PURA is hosting a public meeting to identify improvements to our participation process, such as methods to increase access and stakeholder engagement in PURA proceedings. Please join us on Thursday, March 20 at 6pm at the Center for Contemporary Culture at the Hartford Public Library, at 500 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103. Interpretation services are available upon request, and Spanish interpretation will be offered by default. Interested parties can request additional interpretation services by emailing the PURA Case Coordinator, Ussawin Bumpen at Ussawin.bumpen@ct.gov by March 18, 2025. Child-focused activities will be offered as well. For more information on this docket, visit EngagePURA.org

Press Releases

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PURA Establishes Statewide Electric Vehicle Charging Program

New Incentives will Encourage Investments in Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure, Additional Incentives for Underserved Communities


(New Britain, CT – July 14, 2021) – Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) today issued a final decision as part of its Equitable Modern Grid initiative that establishes a nine-year program to support the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the state, focusing on equity and inclusion.

Today's decision in Docket No. 17-12-03RE04 outlines a statewide Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program that providea combination of incentives for infrastructure — including electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and fast charging stations — and accompanying rate design offerings in an effort to develop a self-sustaining zero emission vehicle market.

The Connecticut Light and Power Company d/b/a Eversource Energy (Eversource) and The United Illuminating Company (UI) will administer the program beginning January 1, 2022In the coming months, PURA will work with Eversource, UI and other stakeholders to ensure the successful launch of the statewide program, including the development of a joint education and outreach plan to raise awareness and solicit participation in the statewide EV Charging Program.

The EV Charging Program will offer incentives for the deployment of EVSE in five program areas, or market segments:

  1. Residential Single-Family Level 2 Charging;

  2. Residential Multi-Unit Dwellings (MUDs) Level 2 Charging;

  3. Direct current fast charging (DCFC);

  4. Destination Level 2 Charging; and

  5. Workplace & Light-Duty Fleet Level 2 Charging.

Specifically, the Decision directs Eversource and UI to offer the following incentives for both EVSE (i.e., chargers) and any associated electrical upgrades:

EV Charging Program EVSE and Make-Ready Incentives


Today’s Decision is a pivotal moment in Connecticut’s transition to a decarbonized economy,” said PURA Chairman Marissa P. Gillett. “The new statewide program seizes the opportunities for ratepayers that come from electrifying our transportation sector, as the program will facilitate a proactive approach and seamless integration of new and emerging EV technologies across our state’s electric grid. Electric vehicles not only provide an opportunity to decarbonize the transportation sector, but also the potential to lower electric rates – a much welcome outcome for all Connecticut ratepayers.”

The Decision is necessary to achieve Connecticut’s long-term electric vehicle policy goals and greenhouse gas reduction targetsincluding Connecticut’s commitment to the 2013 ten state Memorandum of Understanding to collectively deploy 3.3 million zero emission vehicles and Public Act 18-82,An Act Concerning Climate Change Planning and Resiliencywhich requires a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.The statewide program design builds on the Electric Vehicle Roadmap issued last year by the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

PURA’s Equitable Modern Grid Initiative

In October 2019, the Authority approved a plan to equitablmodernize the electric grid, specifying a series of reopened proceedings to further investigate11 near-term topics. Those near-term topics include energy affordability, advanced metering infrastructure, electric storage, zero emissions vehicles, innovation pilots, and interconnection standards. 

Significant progress has been made in each proceedingIn addition to today’s Decision, PURA has completed four 100-day sprints focused on removing barriers to energy affordabilityestablished working groups to improve interconnection guidelines and technical criteria, and ordered the establishment of new rate structures to support Connecticut’s small businesses, among other milestones. Specifically, PURA has issued the following through its Equitable Modern Grid initiative: 


  • Interconnection Standards and Practices (17-12-03RE06)

  • Resilience and Reliability Standards and Programs (17-12-03RE08)

  • New Rate Designs (17-12-03RE11)

Related Information


About the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority:

The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) is statutorily-charged with regulating the rates and services of Connecticut's investor owned electricity, natural gas, water and telecommunication companies and is the franchising authority for the state’s cable television companies. In the industries that are still wholly regulated, PURA balances the public’s right to safe, adequate and reliable utility service at reasonable rates with the provider’s right to a reasonable return on its investment. PURA also keeps watch over competitive utility services to promote equity among the competitors while customers reap the price and quality benefits of competition and are protected from unfair business practices. Visit PURA’s website at ct.gov/pura.

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Media Contact

Taren O'Connor
Director of Legislation, Regulation and Communication

Joe Cooper
Deputy Director of Communications
