • CARES - Child and Adolescent Rapid Emergency System
  • CASAC - Connecticut State Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Coordination Project
  • CBHAC - Children’s Behavioral Health Advisory Council
  • CBITS - Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools
  • CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • CCMC-IPC - Connecticut Children’s Medical Center-Injury Prevention Center
  • CCPA - Connecticut Community Providers Association
  • CDHI - Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
  • CDl - Commercial Drivers license
  • CHIPS - Children’s Hospital Inpatient Psychiatric Services
  • CHDI - Children's Health Development Institutive
  • CHOICE - Children’s Homes Offering Individualized Cooperative Environment
  • CFSR - Child and Family Service Review
  • CHAP - Community Housing Assistance Program
  • CHEER - Community, Housing, Educational and Enrichment Resources Program
  • CIP - Children in Placement
  • CJR - Connecticut Junior Republic
  • CJTS - Connecticut Juvenile Training School
  • CLOC - Children's League of Connecticut
  • CMCU - Centralized Medication Consent Unit
  • CO - Central Office  (505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106)
  • CONCEPT - Connecticut Collaboration on Effective practices for Trauma
  • COSP - Circle of Security Parenting
  • CPA - Child Placing Agency
  • CPI - Confidential Personal Information
  • CPHS - Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) of Biomedical and Behavioral and Statistical Research
  • CPP - Child and Parent Psychotherapy
  • CPS - Child Protective Services
  • CPT - Child Placement Team
  • CREC - Capital Region Education Council
  • CR-CFT - Considered Removal - Child and Family Teaming
  • CSC - Children's Services Consultant
  • CSEA - Child Support Enforcement Agency
  • CSEC - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
  • CSHCN - Children with Special Health Care Needs
  • CSSD - Court Support Services Division (Judicial Branch)
  • CST - Caregiver Support Team
  • CTBHP - Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership
  • CTJJA - Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance
  • CWLA - Child Welfare League of America
  • CY - Calendar Year
  • CYSA - Connecticut Youth Services Association
  • CYSPI - CT Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative
  • DART - Detection Assessment Research & Treatment at Yale New Haven Hospital
  • DAS - Department of Administrative Services
  • DBT - Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • DCF - Department of Children and Families
  • DDS - Department of Developmental Services
  • DMHAS - Department of Mental Health and Addition Services
  • DMHAS-YAS - Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Young Adult Services
  • DMST - Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
  • DOB - Date of Birth
  • DOC - Department of Correction
  • DOH - Department of Housing
  • DOL - Department of Labor
  • DPH - Department of Public Health
  • DR - Differential Response
  • DRS - Differential Response System
  • DSM - Diagnostic Service Manual
  • DSS - Department of Social Services  
  • ECCP - Early Childhood Consultation Partnership
  • EAP - Employee Assistance Program
  • EBP - Evidence-Based Practice
  • EBT - Evidence-Based Treatment
  • EBT - Electronic Benefit Transfer
  • ED - Emergency Departments (at hospitals)
  • EDT - Extended Day Treatment
  • EEO - Equal Employment Opportunities
  • EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
  • EIP - Early Intervention Program
  • EITC - Earned Income Tax Credit
  • EPSDT - Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment
  • ESL - English as a Second Language
  • Emily J. - Lawsuit which challenged the conditions of confinement in the Juvenile Detention Centers operated by the defendant officials of the State of Connecticut and the state's treatment of those children confined in those facilities.
