About Us
The Council on Environmental Quality (Council) was created in 1971 to do three jobs:
1. Assess the condition of Connecticut's environment and report its findings annually to the Governor, and recommend actions to improve state environmental programs.
2. Advise other state agencies on the environmental impacts of proposed construction projects.
3. Investigate citizens' complaints and allegations of violations of environmental laws.
In addition, under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), the Council reviews Environmental Impact Evaluations that state agencies develop for major projects. The Council also publishes the Environmental Monitor, the official website for state project information under CEPA and for notices of proposed sale or transfer of state-owned lands.
The Council participates in studies and working groups on environmental issues, as directed by the legislature.
The primary duties of the Council on Environmental Quality are described more fully in Sections 22a-11 through 22a-13 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The Council is a nine-member board that works independently of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (except for purely administrative functions). The Chairman and four other members are appointed by the Governor, two members by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two by the Speaker of the House. Members donate their time and expertise. They work closely with staff to shape the Council's priorities and recommendations.
Interested in serving on the Council on Environmental Quality?
Council members serve a maximum eight-year term. Costs associated with travel to its meetings are reimbursable. All meetings are conducted by use of electronic equipment. Council members can participate in person once each quarter (see schedule). Members are drawn to the Council due to their expertise in environmental science, law and governmental administration and their commitment to protecting and enhancing Connecticut's natural environment. The Council's duties are described above.
Current Membership:
Name | Appointed By | Appointed | Term Ends |
Keith Ainsworth | Speaker of the House | Mar. '19 | Mar. '27 |
Timothy Bishop | Speaker of the House | Jan. '25 | Jan. '33 |
Linda Bowers | Governor | Sep '24 | Sep '32 |
Christopher Donnelly | Governor | May '23 | May '31 |
David Kalafa | Senate President Pro Tempore | Apr. '19 | Apr. '27 |
Aimee Petras | Governor | Aug '24 | Aug '32 |
S. Derek Phelps | Governor | Apr. '24 | Apr. '32 |
Denise Rodosevich | Governor | May '23 | May '31 |
William Warzecha | Senate President Pro Tempore | Dec. '21 | Dec. '29 |