Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Framework

Appendix A: Student Standards and Competencies

The CCSCF student competencies are used in creating school counseling lessons as part of the comprehensive developmental school counseling curriculum. These are meant to be used as a “menu” of skills that students should acquire through the course of their K–12 education. Some competencies may not be used, depending on the path that students decide to pursue after high school. Some of the competencies listed also meet other subject area standards and may be used when creating co-teaching lessons with other subject areas (e.g., computer/technology teachers, language arts teachers, etc.).

Academic Domain

Standard A1: Demonstrate skills for effective learning and achieving school success






State why learning is important

Demonstrate the impact that study skills have on school achievement

Learn how to track use of time and understand efficient use of time

Implement effective organizational study skills and test-taking skills

Engage actively in challenging curriculum

Demonstrate effective speaking, listening, and inquiry skills

Demonstrate understanding of when to seek academic support and from whom

Demonstrate the importance of taking responsibility for independent learning

Use time management skills in addressing school responsibilities

Take responsibility for academic integrity

Work independently and with others

Demonstrate the ability to work independently

Demonstrate awareness of the relationship between learning and effort

Demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning

Meet graduation requirements

Work with and without supervision

Gain an understanding of different learning styles and assess their own

Demonstrate an understanding of when you would need academic support and who you would go to for help

Effectively and proactively utilize resources to help improve academic performance, e.g., tutors, resource centers, teacher, etc.

Guide, mentor and support peers to achieve excellence in class

Identify goals for personal behavior progress, achievement, or success.

Explore the impact of mindsets and behaviors on school success

Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of reducing stress and test anxiety

Apply techniques for reducing stress and test anxiety

Communicate effectively through written reports, oral presentations and discussion

Review and expand upon skills needed to learn in school

Understand effective communication skills for learning

Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively in a group

Demonstrate an understanding of graduation requirements

Use an interdisciplinary perspective to recognize cultural and societal diversity

Demonstrate the relationship between effort and learning

Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of academic integrity

Plan a rigorous four-year plan of study that aligns with personal interests and abilities

Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively in a group

Identify how cultural differences impact and influence assumptions, perceptions, and personal values

Practice self-control and individual responsibility

Describe the relationship between goals and success

Set informed academic, career, and personal goals

Review, revise and update academic, career, and personal goals

Review, revise and update academic, career, and personal goals

Standard A2: Demonstrate ability to plan a challenging program of studies to prepare for a variety of options after graduation.






Develop an understanding of the concept of academic disciplines, e.g., English, Social Studies, Math, Science, World Language, etc.

Students can understand the impact of hard work and effort on academic achievement, even as there may be other determinants

Demonstrate critical thinking skills to make informed decisions

Demonstrate the skills of independent research and investigation

Review and revise program of studies to match individual postsecondary plan

Explore the connection between making choices in the present and future plans

Explore postsecondary options and career pathways

Use initiative and creativity and apply knowledge and skills

Make academic achievement and learning experiences high priorities while developing the ability to balance competing priorities

Demonstrate a high level of literacy and the ability to organize knowledge and ideas to produce reasoned, written responses

Demonstrate a sense of belonging

Discuss choices and consequences

Define and articulate their personal values

Use assessment results in educational planning

Utilize resources to improve test taking ability and implement enhanced test taking strategies

Follow instructions and complete assignments

Demonstrate basic goal setting techniques

Research plans of study in high school

Connect future plans to goals and make informed program of studies choices

Apply strategies to fulfill education and career goals outlined in their student success plan

Standard A3: Demonstrate an understanding of the habits of mind of  an engaged student in relation to all aspects of their lives.