  • FAED/FASD - Fetal Alcohol Effect / Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
  • FAR - Family Assessment Response
  • FASU -  Foster and Adoptive Services Unit
  • FAVOR - Family Advocacy for Children's Behavioral Health
  • FBA - Functional Behavior Analysis
  • FBR - Family Based Recovery
  • FCT - Family and Community Ties
  • FIT - Family Intensive Therapy (Waterford Country School Program)
  • FFPSA - Family First Prevention Services Act
  • FFT - Functional Family Therapy
  • FFY - Federal Fiscal Year
  • FPL - Federal Poverty Level
  • FSATS - Family Substance Abuse Treatment Services
  • FSE - Family Search and Engagement
  • FSP - Family Stability Project
  • FST - Family Support Teams
  • FT - Full Time
  • FTI - Federal Tax Information
  • FWSN - Family With Service Needs
  • FY - Fiscal Year 
  • FYI - Foster Youth to Independence (Federal Waiver)
  • GA - General Assembly
  • GAFS - Global Assessment Functioning Scale
  • GAIN - Global Appraisal for Individual Needs
  • GAL - Guardian Ad Litem
  • GED - General Educational Development
  • GID - Gender Identity Dysphoria
  • GSD - Gender and Sexual Diversity (an alternative to: LGBTQQIAA)
  • HART - Human Anti-trafficking Response Team
  • HB - House Bill
  • HHS - Department of Health and Human Services (Federal)
  • HR - Human Resources
  • HUD - Housing and Urban Development (Federal)
  • HYP - Hartford Youth Project
  • IAC - Interagency Client Planning
  • ICFSS - Intensive Community Family Support Service Programs
  • ICO - Interstate Compact Office
  • ICJ - Interstate Compact on Juveniles
  • ICMH - Interstate Compact on Mental Health
  • ICPC - Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
  • ID - Intellectual Disability
  • IEP - Individualized Education Program
  • IFP - Intensive Family Preservation 
  • IFSS - Intensive Family Support Services
  • IICAMA - Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance
  • IICAPS - Intensive In-home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services
  • IOP - Intensive Out Patient
  • IPV - Intimate Partner Violence
  • IPV-FAIR - Intimate Partner Violence-Family Assessment Intervention Response
  • IS/MIS - Information Systems/Management Information Systems
  • ITC - Immediate Temp. Custody – Probate Court
  • IS - Information Systems  
  • IV-E - Title IV-E of the Federal Social Security Act
  • JJ - Juvenile Justice
  • JJPOC - Juvenile Jurisdiction Policy and Operations Coordinating Council
  • JJPIC - Juvenile Jurisdiction Planning and Implementation Committee
  • Juan F. - Consent decree which resulted from a federal class action suit filed against the Department of Children and Youth Services, now the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The suit broadly challenged the department’s management, policies, practices, operations, funding, and protocols concerning abused and neglected children in its custody and those who might come into its custody.

  • LD - Learning Disabled
  • LEA - Local Education Agency
  • LEP - Limited English proficiency
  • LGBTTQQIAAP (or LGBT, LGBTQ, etc.) - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Allies and Pansexual
  • Manson - Manson Youth Correctional Institution
  • MATCH - Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma or Conduct Problems
  • MBE - Minority Business Enterprise
  • MCIS - Mobile Crisis Intervention Services
  • MDFT - Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy
  • MEPA - Multi Ethnic Placement Act
  • MET - Motivation Enhancement Therapy
  • MIT - Multidisciplinary Investigation Team
  • MSS - Managed Service System
  • MST - Multi-Systemic Therapy
  • MST-BSF - Multi Systemic Treatment-Building Stronger Families
  • MST-FIT - Multi-Systemic Therapy - Family Intensive Therapy
  • MST-IPV - Multi Systemic Treatment-Intimate Partner Violence
  • MST-PSB - Multi-systemic Therapy – Problem Sexual Behavior
  • MYI - Manson Youth Correctional Institution

  • NAMI-CT - National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Connecticut
  • NCSEA - National Child Support Enforcement Association
  • OA - Office Assistant
  • OCA - Office of the Child Advocate
  • OEC - Office of Early Childhood
  • OFAS - Office of Foster and Adoption Services
  • OOS - Out of State
  • OPCC - Outpatient Psychiatric Clinics for Children
  • OPM - Office of Policy and Management
