Internship Description

Project Title:  Environmental Quality in Connecticut (Annual Report) and special interim reports.

Internship Location:  79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT

Project Description:

The intern will work closely with CEQ staff, and will also interact with the staff of other state agencies to assist with research in monitoring the state's environmental trends. Research areas may include environmental permitting and enforcement, land use, open space preservation, and/or environmental policy.

Picture of the Connecticut State Capitol building


The spring semester usually includes monitoring of legislative action concerning the environment, where the intern may attend legislative committee meetings and public hearings.


Course Credit:

This internship is unpaid, but course credit may be determined by the educational institution.

Supervision Provided:

The intern will work closely with the Executive Director and must also be able to work independently.


It is open to any undergraduate or graduate student that has completed at least junior year in college. Recent interns have been from Miami University, Ohio; Trinity College, Hartford; University of Connecticut, Storrs; UConn Law School and Eastern Connecticut University. A background/major in political science, environmental science, biology, law or a related field is good preparation. Excellent written and oral communications skills and proficiency with geographic information system (GIS) software are required.



Application Deadline:

For spring semester:  January 15

To Apply:

Send a resume and a writing sample, via e-mail or postal mail, to the contact below.  The writing sample can be anything you have written yourself that demonstrates your writing ability, such as a short term paper, essay, book review or short story. You may include in the resume a list of courses taken that you believe would be relevant. An in-person or telephone interview will be requested as part of the selection process.

Contact Person:

Paul Aresta, Executive Director
Council on Environmental Quality
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 424-4000