Address: State Capitol, Rm. 202, Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 566-4840; Toll Free, 1-800-406-1527; TDD, 860-524-7397; Website: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @GovNedLamont.
Governor, Ned Lamont; Chief of Staff, Jonathan Dach; Senior Advisor, Matthew Brokman; General Counsel, Natalie Braswell; Director of Media Relations, Julia Bergman; Director of Communications, Strategic Engagement, Mellaney Castro; Executive Office Administrator, Kathy Damato.
CONNECTICUT'S WASHINGTON OFFICE. 444 No. Capitol St., N.W., Ste. 317, Washington, DC 20001. Tel., (202) 403-8654. Dir., Dan DeSimone.
GOVERNOR'S MILITARY STAFF. Adjutant General, Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Francis J. Evon, Jr.; Asst. Adjutant General (Deputy Chief of Staff) Brig. Gen. Ralph R. Hedenberg; Asst. Adjutant General (Air), Brig. Gen. Gerald E. McDonald, BrigC. Gen. Francis N. Detorie; Chief of Staff (Connecticut Air National Guard) Col. John P. Sorgini; Air Aide-de-camp (Senior Aviation Officer Connecticut National Guard) Col. Neal R. Byrne III; Surgeon General (Senior Medical Officer Connecticut National Guard), Col. Michael C. Desena; Aide-de-camp (United States Air Force Reserve), Col. Robert Feher; Aide-de-camp (United States Naval Reserve), Capt. Lori Ellen McCurdy; Aide-de-camp (United States Marine Corps Reserve), Col., Chris Graves; Aide-de-camp (United States Army Reserve), Col. Brien P. Horan, Col. Daniel Cloyd; Aide-de-camp (United States Coast Guard Reserve), Lt. Commander, Stephen Rabel; Aides-de-camp (National Guard), Col. Timothy J. Tomcho; Lt. Col., Lesbia Nieves, Alan W. Gilman; Lt. Col. Cheryl Mead; Lt. Col. Vincenzo Gallo; Enlisted Aide-de-camp (Army National Guard), Command Sgt. Maj. Arthur L. Fredericks; Enlisted Aide-de-camp (Air National Guard), Command Chief Master Sgt. John M. Gasiorek; Ex Officio Members: Commandant (First Company Governor's Foot Guard), Maj. Raymond T. Hite; Commandant (Second Company Governor's Foot Guard), Maj. John Garcia; Commandant (First Company Governor's Horse Guard), Maj. Richard A. Zacynski; Commandant (Second Company Governor's Horse Guard), Maj. James R. Marrinan; Additional Ex Officio Members: Immediate Past Commandant (First Company Governor's Foot Guard), Maj. David T. Dwelley; Immediate Past Commandant (Second Company Governor's Foot Guard), Maj. Richard K. Greenalch; Immediate Past Commandant (First Company Governor's Horse Guard), Maj. Christopher Miller; Immediate Past Commandant (Second Company Governor's Horse Guard), Maj. Gordon Johnson; Additional Staff Members - Col. or of equivalent Naval rank, Col. Robert M. Nugent; Lt. Col. or of equivalent Naval rank, Lt. Col. Thomas J. Saadi; Majors or of equivalent Naval rank, Maj. Erich J. Heinonen.
GOVERNOR'S CABINET. Administrative Svs., Comr. Michelle Gilman; Aging and Disability Services, Comr. Amy Porter; Agriculture, Comr. Bryan Hurlburt; Banking, Comr. Jorge Perez; Children and Families, Comr. Jodi Hill-Lilly; Consumer Protection, Comr. Bryan Cafferelli; Correction, Comr. Angel Quiros; Developmental Services, Comr. Jordan Scheff; Early Childhood, Comr. Beth Bye; Economic and Community Development, Comr. Daniel O'Keefe; Education, Comr. Charlene Russell-Tucker; Emergency Services and Public Protection, Comr. Ronnell Higgins; Energy and Environmental Protection, Comr. Katie Dykes; Health Strategy, Executive Dir. Deidre Gifford; Higher Education, Executive Dir. Timothy Larson; Housing, Comr. Seila Mosquera-Bruno; Insurance, Comr. Andrew Mais; Labor, Comr. Danté Bartolomeo; Mental Health and Addiction Services, Comr. Nancy Navarretta; Military, Executive Dir. Major General Francis Evon, Jr.; Motor Vehicles, Comr. Tony Guerrera; Policy and Management, Secy., Jeffrey Beckham; Public Health, Comr. Manisha Juthani; Revenue Services, Comr. Mark Boughton; Social Services, Comr. Andrea Barton Reeves; Transportation, Comr. Garrett Eucalitto; Veterans Affairs, Comr. Ronald Welch; Workforce Strategy, Chief Workforce Officer Kelli-Marie Vallieres.
