Responsible Growth & Transit Oriented Development Grant Program Home Page



The Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development (RGTOD) Grant Program provides funding opportunities to eligible applicants for projects that foster transit-oriented development, as defined in Section 13b-79o of the Connecticut General Statutes, and/or projects that demonstrate responsible growth through their consistency with the Conservation & Development Policies: The Plan for Connecticut.

This Program began in 2015 as a TOD Planning Grant and was expanded in subsequent years to include construction/implementation projects as eligible activities, and to add the broader responsible growth component.

While the term “responsible growth” is not defined in statute, under this program it is generally considered to be an increased focus on the use and reuse of places where private and public investments made by previous generations can foster long-term growth of the state's economy while protecting the state's distinctive natural resources, landscapes, and landmarks for the future, and providing a high quality of life for the present.

Eligible applicants include Connecticut municipalities and Regional Councils of Governments (COGs), although joint applications and collaborative partnerships with developers, non-profits, and other outside entities are generally encouraged.

Funding for this program is provided through a combination of the Responsible Growth Incentive account and the Transit-Oriented Development and Pre-Development account.

Use the links below to access a complete listing of past awards (2015 to present), or for information specific to each program year.

Contact: 816.418.6343