May 21, 2024
- REVISED Notice of Scoping for Removal of Traffic Signals on Route 9, Middletown. (Additional Information and public comment period extended)
- Notice of Scoping for 10 Liberty Street, New Haven.
- NEW! Notice of Scoping for St. Edmunds Retreat-Septic System Repairs, Stonington.
Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)
- NEW! Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Naugatuck Railroad Station Relocation, Naugatuck.
- NEW! Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Relocation of Route 8 Southbound (SB) Interchange 34, Waterbury.
- Post-Scoping Notice for Nathan Hale System Main Extension to Plains Road, Coventry.
- Post-Scoping Notice for New School of Nursing Building at the University of Connecticut, Mansfield.
- Post-Scoping Notice for Return to the Riverbend, Middletown.
- Post-Scoping Notice for MLK Tyler, New Haven.
- NEW! Post-Scoping Notice for State and Chapel Development, New Haven.
Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE)
No EIE Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
- NEW! Record of Decision for Bozrah’s Sanitary Sewer Extension, Bozrah and Franklin.
No Determination of Adequacy Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on June 4, 2024.
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Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written and formatted by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.
Inquiries and requests to view or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency.
Scoping Notice
"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning. At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist. Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study. Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated. Read More
The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition.
1. Notice of Scoping for Removal of Traffic Signals on Route 9 and Associated Improvements
Address of possible location: Route 9 between log miles 22.9 and 25.4. At the southern limit, the proposed project begins near the Eastern Drive interchange (Exit 22) and extends to the north and terminates near the Route 99 interchange (Exit 25).
Municipality where proposed action might be located: Middletown, Connecticut
Project Description: Route 9 is a major north/south route connecting Old Saybrook and West Hartford. Through the downtown Middletown area, it is flanked by the Connecticut River to the east and an active Providence and Worcester Railroad line to the west.
The purpose of the project is to improve safety and reduce congestion. The presence of two traffic signals on Route 9 leads to crash rates substantially higher than adjacent segments of freeway. To remove the traffic signal on Route 9 at the Washington Street interchange (Exit 23C), a new off-ramp from Route 9 Northbound is proposed to provide access to River Road, approximately 3,500 feet south of Washington Street. Access to Washington Street is proposed to be removed from Route 9. The interchange will encompass the existing Providence and Worcester rail line and will provide access to Route 9 Southbound. An acceleration lane to Route 9 Southbound will provide access from Washington Street prior to Route 17 (Exit 23A). The existing access from Route 9 Southbound to Washington Street will be removed and motorists will be directed towards the previous exit for access to Route 66.
The traffic signal on Route 9 at the Route 17 interchange onto Hartford Avenue (Exit 24) will be removed by elevating the southbound direction of Route 9. The grade separation will allow for free flow acceleration from Hartford Avenue to Route 9 Northbound, crossing under Route 9 Southbound. This acceleration lane will be constructed in the existing median of Route 9 and will serve as an additional through lane for Route 9 Northbound until Exit 25 for Route 99 in Cromwell. The existing access to Hartford Avenue from Route 9 Northbound will be relocated south. Access to and from Hartford Avenue from Route 9 Southbound will be maintained with full length deceleration and acceleration lanes.
A 200-foot right turn lane is proposed on Rapallo Avenue at Main Street. The additional lane requires approximately five feet of widening within the street right of way. This requires the removal of seven parking spaces, with sidewalks maintained on both sides of the road.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area. Project Plans: Click here to view project conceptual plans.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: Friday, May 31, 2024.
There was a public scoping meeting for this proposed action:
DATE: Tuesday April 30, 2024
TIME: 5:00 p.m. Open House, 7:00 p.m. formal presentation
PLACE: Wesleyan University - Beckham Hall - 45 Wyllys Avenue, Middletown, CT 06459
NOTES: The meeting location is ADA accessible. Language assistance (at no cost to the public), including American Sign Language, was made available by contacting CTDOT's Language Assistance Call Line at (860) 594-2109 at least 5 business days prior to the meeting. Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities were instructed to dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).
Closed captioning and non-English translation options are available for the presentation posted on CTDOT's YouTube Virtual Public Information Meeting playlist:
Persons with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them by contacting Stephen Hall, Project Manager, at or 860-594-2591.
Additional information can be found here:
A previous alternative for the project was scoped in the Enviornmental Monitor on March 6, 2018, and a public scoping meeting was held on March 22, 2018. The design proposed at that time was met unfavorably by the public as there would be substantial impacts to the adjacent neighborhood, therefore, that alternative was removed from consideration and CTDOT issued a post scoping notice on April 5, 2022, to reflect this and close out the CEPA scoping process under the previous project scope. Since this time, CTDOT performed a detailed traffic analysis and has met with the city several times to develop the alternative under the current public scoping notice. Furthermore, CTDOT held public workshops on February 21, 2024, and February 22, 2024, to engage the public prior to the formal CEPA scoping process. Feedback from the public workshops was positive overall.