Address: State Capitol, Rm. 304, Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 524-7384; FAX, (860) 524-7304. Website:
Lieutenant Governor, Susan Bysiewicz; Chief of Staff, Taijah Anderson; General Counsel, Tracy Opoku; Senior Advisor, Joe Carvalho; Assistant Counsel & Deputy Dir. of Communication, Ashley Foreman; Dir. of Communication, Sam Taylor; Dir. of Scheduling, John Kelly.
Address, Capitol Office: State Capitol, Rm. 104, 210 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106. Website:
Address, Administrative Office: 165 Capitol Ave. Ste. 1000, P.O. Box 150470, Hartford 06115-0470.
Secy. of the State, Stephanie Thomas, (860) 509-6200; Deputy Secy. of the State, Jennifer Barahona, (860) 509-6212; Chief of Staff & Chief Legal Counsel, Gabe Rosenberg, (860) 509-6255; Dir. of Communications, vacancy, (860) 509-6183; Dir. of Outreach and Engagement, Arienne Orozco, (860) 509-6256; Exec. Asst. to the Secy., Lindsay Browning, (860) 509-6182; Legislative Dir., Jesse Hubbard, (860) 509-6184; Business Svs. Div., Chris Drake, Dir., (860) 509-6059,; Human Resources, Emily Kennedy, (860) 509-6171; Information Technology, Thomas Miano, Agency Information Technology Mgr., (860) 509-6199,
Address: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 702-3000. Website:
State Treas., Erick Russell; Deputy Treas., Sarah Sanders; Chief of Staff, Andréa Comer; General Counsel, Doug Dalena; Chief Investment Officer, Edward M. Wright; Asst. Treas. for Cash Mgmt., Robert Scalise; Asst. Treas. for Debt Mgmt., Bettina Bronisz; Asst. Treasurer for Second Injury Fund/Unclaimed Property, Michelle Seagull; Asst. Treas. for Strategic Planning, Alex Marcellino; Chief Compliance Officer, Ginny O. Kim.
INVESTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL. Sec. 3-13b, Gen. Stat. Address: State Treas., 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 702-3155.
Ex Officio, Erick Russell, State Treas.; Jeff Beckham, Secy. of the Office of Policy and Mgmt.
Public Members: D. Ellen Shuman, Chair, New Haven; Myra R. Drucker, Bethel; Harry Arora, Greenwich; Michael LeClair, Glastonbury; William Murray, Danbury, National Education Association; William Myers, South Windsor, Connecticut Education Association; Patrick Sampson, Bristol, AFSCME/SEBAC.
Address: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 702-3301. Website:
Comptroller, Sean Scanlon; Deputy Comptroller, Tara Downes; Accounts Payable Div. Dir., Elizabeth Macha; Budget and Financial Analysis Div. Dir., Michael Delaney; Active & Pension Payroll Svs. Div. Dir., Mark Bissoni; Healthcare Policy and Benefits Svs. Div. Dir., Joshua Wojcik; Retirement Div. Dir., John Herrington; and Information Technology Dir., Glenn Churchill.
(CGS Sec. 5-155a)
Address: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106.
Chm., Peter Adomeit, Esq.; Michael Bailey, Karen Buffkin, Michael Carey, Carl Chisem, John Disette, Brian Hill, David Krayeski, Sal Luciano, Karen Nolan, Michael O’Brien, Claude Poulin, Angel Quiros, Tim Ryor, Rebecca Simonsen.
Ex Officio, Secy., Sean Scanlon; Ex Officio, Erick Russell.
(CGS Sec. 5-169c)
Dr. Frank Gerratana, Dr. Michael Gerstenfeld, Dr. Nikolai Lieders, Dr. Manny Katsetos, Dr. Sheldon Nova, Dr. Rita Ohene-Adeji (Winston), Dr. Sachin Parekh, Dr. Ralph Rosenberg, Dr. Lynn Rudich, Dr. Eric Shore, Dr. Sokpoleak So.
Address: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford 06106. Tel., (860) 808-5318. Website:
Atty. General, William Tong; Deputy Atty. General, Eileen Meskill; Asst. Deputy Atty. General, Antoria Howard; Solicitor General, Joshua Perry; Chief of the Division of Enforcement and Public Protection, Assoc. Atty. General, Jeremy Pearlman; Chief of the Division of Civil Litigation, Assoc. Atty. General, vacancy; Chief of the Division of Government Administration, Assoc. Atty. General, Sean Kehoe; Deputy Solicitor General, Michael Skold; Chief of the Division of Consumer & Constituent Affairs, Special Assoc. Atty. General, Sandra G. Arenas; Chief Counsel, Matthew Fitzsimmons; Chief of Staff, Cara Passaro; Chief of Communications and Policy, Elizabeth Benton; Deputy Dir. of Communications/Digital Dir., Richard Funaro; Senior Advisor and Dir. of External Affairs, Justin Kronholm; Dir. of Outreach and Special Projects, Lori Fernand; Exec. Assts., Thomas Allen, Natalie Anderson; Bus. Mgr., Hy Ly; System Mgr., Muhannad Alsaqri; Principal Human Resources Specialist, Susan Cavanaugh.
