Components of Social, Emotional and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 3 >>
CT English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards >>
Message from the Commissioner
The Connecticut Core Standards, adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010, provide teachers, students, and families with clear expectations of what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level. The standards focus on English Language Arts, Mathematics as well as literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects in Grades 6-12. School districts develop local curricula based on these college and career standards. Taken together, standards, high quality curriculum, and instruction prepare students to meet the demands of 21st Century study, work, and life. This website is devoted to providing Connecticut educators, families, and community members with valuable and accurate information as well as concrete supports such as:
- Model units and lessons and standards-aligned classroom materials,
- Program models to assist leaders and educators in their transition to the new standards,
- Resources for professional development and learning, and
- Parent-, student- and community-friendly materials to learn more about the Common Core State Standards.
A dynamic place of learning, this website supports those interested in the Connecticut Core Standards, providing information, examples, and resources. "
As we work together to ensure the success of every child, we invite you to share your own exemplars of student, classroom, school, and district materials aligned with the Connecticut Core Standards.
In partnership,
Charlene Russell-Tucker
Commissioner of Education