Explore what it looks like to be a student who is engaged in learning

Develop a logical argument for a solution to a problem or project

Predict outcomes based on observations or information provided

Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home, and extracurricular activities

Complete an extended project that requires planning, developing a solution or product, and presenting the results orally and in writing

Demonstrate the ability to focus on an assigned task

Demonstrate sustained time on task behavior

Develop and test hypotheses in seeking options for solving problems

Share knowledge effectively with others

Understand that change is a part of growth

Apply classroom and school rules

Be able to evaluate their ability and reflect on their performance, self-rate

Respond effectively to novel situations

Demonstrate an understanding of the value of life-long learning

Cognitively engage in the learning process, monitoring and regulating their learning

Assert boundaries, rights and privacy

Exert their best effort and concentrate effectively on the task at hand

Make inferences from information provided to develop a solution for a problem or project

Use multimodal communication to communicate a coherent message

Identify and describe their personal leadership style, strengths, and limitations

Demonstrate cooperation by taking turns in the classroom

Demonstrate the ability to stay on task to improve a product or until it is completed

Demonstrate a positive mental attitude and belief in their own success

Seek and undertake experiences within the school and community that enhance coursework and support personal goals

Work within diverse teams

Standard A4: Demonstrate the ability to integrate technology  to enhance learning and to solve problems






Be able to develop novel solutions to a problem

Use technology safely and responsibly in the learning environment

Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process

Demonstrate appropriate skills to locate, organize, understand, analyze and synthesize information from multiple digital sources

Demonstrate online literacy and be able to discern if information is reliable, relevant, and accurate

Understand the creative problem solving model

Be accountable for their actions with technology

Actively and creatively use various types of technology resources for academic success

Apply technical knowledge and skills to complete real-world assignments

Apply technological knowledge to their everyday activities and course work

Practice investigating, inventing strategies

Understand that the use of technology is a privilege

Provide peer feedback on other’s work

Identify, evaluate, and utilize technology tools for academic success

Use a systematic and progressive process to solve a problem

Use technology for learning to directly complete all or part of an activity

Demonstrate the ability to design a technology product

Demonstrate adaptability and persistence when faced with challenges

Demonstrate personal responsibly for researching postsecondary schools and careers

Demonstrate the ability to design a complex product that meets a set of requirements

Standard A5: Demonstrate the ability to use creativity and outside experiences to enrich the learning process






Explore different types of activities outside the classroom

Learn how to build relationships in new situations

Develop an understanding of the value of commitment and apply it to the learning environment

Participate in extra-curricular and community experiences

Choose courses that match extra-curricular interests

Determine a goal to fulfill in school or home

Identify and evaluate extracurricular options related to interests and abilities

Gain new insights into themselves and how these skills relate to future goals and academic environment

Balance extracurricular commitments with academic responsibilities

Identify and access resources to pursue postsecondary goals

Describe students’ rights and responsibilities

Make a connection between school and the work world

Demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics and the various roles that exist in groups

Understand the correlation between school success and the positive transition to community, postsecondary and career path

Demonstrate Self-directed independent learner

Standard A6: Demonstrate the ability to set goals based on  reflective evaluation of current performance.






Develop an understanding of the concepts of habits of mind and behaviors

Develop an understanding of the problem solving model

Identify habits of mind and behaviors that lead to success

Apply knowledge of aptitudes and interests to goal setting

Actively seek, evaluate, and, when appropriate, incorporate feedback

Demonstrate an understanding of how to respond appropriately when things don’t go as expected

Demonstrate the impact that study skills have in school achievement

Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process

Use problem solving and decision-making skills to assess progress toward educational goals

Articulate their own identity, experiences and biases and how these affect their ability to lead

Understanding the importance of classroom success to future success

Describe the consequences of inappropriate choices

Explore the relationship between educational goals in elementary school and career planning

Evaluate and reflect on their actions and modify as necessary

Demonstrate an understanding of what influences the decision-making process

Career Domain

Standard C1: Identify personal values, personality, abilities and interests in relation to career options and the world of work.






Identify likes and dislikes, hobbies and leisure activities

Complete a career interest inventory to identify career interest areas

Take an updated career interest inventory and identify potential careers of interest

Identify personal strengths and weaknesses in relationship to postsecondary education and training requirements

Identify skills, abilities, accomplishments, awards and personal qualities in preparation for writing a resume, interviewing and completing applications

List three reasons why someone chooses a particular job/career

Identify careers that match their interests

Identify personal abilities, skills, and interests and how they relate to their chosen careers

Demonstrate skills and habits of mind essential for a job interview

Convey positive qualities and attributes during a mock or actual interview

Define personality and its influence on career choice

Describe personal qualities and how they relate to their career interests

Identify personal values important to career choice

Pursue hobbies, extracurricular activities of interest, and/or experiences within the school, especially those related to career choice

Identify how to use time effectively in order to complete all important tasks while managing extra-curricular activities, job responsibilities, and family

Standard C2: Demonstrate the skills and abilities to research, identify career options, and take the necessary steps to obtain a job. Develop a research strategy and the tools to search for and obtain employment.
 K-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12

Define what work and careers are, why work is important, and the reasons why people work

Identify and explore the career clusters and learn about jobs in each of the clusters. Students should be able to identify career clusters they are most interested in and why

Research and present three jobs from the career interest inventory, noting why they are interested in these careers

Apply decision-making skills to previous career research to set career goals

Research colleges and employment options available based on career choice

Research what jobs are found within the school building and at home

Investigate a career option by interviewing a worker in the selected field

Research postsecondary education requirements for chosen career as well as skills needed in order to plan for postsecondary options

Research postsecondary academic requirements in relation to future career goals for the purpose of academic planning

Review 4-year plan, career goals, and strategies and amend as necessary

Describe how the role of the student is like that of an adult worker

Research one career of choice, gaining an understanding of salary, education, skills, tasks and abilities

Describe the relationship between career interests, high school courses and postsecondary options

Attend a college and/or career fair to research postsecondary options and requirements

Write a resume including skills, attributes, accomplishments, and awards

Research what family members do for work

Learn about traditional and nontraditional careers and gender role stereotyping

Assess academic strengths and weaknesses, interests and aptitudes

Develop a 4-year academic plan in relation to future career goals and postsecondary requirements

Complete college applications and/or job applications

Standard C3: Demonstrate effective workplace habits and the ability to transfer employability skills to future career success, and from job-to-job across the lifespan.






Define the terms career, job, work and employment

Explain how work helps students to achieve personal success and fulfillment

Understand the importance of attendance and punctuality and how it relates to the workplace

Organize and prioritize academic courses based on 4-year academic plan and future career choice

Develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in the college process

Discuss responsibilities at home and at school

List three skills they have developed so far as students

Develop a daily homework/study, extracurricular activity & chore schedule, learning how to manage a schedule

Develop ongoing time management skills and create a school and work schedule

Develop interviewing skills, resume and cover letter writing, and how to follow up after an interview

Understand the role and work of a student

Understand the importance of responsibility and good work habits and how they prepare one for the workplace

Learn how to create S.M.A.R.T. goals for academic and career success

Continue to learn how to effectively create S.M.A.R.T. goals and make improvements or changes as necessary

Learn how to interpret standardized test scores and how to use those to improve

Examine the value of rules in school and in the workplace

Link the importance of academic achievement to future career success

Examine the importance of lifelong learning and acquiring new skills

Identify steps that need to be taken over the next few years for transition from high school to postsecondary education/training

Complete required steps toward transition from high school to postsecondary education, training programs or the workplace

Standard C4: Demonstrate an understanding of work/life balance and how it impacts quality of life, personal and financial well-being, and lifestyle choices.






Discuss “wants” versus “needs” as related to work, income and lifestyle

Understand different types of work, different types of requirements for jobs and the different types of expectations for jobs

Participate in a financial literacy/cost of living lesson

Demonstrate their own financial independence

Learn how to create a simple budget distinguishing between wants and needs

Discuss why they like or dislike performing certain tasks

Learn to use time management skills

Create a weekly calendar of homework time, extracurricular activities & family events

Manage a calendar of extracurricular activities, work, school work, etc.

Plan a calendar of senior year events, including college/career material submission timeline

Discuss what makes them happy and how that impacts their quality of life

Explore and research the concept of career clusters and learn about job opportunities

Understand the relationship between community service/
extracurricular activities and career goals

Participate in job shadows and internship opportunities to explore what fields are of interest

Participate in job shadows and internship opportunities to explore what fields are of interest

Standard C5: Identify a plan to make a successful transition from school to postsecondary education and/or the world of work.