Antitrust: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5030. Section Chief, Nicole Demers; AAGs, Kyle Ainsworth, Joshua Britt, Rahul Darwar, Allison Frisbee, Kim McGee, W. Joseph Nielsen, Julian Quinones; Thomas Ryan, Julia Sorensen.
Child Protection: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5480. Section Chief, Stephen G. Vitelli; Deputy Section Chief, Jessica Gauvin; AAGs, Britney Adams, Christopher Aker, Seon Bagot, Emily Barigye, Michael J. Besso, Renee L. Bollier, Beth Crawford Cherubino, Amy S. Collins, Jamie Druzinsky, Goziem Egbarin, Cristina Harrington, Jeanette Johnson, Emily Karr, Haseeb Khan, Nisa Khan, Uswah Khan, Lorri Kirk, Anissa Klapproth, Lori Knuth, Frank LaMonaca, Jennifer Leavitt, Susmita M. Mansukhani, A. Kim Mathias, Jammie Middleton, Ciarra Minacci-Morey, Emily Nastri, Leeann Neal, Stacy Nobles, Albert Oneto, Matthew Parenti, Chelsea Ruzzo, Eric Shinaman, Amanda Szyszkiewicz.
Collections/Child Support: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5150. Section Chief, Carolyn Signorelli; AAGs, Joan Andrews, Kelly Babbitt, David Carlucci, Kathryn Caro, Thomas P. Crean, Amy L. Guido, Krislyn Launer, Caitlin Lenn, Kristin Losi, Ann McCarthy, Denise S. Mondell, Neil Parille, Parul Patel, Michael Phelan, Krystal Ramos, Maria Santos, Mee Wong.
Consumer Advocacy Section: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5410. Section Chief, Inez Diaz-Galloza; AAGs, Mercedes G. Alonzo, Ann-Marie Degraffenreidt, Michael Martone.
Consumer Protection: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5400. Section Chief, Michael Wertheimer; AAGs, Lauren Bidra, Jonathon Blake, Brendan Flynn, Joseph Gasser, Katherine Hagmann-Borenstein, Addison Keilty, Jose R. Martinez, Michael Nunes, Rebecca Quinn, Tess Shaw, John S. Wright.
Employment/Workers' Compensation and Labor: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5340; (860) 808-5050. Section Chief, Colleen Valentine; Deputy Section Chief of Workers’ Compensation, Kenneth Kennedy Jr.; Deputy Section Chief of Labor, Krista O’Brien; AAGs, Mildred Bauza, Sarah Bold, Christopher Boyer, Nancy Brouillet, Carolyn E. Ennis, Patrick Finley, Ksenya Hentisz, Lilia Hrekul, Reshona Jessamy, Matthew Konowe, Andrew Miano, Katherine Roseman, Cynthia Sheppard, Richard Sponzo, Geralynn Sylver-McGee, Laura Vitale, Stephanie Wainwright, Lisa G. Weiss, Trevor White, Holly Wonneberger.
Environment: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5250. Section Chief, Matthew Levine; Deputy Section Chief, Lori DiBella; AAGs, Tennyson Benedict, Benjamin Cheney, Christopher Kelly, Scott N. Koschwitz, Jill Lacedonia, Michael Lynch, Aza Mosley, Daniel Salton, Michael Schulz, Gail S. Shane, Kaelah Smith, Julia Suesser, Cara Tonucci.
Financial and Revenue Svs.: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5270. Section Chief, Philip Miller; Deputy Section Chief of Tobacco Enforcement, Heather Wilson; AAGs, James Caley, Seth Hollander, John Langmaid, Diaghilev Lubin-Farnell, Robert Marconi, Ashley Meskill, Patrick Ring, Amor Rosario.
General Litigation: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5160. Section Chief, Linsley Barbato; AAGs, Tamar Bakhbava, Jennifer Das, Christopher Groleau, Sheila Hall, Katherine Martin, Kelly Neyra, Samuel Shapiro, Monica O'Connell, Samuel Shapiro, John Tucker.
Government Fraud: 165 Capital Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5040. Section Chief, Gregory K. O’Connell; AAGs, Eric P. Babbs, Joshua Jackson, Christine Miller, Richard Porter, Thomas Ryan, Karla Turekian.
