PURA is hosting a public meeting to identify improvements to our participation process, such as methods to increase access and stakeholder engagement in PURA proceedings. Please join us on Thursday, March 20 at 6pm at the Center for Contemporary Culture at the Hartford Public Library, at 500 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103. Interpretation services are available upon request, and Spanish interpretation will be offered by default. Interested parties can request additional interpretation services by emailing the PURA Case Coordinator, Ussawin Bumpen at Ussawin.bumpen@ct.gov by March 18, 2025. Child-focused activities will be offered as well. For more information on this docket, visit EngagePURA.org

Program Overview

Energy Storage Solutions (ESS) is a statewide program that provides residential and commercial customers with incentives to install energy storage at their home or business and to use energy storage to the benefit of the grid and electric customers.

Launched in January 2022, the nine-year program is administered by the Connecticut Green Bank (CGB) along with Connecticut's regulated electric distribution companies, Eversource Energy and The United Illuminating Company (UI).

In June 2021, PURA issued a final decision as part of its Equitable Modern Grid initiative that established the ESS program, with the aim of deploying 580 MW of electric storage by 2030. This program enhances grid reliability and ensures homeowners, small businesses, industrial manufacturers, and critical facilities have access to more reliable power.

*NEW* Recent Changes (2024 only)

In the latest ESS annual program review, the Authority authorized several changes to the program, including:

  • Aligning commercial upfront incentives with strong enrollment levels to date; 
  •  Expanding the program’s commercial capacity by approximately 50%, or 140 MW, by reallocating a portion of the program's residential capacity;
  • Revising the Interconnection Guidelines to streamline and improve energy storage interconnections;
  • Shortening the passive dispatch period from five to three hours to boost peak reduction effectiveness;
  • Updating the clawback formula to more accurately reflect participants' levels of nonperformance;
  • Requiring owners of multifamily affordable housing projects to ensure equitable sharing of resiliency benefits with tenants; and
  • Enhancing data accessibility for customers to improve program transparency. 
Learn More About the Program

Program Manual

Fact sheet for commercial and industrial customers

Fact sheet for residential customers

Program Websites and Contact Information
Program Administrators Email Website
Connecticut Green Bank energystorage@ctgreenbank.com Visit the Green Bank's website
Eversource Energy  EnergyStorageSolutions@eversource.com   Visit Eversource's website
UI  EnergyStorageSolutions@uinet.com  Visit UI's website

For additional inquiries, please contact PURA's customer affairs team at PURA.information@ct.gov.

PURA Decisions

Program Year 4 Decision (2025): Docket No. 24-08-05, 12/04/24

Program Year 3 Decision (2024): Docket No. 23-08-05, 11/29/23

Program Year 2 Decision (2023): Docket No. 22-08-05, 12/21/22

Program Year 1 Decision (2022): Docket No. 21-08-05, 12/08/21
Program Authorization Decision: Docket No. 17-12-03RE03, 07/28/21