Comments/ questions about the public meeting, or comments/ questions about the project should be sent to (email preferred):
Name: Mr. Stephen Hall, Project Manager
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-2591
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Ms. Alice M. Sexton
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Office of Legal Services
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
2. Notice of Scoping for 10 Liberty Street
Address of possible location: 10-30 Liberty Street/45 Spring Street, New Haven, CT 06519
Municipality where proposed action might be located: New Haven
Any person may ask the sponsoring agency to hold a public scoping meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a public scoping meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a public scoping meeting. Such requests must be made by: May 17, 2024.
Written comments and/or requests for a public scoping meeting should be sent to
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
3. Notice of Scoping for St. Edmunds Retreat-Septic System Repairs
Address of possible location: 1 Enders Island, Stonington, Ct
Municipality where proposed action might be located: Stonington
Project Description: St. Edmunds Retreat, 1 Enders Island – Septic System Repairs will include the repair and replacement of the sub-surface sewage disposal systems for one new mixed-use building and 5 existing mixed-use buildings with public water and private septic at the above stated property, in the Town of Stonington. The purpose of the proposal is to update the existing septic systems to include a modern, more efficient leaching system to reduce potential environmental contamination as a part of a multi-year program to update and improve the existing buildings and infrastructure on Enders Island. The exiting systems are currently intact and functioning but were originally constructed from 1920 through the latest system in early 2000. The repair and replacement are to ensure continued long-term operation in a system that increases the ability to deal with environmental contaminants.
The existing systems are in an area which may be prone to storm surge in the future. The existing system in place consists of 5 separate leaching fields distributed throughout the island and serving the 7 existing buildings. These systems are typical 20th century systems with septic tanks and standard leaching chambers or trenches. This proposal will combine the outflow of all buildings through the existing septic tanks to provide solid waste separation. The effluent from each of these tanks will be directed to a central processing area. This central processing area will include an accumulation tank, and an in-ground filtration system. Effluent is treated in the filtration system removing and clarifying the effluent before it is introduced back into the ground via a new leaching field. The new leaching field will be in the existing parking lot, which is in a protected area on the island, away from sensitive areas. This area with the addition of the filtration system will provide leaching for the existing as well as future loads. The system will be built from the treatment system out to the existing buildings allowing the existing systems to remain operational until they are abandoned as they are tied into the new system building. This will allow the continuous operation of all aspects of the Retreat and avoid relocation of existing tenants during the construction period.
The benefits of this project include the elimination of older, limited function leaching systems installed in areas which may be prone to storm surge. The filtration system will reduce the environmental contaminates normally associated with leaching fields such as biological oxygen demand (BOD), nitrogen reduction, reduction in suspended solids, all of which effect the long-term performance of the leaching system, allowing a longer life span of the system, and a smaller overall leaching field. This protects the fragile ecosystem around the Island and the waters of Fishers Island Sound surrounding the island.
The plan for the project includes a study of the effluent with Pan Lysimeters to collect samples from the drain field to ascertain the efficiency of the septic system. The new septic system is using a layering system per the plans submitted to the local health district. Enders Retreat plans to recruit University of Connecticut students from the Avery Point campus in Groton to collect samples and report on the finding to determine the best conditions to facilitate maximum nitrogen reduction. On September 28, 2023, the Ledge Light Health District, the local health department authority, approved with conditions the 8/23/23 plans submitted as it complies with the requirements of Section 19-13-B103 of the Connecticut Public Health Code. This project is also part of a larger, long-term development of the property which will include improvement to treatment residences, improvements to the grounds, a new wall which will be built 8 feet from the existing sea wall. When all projects are completed, the site will have repaired and rehabilitated the existing aging infrastructure, made improvements to the long-term health and safety of the residents and users of the facilities, as well as improving environmental conditions on and around the island. Work that will occur in conjunction with or soon after the Septic System Improvements include the repurposing of the maintenance building into a residential treatment space, a new maintenance building which will be located adjacent to the septic system treatment area, a new protective stone wall to protect from storm surge which will not disturb the eel grass around the island.
There will NOT be an increase in the number of people in treatment, or any expansion in the existing residential census on site. The project site is in storm surge zone, near flood zone, estuarine and marine wetland, outside coastal barrier zone but within coastal boundary, within natural diversity database map identified endangered species etc.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on June 21, 2024.
Any person may ask the sponsoring agency to hold a public scoping meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a public scoping meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a public scoping meeting. Such requests must be made by: May 31, 2024.
Written comments and/or requests for a public scoping meeting should be sent to
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)
If an agency is unable to publish a Post-Scoping Notice within six months after the comment period for scoping, the agency will publish an update with an action status and an estimate as to when a Post-Scoping Notice will be published. Such an update will be published by the agency at six-month intervals until the Post-Scoping Notice is published. Read More
The following notices for additional time have been submitted for publication in this edition.
1. Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Naugatuck Railroad Station Relocation
Address of Possible Project Location: Water Street extension between Maple Street and Rubber Avenue, across from Old Firehouse Road.
Municipality where proposed action would be located: Naugatuck
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On October 17, 2023, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this action in the Environmental Monitor. A Virtual Public Scoping Meeting was held on Wednesday November 15, 2023. The CT DOT is unable to publish its determination regarding this action at this time.
Action Status: CT DOT is awaiting additional information pertaining to Environmental Resource Analysis.
Estimated Publication Date: The CT DOT estimates that a Post-Scoping Notice will be published in the Environmental Monitor on or before August 6, 2024.
If you have questions about the proposed action, contact:
Name: Mr. Richard Bertoli, Project Manager
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-2020
What Happens Next: The CT DOT will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the CEPA. A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
2. Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Relocation of Route 8 Southbound (SB) Interchange 34
Addressof Possible Project Location: Route 8 in the southbound (SB) direction and on the local roadway network within the vicinity of Interchange 35 On-ramp (Route 73) and Interchange 34 Off-ramp. The proposed project area encompasses Route 8 SB from Mile Marker 31.56 to Mile Marker 30.62. The existing Interchange 35 On-Ramp begins at E. Aurora Street. The existing Interchange 34 Off-Ramp terminates at West Main Street. The local roadway network of interest extends from E. Aurora Street to the north, West Main Street to the south, Grandview Avenue to the west and northbound (NB) Watertown Avenue to the east.
Municipality where proposed action would be located: Waterbury
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On October 17, 2023, the Connecticut Department of Transportaion (CT DOT) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this action in the Environmental Monitor. A Public Scoping Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. The CT DOT is unable to publish its determination regarding this action at this time.
Action Status: The CT DOT is awaiting additional information pertaining to Environmental Analysis.
Estimated Publication Date: The CT DOT estimates that a Post-Scoping Notice will be published in the Environmental Monitor on or before August 6, 2024.
If you have questions about the proposed action, contact:
Name: Mr. Jonathan Dean, Project Manager
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
What Happens Next: The CT DOT will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the CEPA. A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
Post-Scoping Notice
A Post-Scoping Notice is the determination by a sponsoring agency, after publication of a Scoping Notice and consideration of comments received, whether an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) needs to be prepared for a proposed State action. Read More
The following Post Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition.
1. Post-Scoping Notice for Nathan Hale System Main Extension to Plains Road
Addresses of Possible Project Location: South Street Extension, Coventry from approximately the intersection of Upton Drive to Plains Road. The routing of the water main proposes to run adjacent to the South Street Extension Right of Way (ROW) immediately east of the Nathan Hale Subdivision due to the wetland complex within the ROW.
Municipality where it would be located: Coventry
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On January 16, 2024, the Department of Public Health (DPH) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed project in the Environmental Monitor.
Comments were received from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on February 15, 2024, and the Office of Policy and Management on February 16, 2024, (collectively Agency Comments) during the comment period. The Town of Coventry provided Response to Agency Comments on February 23, 2024. DPH has reviewed the Agency Comments and the Town of Coventry’s responses (Town Responses). DPH’s assessment of Agency Comments and Town Responses are included in the Environmental Review Checklist.
Agency contact:
Name: Mr. Eric McPhee
Agency: Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section
Address:410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12DWS, PO Box 340308, Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-509-7333
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Agency: Department of Public Health, Hearing Office
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHO, Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-566-5682
What Happens Next: DPH expects the project to go forward. This is anticipated to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
2. Post-Scoping Notice for New School of Nursing Building at the University of Connecticut
Address of Possible Project Location: Alethia Drive & Bolton Road
Municipality where it would be located: Mansfield
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On August 8, 2023, the University of Connecticut (UConn) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this action in the Environmental Monitor. A public scoping meeting was held on August 30, 2023, and comments were received during the meeting and the public comment period that concluded on September 8, 2023. On March 5, 2024, UConn published a Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping.
After consideration of the comments received, UConn has determined the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under the CEPA. UConn's conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination and an Environmental Review Checklist which includes responses to comments received.
Agency contact:
Name: Antoaneta Fedeles, AIA, PMP, LEED AP
Agency: University Planning, Design and Construction
Address: 3 Discovery Drive, U-6038, Storrs, CT 06269-6038
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to:
What Happens Next: UConn anticipates the project will move forward and this is expected to be its final notice published in the Environmental Monitor.
3. Post-Scoping Notice for Return to the Riverbend
Addresses of possible locations: 22 River Road, 44 River Road, 110 River Road, and 225 River Road
Municipality where proposed action might be located: City of Middletown
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On October 3, 2023, the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed Return to the Riverbend project in the Environmental Monitor.
No public scoping meeting was held.
Comments were received from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) during the public comment period. No other comments were received from the public. The DECD’s responses to the comments received are in the Environmental Review Checklist.
After consideration of the comments received, the DECD has determined the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under the CEPA. The agency’s conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination and an Environmental Review Checklist.
Agency contact:
Name: William Wallach
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring State agency:
Name: Mark Burno
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
What Happens Next: The DECD expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
4. Post-Scoping Notice for MLK Tyler
Address of Possible Project Location: 16 Miller Street, New Haven, CT
Municipality where it would be located: New Haven
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On September 19, 2023, the Department of Housing (DOH) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed redevelopment project in the Environmental Monitor.
Agency contact:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Phone: 860-270-8230
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Phone: 860-270-8230
What Happens Next: The DOH expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
5. Post-Scoping Notice for State and Chapel Development
Address of Possible Project Location: 300 State Street & 742-760 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT
Municipality where it would be located: New Haven
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On October 17, 2023, the Department of Housing published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed rehabilitation in the Environmental Monitor.
Agency contact:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Phone: 860-270-8230
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Mithila Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Agency: Department of Housing
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106-7106
Phone: 860-270-8230
What Happens Next: The Department of Housing expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
EIE Notice
After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). Read More
No EIE Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
Agency Record of Decision
After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) is developed, an agency will prepare a concise public record of decision, which takes into consideration the agency’s findings in the EIE, and any comments received on that evaluation. Read More
The following Record of Decision Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
1. Record of Decision for Bozrah’s Sanitary Sewer Extension
Addresses of Possible Project Locations: The project is located along Fitchville Road, Stockhouse Road, River Road, Rachel Drive, Commerce Park Road, and State Route 87 in Bozrah, and in State Routes 87 and 32 in Franklin. It will connect to the Town of Franklin sewer system on Route 32.
Municipalities where proposed action is to be located: Bozrah and Franklin
Project Description: The proposed project consists of installing wastewater collection systems in the village section of Bozrah and ultimately connect via Stockhouse Road and Route 87 to the existing Norwich Public Utilities (NPU) sewer on Route 32 in Franklin. The proposed action includes constructing approximately 15,050 linear feet of gravity sanitary sewer, 4 pumping stations, and approximately 3,610 feet of sanitary sewer force main in the Town of Bozrah. The type of construction work required to install sanitary sewer pipes in the road consist of cutting into the roadway, soil excavation and backfilling, and pavement restoration. The Town of Bozrah plans to enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Franklin to discharge wastewater into the NPU’s collection system. NPU owns and maintains a Combined Sewer Overflow system and Bozrah proposes to discharge up to 200,000 gallons per day design flows from the proposed sanitary sewer service area.
The proposed sanitary sewer service area contains residential areas, as well as areas zoned commercial and industrial that could support potential economic growth consistent with Local and State Plans of Conservation and Development. Additionally, the majority of the Town of Bozrah relies on on-site septic systems for wastewater management and most of these systems were built in the 1980s or earlier. In the Fitchville Village section many of the septic systems are over 60 years old and some serve multi-family housing. Small lot sizes, among other constraints, make most of the Village septic systems impracticable, if not impossible, to repair to meet public health code requirements.
The estimated cost of the project is around 15 million dollars. The Town of Bozrah is awarded with a 5-million-dollar grant-in-aid approved by the State’s bond commission on March 31, 2022, and a low interest 40-year USDA loan that will be taken out to fund the remaining 10 million dollars.
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On November 21, 2023, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection published a Notice of Availability of an Environmental Impact Evaluation, (EIE) in accordance with Section 22a-1d of CEPA, in the Environmental Monitor.
Comments were received from the general public and from the Council on Environmental Quality, Department of Public Health, and Office of Policy and Management. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has prepared responses to the substantive issues raised in the comments on the EIE and on supplemental materials or amendments. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection conclusion is documented in the Record of Decision for the proposed action, which also contains responses to the comments.
Agency contact:
Name: Anthony Poon
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Address: 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-424-3605
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Anthony Poon
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Address: 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
What happens next: The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has submitted the Record of Decision to the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) for review. Notice of OPM's determination regarding the Record of Decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
OPM's Determination of Adequacy
After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) and record of decision are developed, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will determine if the EIE and the associated process are adequate. If not, OPM will specify the areas of inadequacy with reference to CEPA or the CEPA regulations and specify the corrective action required. Read More
No Determination of Adequacy Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
State Land Transfer Notice
Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process.
No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
CEPA Project Inventory
The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) maintains a list of projects that have entered the CEPA process. It shows each project's status. The inventory can be found here.
CEQ Contact Information
All inquiries and requests of the Council should be sent electronically to:
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