Infrastructure and Economic Dev.: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5090. Section Chief, Rosemarie Weber; Deputy Section Chief for Contracts, Jeffery Zeman; AAGs, Andrew Ammirati, Drew Graham, Deanna Levine, Vianca Malick, Rebecca O’Neill, Raul Rodriguez, John Russo, Jose O. Salinas, Brian Tetreault.
Health and Education: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5210. Section Chief, Daniel R. Shapiro; AAGs, Elizabeth Bannon, Susan Castonguay, Darren Cunningham, Tanya DeMattia, Melanie Dillon, Alina Bricklin-Goldstein, Mary Lenehan, Cynthia Mahon, Patricia McCooey, Rosemarie M. McGovern, Shawn Rutchick, Laura Thurston.
Privacy: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5400. Section Chief, Michele Lucan; AAGs, Patrick Kania, Jordan Levin, Laura Martella, Kileigh Nassau, John Neumon.
Public Safety: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5450. Section Chief, Terrence M. O'Neill; Deputy Section Chief, Zenobia Graham-Days; AAGs, Steven Barry, Matthew B. Beizer, James Belforti, James Donohue, Stephen Finucane, Frank Garofalo, Joseph Jaumann, Dennis Mancini, Jacob McChesney, Janelle Medeiros, Leland Moore, Lisamaria Proscino, Tasheedah Roberts, Edward Rowley, DeAnn Varunes, Samantha Wong, David Yale.
Special Litigation: 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Tel., (860) 808-5020. Section Chief, Maura Murphy; AAGs, Benjamin Abrams, Thadius Bochain, Rebekah Burgio, Caitlin Calder, Robert Deichert, Emily Gait, Gary Hawes, Timothy Holzman, Alma Nunley, Michael Rondon, Blake Sullivan.
(CGS Secs. 51-275a, 51-277, and 51-278)
300 Corporate Pl., Rocky Hill CT 06067
(860) 258-5800
Chief State's Atty., Patrick J. Griffin.
Chm., Andrew J. McDonald; Hon. Melanie L. Cradle, Robert M. Berke, Reginald D. Betts, Scott J. Murphy, Moy N. Ogilvie.
(CGS Sec. 51-276)
300 Corporate Pl., Rocky Hill CT 06067
 (860) 258-5800
Chief State's Atty., Patrick J. Griffin.
Deputy Chief State's Atty. (Admin., Personnel, and Finance), John J. Russotto; Deputy Chief State's Atty. (Operations), Kevin D. Lawlor.
Judicial District of Ansonia/Milford: Margaret E. Kelley, Milford
Judicial District of Danbury: David. R. Applegate, Danbury.
Judicial District of Bridgeport: Joseph T. Corradino, Bridgeport.
Judicial District of Hartford: Sharmese L. Walcott, Hartford.
Judicial District of Litchfield: David R. Shannon, Torrington.
Judicial District of Middlesex: Michael A. Gailor, Middletown.
Judicial District of New Britain: Christian M. Watson, New Britain.
Judicial District of New Haven: John P. Doyle, Jr., New Haven.
Judicial District of New London: Paul J. Narducci, New London.
Judicial District of Stamford-Norwalk: Paul J. Ferencek, Stamford.
Judicial District of Tolland: Matthew C. Gedansky, Rockville.
Judicial District of Waterbury: Maureen Platt, Waterbury.
Judicial District of Windham: Anne F. Mahoney, Danielson.
G.A. # 1: Suzanne Vieux, Stamford.
G.A. # 2: Craig Nowak, Bridgeport.
G.A. # 3: Deborah P. Mabbett, Danbury.
G.A. # 4: Amy Sedensky, Waterbury.
G.A. # 5: Rebecca A. Barry, Derby.
G.A. # 7: John Lion, Meriden.
G.A. # 9: Christopher Parakilas, Middletown.
G.A. #10: David J. Smith, New London.
G.A. #11: Jacqueline McMahon, Danielson.
G.A. #12: Anthony Bochicchio, Manchester.
G.A. #14: Carl R. Ajello III, Hartford.
G.A. #15: Mary Rose Palmese, New Britain.
G.A. #18: Jonathan Knight, Torrington.
G.A. #19: Jaclyn Preville, Rockville. 
G.A. #21: Adam Scott, Norwich.
G.A. #22: Matt Kalthoff, Milford.
G.A. #23: David J. Strollo, New Haven.
Juliana Waltersdorff, Senior Assistant State's Atty. Address: 80 Washington St., Hartford 06106. Tel. (860) 756-7810; Raymond Savoy, Deputy Assistant State’s Atty., 1061 Main St., Bridgeport 06604. Tel., (203) 579-7237; Donna M. Parker, Senior Assistant State's Atty., 121 Elm St., New Haven 06510. Tel., (203) 773-6755; John F. Kerwin III, Senior Assistant State's Atty., 400 Grand St., Waterbury 06702. Tel., (203) 236-8141.



