Request a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate


For a birth occurring on or after January 1, 2003:

You may request a certified copy of the birth certificate from any town vital records office or the State Vital Records Office. 


For a birth occurring prior to January 1, 2003:

You may request a certified copy of the birth certificate ONLY from the following:

  • The town vital records office of the town where the birth occurred, or
  • The town of the mother’s residence at the time of birth, or
  • The State Vital Records Office.


Checklist for Obtaining a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate

Make sure that you are eligible to obtain the birth certificate

Complete the application 

☐ Order your vital record online (additional fees may apply) through VitalChek, or

☐ Complete the State application and mail your order in to the State Vital Records office, or

☐ Complete the Town application and mail your order in to the town of occurrence

Include your photo ID

Provide documentation proving that you are entitled to obtain the birth certificate (only applicable if the requester is not the birth registrant or a parent listed on the birth certificate)

 Include the applicable fee

Who Can Request a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate?

Birth records are confidential records and are not open to the general public, except for those that are at least 100 years old.  For birth certificates less than 100 years old, you can only obtain the birth certificate if:

  • It’s you and you are 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated minor or a certified homeless youth
  • You are the parent, legal guardian, legal custodian, grandparent, spouse, adult child or adult grandchild
  • You are an attorney-at-law representing the person named on the birth certificate or an eligible relative (see above), an agent of approved state or federal agency, a member of a Connecticut genealogical society (see the Connecticut State Library for more information) or a Conservator of Person
  • For additional eligible parties see C.G.S section 7-51


If you are a representative from a federal or state agency requesting a certified copy of a birth certificate, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Complete and sign the official request on agency letterhead.
  • Submit a copy of his/her employee PICTURE IDENTIFICATION issued by the agency.
  • Submit a RELEASE OF INFORMATION form signed by the client authorizing the agency to obtain his/her record or, submit an official copy of a guardianship decree issued by a proper Court.
  • If a State certified certificate is not needed, you may obtain an official, certified copy from the town of birth
    • The fee for a birth certificate issued from the State of Connecticut Vital Records Unit is $30.00.
    • The fee for a birth certificate issued from the town/city of birth is $20.00.


What Needs to Be Included with Your Request?

All requests for certified copies of birth certificates must be accompanied by:

  • a valid, government issued photographic identification which includes the requester’s name, date of birth, signature, and an expiration date. If the State or town vital records office has reason to doubt the authenticity of a document presented, the requester may be asked to provide additional documentation.


  • Other forms of identification:  If a photographic identification is not available, two (2) of the documents listed below may be substituted. For mail requests, a photocopy of the document is sufficient, do not send original;

    • Social security card;
    • Social security card supplemented with either an employment identification card, a paycheck stub or a W-2 form. Providing the documents in this subdivision fully satisfies the identification requirements of this section;
    • Automobile registration;
    • Copy of utility bill showing name and current address;
    • Checking account deposit slip or bank statement stating name and current address;
    • Voter registration card;
    • Valid government issued trade or professional license;
    • Valid government issued firearm permit;
    • Probation documents issued by a court or other government agency, pursuant to a criminal conviction;
    • Letter from a government agency verifying identity. The letter shall be dated within six months prior to the date of the request;
    • Release documentation from a correctional institution containing a photograph of the former inmate and a release date within 12 months prior to the date of the request;
    • Birth certificate of the requester;
    • Military discharge papers;
    • Current school or college photographic identification; or
    • Government issued photographic identification that has expired within 12 months prior to the date of the request.

If you are requesting a birth certificate for someone other than yourself or your child, you will need to submit proof verifying your relationship to the person whose birth certificate you are requesting.  For example:

  • If you are requesting the birth certificate of your parent, you must submit a copy of your own birth certificate in order to prove the parent/ child relationship.

For persons with a legal name change

  • If you have had a legal name change and your identification documents do not match the information on the vital record you are requesting, you must submit a copy of the court order verifying the legal name change.


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