Scroll down to view information about each module's dataset, table filtering and censoring, reference or citation, and contacts.



Birth Data


Data Provided:

Live birth counts by calendar year.


Population Scope/Limits:

Includes Births to Connecticut residents, including those that delivered out-of-state. Births to residents of other states that occurred in Connecticut are excluded.


Table Display Filtering/Censoring:

Cell suppression for small numbers: None required.

Confidentiality Restrictions: None required.


Usage Notes:

The calculated "rates" use live births counts as the denominator for the selected pregnancy indicators (Step-6). In some cases, birth records may be missing information for the selected indicator. Records with missing/unknown information are subtracted from the live birth denominator for each respective indicator. This is appropriate since live birth counts identify the population-at-risk for those outcomes. For example, if 'smoking status' is missing/unknown for 200 records, then the rate will be calculated using total live births minus the 200 unknowns.


Smoking Rate = Number who smoked / Total live births where smoking status is known


Rates are displayed for any birth indicator selected in Step-6 other than total live births.


Published reports based on these data:

Annual tabulations of Connecticut birth data may be found on our Vital Statistics page.


Contact for questions related to these data:

Phone: (860) 509-7120

The Health Care Quality, Statistics, Analysis & Reporting (HCQSAR) unit within the Connecticut Department of Public Health is responsible for the tabulation and dissemination of birth data.



Childhood Blood Lead Screening


Data Provided:

Data is provided for the total number of individual children who were screened for lead in the identified year. Blood lead levels are reported for screened children based on their confirmed [1] lead test results. Children whose test results are not confirmed are reported as a separate group labeled "Not Confirmed".


The data posted here for all years are based on the analysis methods that were first applied in the published 2004 Annual Surveillance Report and which are also reflected in the 2004 data that is posted on the DPH website. Due to a slight revision in this analysis method from the method that was used prior to 2004, you will see the query results for years 2002 and 2003 are slightly different than the data that was previously published in 2002 and 2003 reports (commonly known as Screening Data by Town).


Population Scope/Limits:

Includes children who are residents of Connecticut, ages 0 to 5 years.


Table Display Filtering/Censoring:

Cell suppression for small numbers: None required.

Confidentiality Restrictions: None required.


Usage Notes:

If a child had more than one lead screening then the child was only counted once and the highest confirmed lead result was used. Confirmed cases only include those that were screened for lead with either a venous or a capillary blood draw.


Published reports based on these data:

Annual reports of Childhood Lead Poisoning in Connecticut may be found thru the Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Program website.


Contact for questions related to these data:

Phone: (860) 509-7299

The Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Program within the Connecticut Department of Public Health is responsible for the tabulation and dissemination of childhood lead poisoning data.


[1] A confirmed blood lead test is either (1) a venous sample, (2) a capillary blood sample with a result of <10 µg/dL, (3) a capillary blood draw with a result of =10 µg/dL, if the previous lead screening was a confirmed elevated blood lead level of =10 µg/dL, regardless of the time lag between screenings, or (4) the second of two capillary blood samples drawn within 12 weeks of each other, both with lead level =10 µg/dL.



Newborn Hearing Screening


Data Provided:

Initial newborn hearing screening results as recorded in the Connecticut DPH Newborn Hearing Screening System.


Population Scope/Limits:

Includes births occurring in Connecticut, regardless of the mother's state of residence. Births to residents of Connecticut that occurred in other states are excluded.


Table Display Filtering/Censoring:

Cell suppression for small number: Invoked when cell values are less than 6.

Confidentiality Restrictions: Invoked when the difference between any particular cell and the total number of events for all conditions is less than 10.


Usage Notes:

The information provided includes total birth count, the number of newborns screened, the number screened and passed or failed (referred for follow-up testing), and the number not screened because screening was declined. The final confirmed screening results are not included.


The methods used to collect and analyze EHDI data continue to evolve as new data components become available to the Department of Public Health. In addition, tracking of screening results and data collection are ongoing activities. Since the EHDI data is updated continuously, screening outcome numbers and rates may vary depending on when the dataset is generated. This creates minor differences in the datasets over time.


The CHIERS datasets for years 2004 and 2005 were extracted on 11/21/06. As such, these figures may differ slightly from those published in previous EHDI reports and from those currently posted on the DPH website. For the latest data as well as aggregate diagnostic testing results, please contact the CT DPH EHDI Program directly.


Published reports based on these data:

The most recent reports and links to related sites may be found on the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program webpage.


Contact for questions related to these data:

Phone: (860) 509-8057

The Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program within the Connecticut Department of Public Health is responsible for the tabulation and dissemination of this data.



Population Census, April 1, 2000


Data Provided:

These figures are based on actual population counts reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Population Scope/Limits:

Includes Connecticut residents as of April 1, 2000.


Table Display Filtering/Censoring:

Cell suppression for small numbers: None required.

Confidentiality Restrictions: None required.


Usage Notes:

Please refer to the US Census Bureau for details on this dataset.


Published reports based on these data:

The Census 2000 Connecticut resident population report can be found on our Population Statistics page.


Contact for questions related to these data:

Phone: (860) 509-7120

The Health Care Quality, Statistics, Analysis & Reporting (HCQSAR) unit within the Connecticut Department of Public Health is responsible for the tabulation and dissemination of this data.



Population Estimates, July 1, 2000


Data Provided:

These figures are estimated population counts. These estimates are based on the April 1, 2000 Census figures and estimated migration in the intervening months.


Population Scope/Limits:

Includes Connecticut residents as of July 1, 2000.


Table Display Filtering/Censoring:

Cell suppression for small numbers: None required.

Confidentiality Restrictions: None required.


Usage Notes:

Since these are mid-year figures (July 1, 2000) they are more appropriate for use in calculating annual rates than the April 1 Census figures.


Published reports based on these data:

The July 1, 2000 Connecticut resident population report can be found on our Population Statistics page.


Contact for questions related to these data:

Phone: (860) 509-7120

The Health Care Quality, Statistics, Analysis & Reporting (HCQSAR) unit within Connecticut Department of Public Health is responsible for the tabulation and dissemination of this data.