Administration vacancy 
Bridgeport John D. Capozzi II, Supervisory Assistant State's Atty.
Hartford Brian Casinghino, Supervisory Assistant State's Atty.; Jesse F. Bennett, Senior Assistant State's Atty.
Middletown Jennifer Cooper, Deputy Assistant State’s Atty
New Britain Marc W. Vallen, Senior Assistant State's Atty.
New Haven Marion Z. Malafronte, Supervisory Assistant State's Atty. 
Rockville Veronica M. Paige, Assistant State's Atty.
Stamford vacancy
Torrington Mary Eschuk, Senior Assistant State's Atty. 
Waterbury Robert Mullins, Supervisory Assistant State's Atty.; Kelly Masi, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney.
Waterford M. Frances Reese, Senior Assistant State's Atty. 
(CGS Sec. 29-32b)
165 Capitol Ave., Ste. 1070, Hartford CT 06106
(860) 256-2947


Chm., Carolyn Futtner, Esq., Secy, Col. Kyle Overturf; Cynthia Conrad, M.D., Elbert L. Gray III, Gudrun K. Johnson, Col. Chris Lewis, Chief Carl Rosensweig, Stephen Sanetti, Esq.; Chief Court Administrator, vacancy.




(CGS Sec. 51-51k)


505 Hudson St., Room 116, Hartford CT 06126

(860) 566-5424


Exec. Dir., Kevin J. Dunn.


Chm., Stephanie Roberge, Esq.; Lincoln Woodard, Esq., Joaquina Borges King, Esq., Hon. Susan Cobb, Stephen Carroll, Jia Luo, Basil R.A. Mahoney, Michelle Murphy, Hon. Peter Brown, Lynda Sorensen, Katherine Verano, William Dow, Esq.; Glenn Dowd, Esq.; Lawrence D. Muldoon, M.D.; Hon. Theodore Tyma; Alternates, Family Support Magistrate Michael L. Ferguson, Administrative Law Judge Daniel Dilzer.


Admin. Asst., Kenya M. Hairston.



(CGS Sec. 51-44a)


165 Capitol Ave., Ste. 1080, Hartford CT 06106

(860) 256-2957 


Chm., Leander Dolphin, Mgr., Katie Agati, Daniel DeBarba, Gary DeFilippo, Ashley T. Foreman, Steven Greenspan, Thea Montanez, Aza G. Mosley, Melissa E. Ozols, Kenneth Saccente, Larry Sgrignari, Marjorie Shansky, Rowena Track.




(CGS Sec. 46a-13k, as amended by Public Act 11-48)


165 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106

(860) 566-2106, 1-800-994-0939



Child Advocate, Sarah Healy Eagan; Associate Child Advocate, Christina Ghio; Asst. Child Advocates, Brendan Burke, Heather Panciera, vacancy; Staff Atty., Virginia Brown; Human Svs. Advocates, Julie McKenna, Lucy Orellano.

