Local Health Departments

Management of Lead Poisoning Cases

DPH works in conjunction with Local Health Departments in Connecticut to prevent lead poisoning of children and to protect lead poisoned children from further lead exposure. Connecticut regulations set the guidelines for local health departments’ involvement in lead poisoning cases.

Blood Testing Follow-up Requirements

For both capillary tests and confirmed venous test results of 3.5 µg/dL and greater:

  • Local Health Departments provide parents and/or guardians with information describing the dangers of lead poisoning, precautions to reduce the risk of lead poisoning, information about potential eligibility for services for children from birth to three years of age, and laws and regulations concerning lead abatement
  • Generate re-testing reminder letters for the parents and/or guardians

Medical Screening Recommendations and Guidelines 

XRF Loaner Program

DPH has loaned ten Heuresis Pb200e machines to selected local health departments/districts.  Each of these selected health departments/districts will loan the XRF machines to neighboring health departments and districts.  

Please click here for a copy of the Heuresis Pb200e user guide.

To loan out an XRF:

Identify which local health department/district you should contact to borrow an XRF machine, please click here.

  • Contact the person listed
    • Understand that these machines are shared and must be returned in a timely manner
  • Arrange on an agreed upon pick-up and drop-off time/location when borrowing an XRF machine 
  • Be sure to scan QR Code #2 when loaning out and returning the XRF machine

DPH Related Forms

Educational materials can be found here.