CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee
The CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee was established pursuant to Public Act 04-234, An Act Concerning Prison Overcrowding. The Subcommittee is charged with making recommendations to the Criminal Justice Policy Advisory Commission (CJPAC) concerning the provision of inmate behavioral health services.
Behavioral Health issues for the Annual Reentry Plan are coordinated and developed by the Research, Analysis & Evaluation Unit and this Subcommittee. Our work together on this Plan is guided by how Subcommittee tasks relate to: (a) the criminal justice system, (b) the annual reentry strategy initiatives and (c) the impact these activities may have on reducing recidivism and prison and jail overcrowding.
The Behavioral Health Subcommittee (BHS) is facilitated by Chairperson:
By statute, the CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee is composed of the Commissioners, or their respective designees, from the Department of Correction (DOC) and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and a representative of the University of Connecticut Health Center who has the responsibility for the administration of the contract with the Department of Correction concerning the provision of health care services to inmates. |
The CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee (BHS) and its two workgroups (1) System Barriers Workgroup (BHS/SB), and (2) Housing & Employment Workgroup (BHS/H&E) hold regular scheduled meetings.
For more information on attending these meetings, please contact one of the co-chairs listed above.
The CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee (BHS) and its two Workgroups:
(1) System Barriers Workgroup (BHS/SB), and
(2) Housing & Employment Workgroup (BHS/H&E)
Will develop brief reports to the Behavioral Health subcommittee that include the following topics regarding offenders with behavioral health needs.
For each specific service/resource investigated by workgroup:
I. Need
Specific service/resource needed
Impact (qualitative and quantitative) of unmet need for this service/resource on the following:
- Number and subpopulations of people affected
- Quality of life
- Violation of conditions
- Arrest
- Incarceration
- Recidivism
II. Barriers
Identify barriers to accessing this service/resource
Relative impact of each barrier on meeting unmet need for this service/resource
III. Recommendations
For each recommendation, present the following:
Description of recommendation
Evidence to support recommendation
Cost of implementing recommendation
State entities involved in implementing recommendation
Impact (qualitative and quantitative) of implementing recommendation on the following:
- Quality of life
- Violation of conditions
- Arrest
- Incarceration
- Recidivism