(CGS Sec. 46a-13b)
505 Hudson St., 5th Flr., Hartford CT 06106-7107
(860) 550-6632, 1-888 771-3126
State Victim Advocate, Natasha M. Pierre, JD, MSW; Complaint Officer, Merit Lajoie; Staff Atty., Hakima Bey-Coon; Admin. Asst., Vanessa M. Torres.
165 Capitol Avenue, Ste. 1060, Hartford CT 06106
(860) 947-0706
Chm., vacancy, Thomas G. Ahneman, Alfred W. Bertoline, Keith R. Brothers, Bruce H. Buff, Lauren C. Gauthier, Albert G. Ilg, Donna M. Karnes, Salvatore C. Luciano, Stuart L. Mahler, Jean M. Morningstar, Daniel S. Rovero, Brenda L. Sisco, vacancy.
Exec. Dir., Gregory F. Daniels; Chief Procurement Officer, Jonathan M. Longman. 
165 Capitol Ave., Hartford CT 06106-1628
(860) 566-5682, 1-866-374-3617
Chm., Owen P. Eagan, Ryan P. Barry, Jonathan Einhorn, Kate Farrish, Stephen Fuzesi, Jr., Judy Ganswindt, Aigné S. Goldsby, Christopher P. Hankins, Matthew E. Streeter. 
Exec. Dir./Gen. Counsel, Colleen M. Murphy; Managing Dir./Associate General Counsel, Paula S. Pearlman; Dir. of Education and Communications, Russell Blair; Human Resources Specialist, Charla Vincent; Staff Attys. III, Valicia D. Harmon, Danielle L. McGee; Staff Attys. II, Charles Hyde, Kevin W. Munn, Nicholas Smarra, Mary-Kate Smith, Marybeth Sullivan; Paralegals, Jennifer Mayo, Molly Steffes; Admin. Assts., Linda Fasciano, Stephanie Tessmer; Secy. II, Mikia Gray.
(CGS Chapter 10)
165 Capitol Ave., Ste. 1200, Hartford CT 06106
(860) 263-2400
Exec. Dir., Peter Lewandowski; General Counsel, Brian O'Dowd; Deputy General Counsel, Marianne Sadowski; Associate General Counsel, Jennifer Montgomery; Assistant General Counsel, Diane Buxo; Dir. of Education and Communications, Sarah R. Clark; Ethics Enforcement Officer, Mark Wasielewski; Deputy Ethics Enforcement Officer, Marc W. Crayton; Asst. Ethics Enforcement Officer, Adrian Baron; Legal Investigator, Garritt Kelly; Associate Accounts Examiner, Carol Langevin; Paralegals, Melissa Hamilton, Malissa Hurry; Information Technology Analyst III, Ann Morgan; Information Technology Analyst II, Alaaeldin Ali; Fiscal Admin. Officer, Henry Herschkorn.
Chm., Dena Castricone, Vice Chm., N. Beth Cook, Mary Bigelow, Charles F. Chiusano, Jason K. Farrell, Thomas K. Jones, Cheryl Lipson, Laura A. Schuyler.
(CGS Sec. 9-7a)
55 Farmington Ave., 8th Fl., Hartford CT 06105
(860) 256-2940, 1-866-733-2463
Chm., Stephen T. Penny; Michael J. Ajello, Shannon R.T. Bergquist, Gregory W. Piecuch, Sonia J. Worrell Asare.
Exec. Dir./Gen. Counsel, Michael J. Brandi; Legal Program Dir., Shannon Clark Kief; Dir. of Campaign Disclosure and Audit, Salman Munir; Information Technology Mgr., vacancy; Clerks of the Commission, Sheri-Lyn Lagueux, Stephen Palmer; Senior Attys., Joshua H. Foley, William J. Smith; Staff Attys., Maryam Bitar, Aaron Charney, James Heffernan, Patricia Mwilwa, Johnny Ross III; Legal Investigators, Scott Branfuhr, Stephanie Fish, Sheri-Lyn Lagueux, Ronald Perry; Associate Fiscal Administrative Officer, Shauna Khang; DP Technical Analyst, Richard Bramande; Information Technology Analysts, Jonathan Ortiz, Renata Rydzewski; Elections Officers, Richard Gebo, Melissa Moore-Ward, Stephen Palmer, Ashley Socquet; Associate Accounts Examiner, Krysta Palozie; Accounts Examiners, Patrick Dotse, Nicole Duffany, Ergys Guni, Rhonda Salvatore; Accounting Careers Trainees, Kyla Huband, Saadah Junood.