The official site for project information under
the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act
Scoping Notices
Environmental Impact Evaluations available for review and comment
Scoping Notices
1. Notice of Scoping for Extension to University Boulevard
Municipality where proposed project might be located: Danbury, Connecticut
Address of Possible Project Location: Westside Campus of Western Connecticut State University
Project Description: The purpose of the proposed action is to extend by 2,400 feet University Boulevard, located on the Westside Campus of WCSU, to provide access to a new magnet school to be constructed by the City of Danbury.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: December 3, 2004.
Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below by November 19, 2004. If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.
Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:
Name: | Alexandria Roe |
Agency: | Connecticut State University |
Address: | 39 Woodland Street |
Hartford, Connecticut 06105 | |
Fax: | 860-493-0059 |
E-Mail: | roea@so.ct.edu |
2. Notice of Scoping for New Hartford Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade
Municipality where proposed project would be located: New Hartford
Project Description: The Town of New Hartford is conducting a wastewater facilities planning study for an upgrade of its wastewater treatment system. The study is being conducted because the wastewater treatment plant’s average flow has exceeded ninety percent of its design capacity, the facilities that were built in 1968 have exceeded their design life, and projected growth patterns are extending into previously unsewered areas. The study area, depicted in the linked figure, includes the treatment facility, the proposed development corridor along Route 44 and streets adjacent to public water supply wells. The study also includes an infiltration and inflow evaluation of the existing sewers.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the study area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: November 5, 2004
Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members by October 15, 2004, the Department of Environmental Protection will schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.
Additional information about the project can be viewed in person at:
Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management
Municipal Facilities Section (2nd Floor)
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Written comments, requests for a Public Scoping Meeting, or questions about the scoping for this project should be directed to:
Name: | Stacy Pappano, Sanitary Engineer |
Agency: | Department of Environmental Protection |
Bureau of Water Management | |
Address: | 79 Elm St. |
Hartford, CT 06106 | |
Phone: | (860) 424-3362 |
Fax: | (860) 424-4067 |
E-Mail: | stacy.pappano@po.state.ct.us |
EIE Notices
There are no environmental impact evaluations open for comment at this time.
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Copyright 2002, Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality