DPH Responsibilities:        

  • Review/approve plans and specifications for public mausoleums and columbariums pursuant to Statute Section 19a-310.  The main emphasis of the review is to insure proper venting and drainage of the structures.  A $1250.00 review fee is required for these reviews per Statute. An application is required
  • Review/approve plans and specification for crematories pursuant to Statute Section 19a-320.  The main emphasis of the review and subsequent inspection of the facility is to insure compliance with the approved construction plans and to verify records are properly kept.  The associated review fee is $1250.00 per Statute.  An application is required.
  • Review/approve private burial grounds pursuant to Statute Section 19a-313.  Such burial grounds are typically small family plots on relatively large tracts of land.  An application is required.
Please e-mail questions to the Environmental Engineering Program at DPH.EnvironmentalEngineering@ct.gov.


Private Burial Grounds:

Section 19a-313 of the Connecticut General Statutes prohibits burial or entombment except in an established cemetery controlled by a municipality, ecclesiastical society or cemetery association, or in a private burying ground or structure approved by the State Department of Public Health.

For approval of such a private burying ground or structure by this office, we require that the applicant complete and submit to this office an application form.  The application should include the name of the owner of the property where the private burial ground is to be located, giving both the name, address and telephone number of the owner and the address of the property where the burying ground is located.  The application should specify the total acreage of the property, dimensions of the proposed burying ground, and the number of burying lots proposed.

There is no specific restriction on distance to neighboring houses, but other statues have specified a distance of 350 feet from the nearest house.  We request that the applicant list a number of houses within 350 feet.  We may contact the property owners and request their comments concerning the burying ground.  We also request you indicate the separating distance to the neighboring property lines and the name and address of the owner of any property within 25 feet of the burying ground.  This information is usually provided on a surveyor’s plot plan, which is required to be filed on the town land records. 

The burying ground should have good surface drainage and test holes will need to be dug to determine the depth of the groundwater level and ledge rock.  Uunsuitable drainage and soil conditions should be avoided for burial purposes.  The property will be inspected by a representative of this office to determine the suitability of the site conditions and also to assure that the burying ground will be located sufficiently far from water supply wells, open watercourses, sewage disposal systems and storm drains.


It is strongly recommended that before you proceed too far with arrangements for a private burying ground, you check with the local Planning and Zoning Commissions to be sure there is not some local requirement which would prohibit the use of the property as a burying ground.  We also require the owner provide an easement or right-of-way to allow access from the street to the private burying ground, and that the record of the plot plan with easement or right-of-way be written on the deed to the property and filed in the town land records.  In order to give due notice, the State Department of Public Health may have a Legal Notice of the application published in the local newspaper with an opportunity for comment.  There is no legal definition of a private burying ground, but it is assumed that it would be for people associated with the families, and that the lots would not be sold.  Under Connecticut State Law, a burial permit must be obtained from the Town Clerk or any other person who is authorized to issue burial permits.