Connecticut Attorney General's Office
General Litigation Section


This unit provides representation for state agencies, employees and officials in torts and civil rights cases brought at the Office of the Claims Commissioner and in the state and federal courts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a claim with the Claims Commissioner?

The Connecticut Office of the Claims Commissioner provides helpful information on its website, including the procedure for filing a claim and the procedures and forms for inmate claims. Visit their website at The Connecticut Office of the Claims Commissioner Website.You may also contact the Clerk of the Office of the Claims Commissioner at the following address:

Office of the Claims Commissioner
450 Columbus Boulevard
Suite 203
Hartford, Connecticut 0610
Telephone:  (860) 713-5501 | Facsimile:(860) 706-1482

How do I file a human rights complaint?

The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities provides helpful information on its website, including the procedure for filing a complaint. Visit their website at The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities Website You may also contact the Human Rights Commission at the following address:

Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 2 
Hartford, CT 06103
Telephone:  (860) 541-3400
Connecticut Toll Free (1-800) 477-5737
TDD (860) 541-3459

How do I check on the status on one of my cases in court?

The Connecticut Judicial Department provides information on its website on the status of all pending cases, including what papers were filed, how the judge ruled on motions and what matters are scheduled to be heard in court. Visit the website at The Connecticut Judicial Department Website

How do I find a lawyer to represent me?

The Connecticut Judicial Department provides useful information about lawyers on its website, including why you should have an attorney and how to locate one.  Visit the Judicial Website for Legal Clinics and Help.

Several other organizations may provide legal assistance, including locating an attorney.

The New Haven County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service provides assistance connecting parties with attorneys.

LRS hotline:  (203) 562-5750

Disability Rights Connecticut, Inc. provides legal advocacy and rights protection to a wide range of people with disabilities.

Telephone: (860) 297-4300
Toll free: (800) 842-7303
Videophone: (860) 509-4992
Fax: (860) 296-0055

Statewide Legal Services (SLS) may provide legal advice over the telephone, mail information, or refer clients to a legal services office or private attorney at no cost to the client.
Telephone:  (1-800) 453-3320 (toll free) (860) 344-0380 (central CT).
Connecticut Legal Services provides legal representation to low-income persons throughout the state, except those living in the greater Hartford or New Haven areas.
Telephone:  Toll-free: (1-800) 453-3320
From Middletown and Hartford: (860) 344-0380
Greater Hartford Legal Aid provides legal representation to low-income persons who live in the greater Hartford area.
Greater Hartford Legal Aid
999 Asylum Avenue, 3rd Floor
Hartford, CT 06105-2465
Telephone: (860) 541-5000 | Fax:  (860) 541-5050
New Haven Legal Assistance Association provides legal representation to low-income persons in the greater New Haven and lower Naugatuck Valley areas.
New Haven Legal Assistance Association
426 State Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510-2018
Telephone: (203) 946-4811 | Fax: (203) 498-9271