Identify at least 5 different jobs/careers

Understand how attendance, punctuality, and doing one’s best transfer to the workforce and are important

Describe the relationship between level of education/training and career goals

Develop a system for collecting information that will be helpful in writing a resume (i.e., participation in extracurricular, community service activities, awards)

Create a resume and fill out mock job applications

Learn to create simple plans of action for completing a task

Discuss personal habits of persistence, resilience, and effort as applied to future success

Identify career clusters that they would want to pursue as part of their career plan

Create a career plan/goals by selecting a career pathway within a career cluster

Participate in an internship or job shadow experience and mock interview

Use programs like PAWS & Jobland to explore the world of work

Understand the transition to middle school, participating in transition activities

Understand the transition to high school, participating in transition activities

Attend a college and/or career fair

Attend a college and/or career fair

Standard C6: Demonstrate an understanding of technology in the workplace.






Identify why technology is used at school and in the workplace

Research 5 jobs that have tech requirements as part of the job

Understand appropriate technology use in school and in personal time

Apply knowledge of technology and social media to research and organize career goals

Analyze career outlooks and opportunities for employment using appropriate technology

Social-Emotional Domain Standard

S/E1: Demonstrate an understanding of how individual actions can impact relationships, environments, and influence other people.






Identify and express feelings

Demonstrate ways to make and keep friends

Express feelings appropriately for the environment or situation

Identify the difference between positive and negative relationships

Demonstrate an understanding of all elements of effective oral and written communication

Share feelings when appropriate and listen to others about their feelings

Reflect on how our words and actions can impact others

Learn the conflict resolution process

Recognize the impact that change and transition can have on personal development and social interactions

Apply effective communication skills in conflict situations and when experiencing negative emotions

Acknowledge the needs of others

Discuss ways to solve problems with others

Identify differences between nonverbal and verbal communication and demonstrate active listening skills

Demonstrate effective leadership skills

Create positive and supportive relationships with others to support their success

List characteristics of a good friend

Understand the difference between assertive and aggressive behavior

Learn about positive leadership styles

Demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics and how they influence relationships

Demonstrate skills effectively express opinions, attitudes and beliefs in a group situation

Standard S/E2: Demonstrate cultural awareness when collaborating with others and taking steps to be inclusive.






Identify skills used for positive interpersonal relations

Demonstrate skills for working cooperatively

Investigate ways to help and engage others in the school or community

Demonstrate respect for all cultural traditions and heritage

Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities

Acknowledge that all people have likenesses and differences

Identify and explore opportunities to develop personal strengths and assets (including unique cultural and language assets).

Demonstrate an understanding of the negative impacts of excluding others

Analyze the impact of individual similarities and differences on interpersonal relationships

Demonstrate skills to effectively express and listen to diverse opinions, habits of mind, and beliefs in a group

Develop strategies to build relationships with others who are different from you

Demonstrate respect for alternative points of view

Recognize individual differences in ethnicity, culture, race, religion, and lifestyle

Demonstrate the ability to take the perspective of others, including those from different backgrounds

Accept and appreciate individual differences in ethnicity, culture, race, religion, and lifestyle

Recognize the value of others contributions

Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and religions from around the world

Understand their own cultural vantage point

Understand the characteristics of a free and democratic society in relation to acceptance of alternative viewpoints, lifestyles, and choices

Demonstrate their civic responsibility in building a better society

Standard S/E3: Demonstrate the ability to make decisions, think divergently, and take steps to achieve desired outcomes.