  • OPP - Our Piece of Pie Program
  • OTC - Order of Temporary Custody
  • PASS - Preparing Adolescents for Self-Sufficiency Group Home
  • PATH - Parents Available to Help
  • PD - Program Director
  • PDCs - Permanency Diagnostic Centers
  • PEAS - Parent Education and Assessment Child Services
  • PFC - Professional Foster Care
  • PIP - Program Improvement Plans
  • PHP - Partial Hospitalization Program
  • PIP - Preschool Intervention Program
  • PM - Program Manager
  • PMAC - Psychotropic Medication Advisory Committee
  • PMI - Psychotropic Medication Information
  • PO - Probation Officer
  • POSC - Plan of Safe Care
  • PPSP - Permanency Placement Services Program (Policy Chapter 48-22-2)
  • PPT - Permanency Planning Team
  • PPT - Pupil Placement Team
  • PRT - Placement Review Team
  • PRTFs - Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
  • PS - Program Supervisor/Protective Supervision
  • PSS - Parenting Support Services
  • PT - Permanency Teaming
  • PT - Part Time
  • PWDCA - Parents with Differing Cognitive Abilities
  • PY - Program Year
  • PYDI - Positive Youth Development Initiative
  • QA - Quality Assurance
  • QC - Quality Control
  • RA - Regional Administrator
  • RBA - Results Based Accountability
  • RBT - Reinforcement Based Therapy
  • RFP - Request for Proposal
  • RJW - Racial Justice Workgroup
  • ROM - Results Oriented Management
  • RRG - Regional Resource Group
  • RTA CT - Raise the Age Connecticut
  • RTC - Residential Treatment Center     
  • SAC - State Advisory Council
  • SACS - Sexual Assault Crisis Services
  • SAFAR - Substance-Abusing Families at Risk
  • SB - Senate Bill
  • SCAN - Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect - clinic at CCMC
  • SCJM - Superior Court for Juvenile Matters
  • SDE - State Department of Education
  • SED - Serious Emotional Disturbance
  • SEI - Substance Exposed Infant
  • SFY - State Fiscal Year
  • SHF - Supportive Housing for Families
  • SHP - Safe Harbor Project
  • SIU - Special Investigations Unit
  • SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • SSA - Social Security Administration
  • SSI - Social Security Income
  • SSN - Social Security Number
  • SRJW - Statewide Racial Justice Workgroup
  • STAR Home - Short-Term Assessment and Respite Home
  • STEP - Support Team for Educational Progress
  • SU - Substance Use
  • SUD - Substance Use Diagnosis
  • SW - Social Worker
  • SWCA - Social Work Case Aide
  • SWET - Supportive Work, Education and Transition Program
  • SWS - Social Work Supervisor
  • SWT - Social Worker Trainee
  • TANF - Temporary Assistance  for Needy Families
  • TDM - Team Decision Making
  • TFC - Therapeutic Foster Care
  • TF-CBT - Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • TFH - Therapeutic Foster Home
  • TIPS-MAPP Training - Trauma Informed Partnering for Safety and Permanence: Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting.
  • TI-TCC - Trauma-Informed Therapeutic Child Care
  • TOG - Transfer of Guardianship
  • TOPS - Time Out for Parents
  • TPC - Treatment Planning Conference
  • TPR - Termination of Parental Rights
  • TRHAP - Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program
  • TSS - Therapeutic Support Staff
  • TSS - Transitional Support and Success
  • TPR - Termination of Parental Rights 
  • UC - Unemployment Compensation
  • UI - Unemployment Insurance
  • USD2 - Unified School District 2
  • USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
  • USDOL - United States Department of Labor
  • Voluntary - Voluntary Care Management (Beacon)
  • WATCH - Wraparound Services – Community Child Guidance Clinic
  • WEP - Work Experience Program
  • WIA - Workforce Investment Act
  • W.R. - Lawsuit that was filed by several plaintiffs (youths in DCF’s care and/or their parents) who claimed that the DCF discriminated against them on the basis of their mental illness and that they were harmed by DCF’s failure to put into place policies and procedures to make sure that mentally ill youth in the care of DCF had placements available to them which would help them to live in the community.
  • YAB - Youth Advisory Board
  • YCI - York Correctional Institution
  • YIC - Youth In Crisis
  • YPP - Youth Parents Program
  • YSAB - Youth Suicide Advisory Board
  • YSB - Youth Service Bureau
  • YSO - Youth Services Officer