Welcome to the Governor's Nonprofit Grant Program Webpage
Share Your Feedback on the Round 8 Application Process - OPM is seeking feedback on the Round 8 NGP application process in order to make improvements should an additional round of NGP funds become available in the future. PLEASE CLICK HERE and complete a brief 4 question survey to share your thoughts. Thank you!
General Grant Conditions (Round 8) - Updated July 1, 2024
Nonprofit Grant Program Special Grant Conditions (Round 8)
History About the Nonprofit Grant Program:
In August 2013, $20M was approved for the state's first ever Nonprofit Grant Program. The program is a way of helping nonprofit health and human service agencies ensure that their funding goes towards assisting those most in need of their services by supporting capital purchases that enhance service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness. Due to the huge interest in the program, an additional $30M was approved for the program in the FY15 biennium budget, bringing the total approved over two years to $70M. The first 156 awards for $20M were issued in FY14 under Public Act 13-239. A second round of funding under Public Act 14-98 was also for $20M. In January 2015, 144 awards were granted. Both rounds were based on the applications received in October 2013. In 2016 under Public Act 14-98, $30M was approved and in round 4, 52 awards were granted in February 2016. In July of 2016, another 55 awards were granted. Both rounds were based on the applications received in June 2015. In 2017, under Public Act 15-1, $10M was approved and 56 awards were granted in June 2017. In 2018, under Public Act 16-4, $25M was approved and another 131 grants were awarded. Both of these rounds were based on the applications receive in January 2017. In 2018, under Public Act 17-2, $30M was approved and in round 7, 96 grants were awarded in January 2019. In 2023, under Public Act 20-1 as amended by Public Act 22-118, $25M was approved for distribution in round 8 and $10.5 million in funds remaining from previous rounds were added to make the total amount available in round 8 $35.5 million. The full $35.5 million was awarded in April 2024 based on the evaluation of applications received in October 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact: OPM.NPGrantProgramApplications@ct.gov