Identify decisions that need to be made at home, in school, and in the community

Demonstrate an understanding of the steps in the decision-making process

Analyze possible alternatives when peer pressure is influencing a decision

Develop effective coping skills when dealing with difficult decisions

Analyze the influence of others on their decisions

List the possible outcomes and consequences of a decision

Demonstrate responsibility for decisions and actions

Increase capacity to generate multiple alternatives before making decisions

Demonstrate effective decision-making skills that lead to positive interpersonal relationships

Practice taking personal responsibility for negative consequences of decisions made

Understand that all decisions have alternatives

Demonstrate an understanding of how personal decisions can also impact others

Identify sources of information for decision-making in school and in the community

Demonstrate the ability to seek, identify, and evaluate relevant information for aiding in decision-making

Identify resources to support decision-making about the transition from high school to their postsecondary plan

Demonstrate when, where, and how to seek help for solving problems

Identify when peer pressure is influencing a decision

Demonstrate how to evaluate options, make a choice, and develop a plan when faced with a problem

Demonstrate the ability to put a plan into action when faced with a problem

Reflect on personal decisions made and evaluate the success of the decision-making process for that situation

Standard S/E4: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between practicing self-care and personal well-being.






Identify personal positive characteristics

Identify personal, values, habits of mind, and beliefs

Identify positive ways to respond to negative comments and situations

Understand the negative impact unhealthy relationships can have on your well-being

Demonstrate a positive attitude towards yourself as a unique and worthy person

Learn techniques for managing negative feelings such as anger, stress, sadness, and anxiety

Identify sources and causes of negative feelings such as anger, stress, sadness, and anxiety

Identify self-care options for self and others when in need

Learn about and apply locus of control to situations that trigger negative emotions

Develop a deeper understanding of their personality and temperament and how it relates to effective self-care practices

Identify activities that bring out positive feelings and emotions

Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems and negative feelings

Understand the importance of taking care of our bodies and personal wellness

Develop skills to balance and manage life events, personal issues, and school success

Demonstrate the ability to self-regulate negative emotions, control impulses, and motivate themselves in all environments

Understand internal versus external stressors

Complete a stress inventory

Evaluate stress level and ability to utilize healthy coping skills

Demonstrate an understanding of environmental, societal, and individual stressors

Identify ways to manage multiple stressors as they transition to postsecondary education and/or work

Participate in conversations about what “mental health” means

Understand the importance of healthy feelings, thoughts, and actions and who to go to for help

Identify signs of depression and/or suicide in self or others and who to go to for help

Identify when self or others are struggling with suicidal ideation and who to go to for help

Prepare to take charge of their own mental health as they transition to postsecondary education and/or work

Standard S/E5: Demonstrate understanding and practice of personal safety skills.






Describe appropriate and inappropriate physical contact

Identify ways to practice self-control

Demonstrate ways to resist peer pressure to use drugs/alcohol or make other risky behaviors or destructive decisions

Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and those requiring adult and/or professional assistance

Demonstrate self-control in the classroom, school, and community

Describe the differences between a safe and unsafe environment or situation and identify situations that would require them to seek help

Demonstrate the ability to assert boundaries, rights, and personal privacy

Describe the types of harassment, the consequences of harassment, and how to report incidents

Apply effective problem solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices in relationships

Identify strategies and resources for assistance with harassment and/or abusive relationships

Identify safe people in school and in the community and demonstrate how to ask them for help

Identify school and community resources for assistance with personal concerns

Demonstrate safe and responsible behavior in school and in the community

Know school referral options for self and others in emotional need and school procedures for responding to harassment

Know community referral options for self and others in emotional need when to ask for help

With adult assistance, identify and perform tasks that contribute to the operation of the classroom

Demonstrate knowledge of the emotional and physical dangers of substance use/abuse and other risky behaviors or destructive decisions

Demonstrate an understanding of peer pressure and appropriate responses

Develop strategies to resist peer pressure from different sources (e.g., friend, family member, classmate, significant other, stranger)

Identify safe alternatives to risky behaviors (e.g., trying drugs, getting into a car with a drunk driver, walking home alone)

Standard S/E6: Demonstrate an understanding of the risks and responsible use of technology.






Identify what personal information is safe and appropriate to share online

Describe inappropriate and mean behavior online and how it can be reported and addressed

Use online tools and technology responsibly to enhance learning and social interaction

Understand the permanence of their digital identity

Understand how their digital identity can impact their life outside of the digital world