The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Persons Required to Report Reportable Diseases, Emergency Illnesses, and Health Conditions

Providers, and others responsible for reporting reportable diseases, can find the Reportable Disease Confidential Case Report Form PD-23 or other disease specific reporting form on the Department of Public Health's Forms page.

(Public Health Code - Section 19a-36-A3)

  1. Every health care provider who treats or examines any person who has or is suspected to have a reportable disease shall report the case to the local director of health or other health authority within whose jurisdiction the patient resides and to the Department of Public Health.
  2. If the case or suspected case of reportable disease is in a health care facility, the person in charge of such facility shall ensure that reports are made to the local director of health and Department of Public Health. The person in charge shall designate appropriate infection control or record keeping personnel for this purpose.
  3. If the case or suspected case of reportable disease is not in a health care facility, and if a health care provider is not in attendance or is not known to have made a report within the appropriate time, such report of reportable diseases shall be made to the local director of health or other health authority within whose jurisdiction the patient lives and the Department of Public Health by:
    1. The administrator serving a public or private school or day care center attended by any person affected or apparently affected with such disease;
    2. The person in charge of any camp;
    3. The master or any other person in charge of any vessel lying within the jurisdiction of the state;
    4. The master or any other person in charge of any aircraft landing within the jurisdiction of the state;
    5. The owner or person in charge of any establishment producing, handling, or processing dairy products, other food or non-alcoholic beverages for sale or distribution;
    6. Morticians and funeral directors.

Contact the Epidemiology and Emerging Infections Program at 860-509-7994.

Updated 5/17/2023

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