CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee MEETING DATES & INFORMATION

The CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee (BHS) was established under Public Act 04-234 to make recommendations to the Criminal Justice Policy Advisory Commission (CJPAC) concerning the provision of inmate behavioral health services.
The Subcommittee is chaired by Dr. Reena Kapoor, DMHAS, reena.kapoor@ct.gov  860-262-6765.

See list of BHS Subcommittee Members 

Full BHS meetings are held on a quarterly basis or as needed. There are currently two (2) workgroups, Systems Barriers (SB) and Housing & Employment (H&E). The workgroups meet monthly to focus on their areas of expertise and provide reports to the full BHS. 
Photo State Capitol
Meetings are presented in reverse chronological order, so that the most current are listed first. Documents are available in Adobe PDF format. To view either get the Adobe Reader OR use the Adobe PDF Converter.
Full Subcommittee Meeting
  • January 18, 2024
  • March 14, 2024
  • May 9, 2024
  • July 11, 2024
  • September 12, 2024
  • November 14, 2024
NEXT Meeting:
Thursday, July 11, 2024
CJPAC Behavioral Health Subcommittee
9:30–11:00 AM
Connecticut Valley Hospital, Russell Hall, Room 217-A
(Meeting will also be available via Microsoft Teams)
May 9, 2024  BHS BHS Agenda May 9, 2024
Mar 14, 2024 BHS  
Jan. 18, 2024 BHS  BHS Agenda Jan. 18, 2024 / BHS Minutes Jan. 18, 2024
Nov 09, 2023 BHS BHS Agenda Nov. 09, 2023 / BHS Minutes Nov. 9, 2023
Sept 14, 2023  BHS BHS Agenda Sept 14, 2023 / BHS Minutes Sept. 14, 2023
July 13, 2023 BHS Canceled
May 11, 2023 BHS BHS Agenda May 11, 2023 / BHS Minutes May 11, 2023
Mar 09, 2023 BHS BHS Agenda March 9, 2023 / BHS Minutes March 9, 2023
Jan 12, 2023  BHS BHS Agenda January 12, 2023 / BHS Minutes January 12, 2023
Nov 10, 2022 BHS BHS Agenda November 10, 2022 / BHS Minutes November 10, 2022
Sep 1, 2022  BHS BHS Agenda September 1, 2022 / BHS Minutes September 1, 2022
July 07, 2022 BHS  BHS Agenda July 7, 2022 / BHS Minutes 7/7/22
May 05, 2022 BHS Meeting Canceled 
Mar 03, 2022 BHS BHS Agenda March 3, 2022 / BHS Minutes 3/3/22
Dec 02 2021
PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2021-12  / BHS Minutes 12/2/21
Sep 02, 2021
BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2021-09  / BHS Minutes 2021-09
Jun 03, 2021
PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2021-06 / BHS Minutes 2021-06
Mar 04, 2021 BHS  PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2021-03 / BHS Minutes 2021-03
Dec 03, 2020 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2020-12 / BHS Minutes 2020-12
Sep 03, 2020 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2020-9 / BHS Minutes 2020-9
Jun 04, 2020 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2020-6 / BHS Minutes 2020-6
Mar 05, 2020 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2020-3 / BHS Minutes 2020-3
Jan 09, 2020 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2020-1 / BHS Minutes 2020-1
Nov 07, 2019 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2019-11 / BHS Minutes 2019-11
Sep 05, 2019 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2019-9 / BHS Minutes 2019-9
May 02, 2019 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2019-5 / BHS Minutes 2019-5
Mar 07, 2019 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2019-3 / BHS Minutes 2019-3
Jan 03, 2019 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2019-1 / BHS Minutes 2019-1
Nov 01, 2018 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2018-11 / BHS Minutes 2018-11
Oct 04, 2018 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2018-10 / BHS Minutes 2018-10
Jul 05, 2018 BHS PDF to HTML Converter BHS Agenda 2018-7 / BHS Minutes 2018-7
Apr 05, 2018 BHS Canceled
Jan 04, 2018 BHS Canceled
Oct 05, 2017 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / MINUTES
July 06, 2017 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda/ Minutes
Apr 06, 2017 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda/ Minutes
Jan 05, 2017 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Oct 06, 2016 BHS Canceled
Jul 07, 2016 BHS Canceled
Apr 07, 2016 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Jan 07, 2016 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Oct 01, 2015 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Jul 09, 2015 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Apr 02, 2015 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Jan 08, 2015 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Oct 02, 2014 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
July 17, 2014 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Apr 03, 2014 BHS PDF to HTML Converter  Agenda / Minutes
Jan 02, 2014 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Oct 03, 2013 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Apr 04, 2013 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Jan 03, 2013 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Oct 04, 2012 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
July 05, 2012 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Apr 05, 2012 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Jan 05, 2012 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Nov 03, 2011 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Sep 01, 2011 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
May 05, 2011 BHS
Feb 03, 2011 BHS
Nov 04, 2010 BHS
Aug 12, 2010 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
May 14, 2009 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Feb 05, 2009 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Nov 06, 2008 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Aug 14, 2008 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Aug 13, 2008 BHS/SB
Meeting Cancelled
Jun 18, 2008 BHS/SB PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
May 15, 2008 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Apr 16, 2008 BHS/SB PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Mar 19, 2008 BHS/SB PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Feb 27, 2008 BHS/SB
Meeting Cancelled
Feb 07, 2008 BHS PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Jan 23, 2008 BHS/SB PDF to HTML ConverterAgenda / Minutes
Dec 05, 2007 BHS/SB
Nov 14, 2007 BHS
Oct 17, 2007 BHS/SB
Meeting Cancelled
Sep 19, 2007 BHS/SB
Aug 29, 2007 BHS
View program description for  PDF to HTML ConverterAdvanced Supervision and Intervention Support Team (ASIST), a new collaborative initiative between DMHAS, DOC and CSSD
View handout of PDF to HTML ConverterDOC Mental Health Population Statistics presented by Dr. Bannish
View draft of the PDF to HTML ConverterProposed Mental Health Accelerated Rehabilitation Bill presented by Monte Radler
See additional resources regarding the Adam Walsh Act:
Aug 08, 2007 BHS
Meeting Rescheduled
Jul 11, 2007 BHS/SB
For more information about the Connecticut Alliance to Benefit Law Enforcement, Inc. (CABLE), mentioned at the meeting, visit their web site at www.cableweb.org
Jun 07, 2007 BHS/SB
May 16, 2007 BHS/SB
PDF to HTML ConverterAgendaMinutes
A PDF to HTML ConverterDMHAS Community Program Grid/Matrix was presented by Loel Meckel to provide a basic overview of DMHAS Community Programs by their Point of Service.
May 09, 2007 BHS
Agenda / Minutes
Apr 11, 2007 BHS/SB
Agenda / Minutes
Jan 23, 2007 BHS/SB
Dec 06, 2006 BHS PDF to HTML Converter Agenda / Minutes