Stakeholder Engagement
Advice and Recommendations

The Working Group has been charged with providing advice and recommendations for regulations to be proposed by DEEP to implement a release-based cleanup program.  Advice and recommendations have come in many forms, including discussions during Working Group meetings and more formal documents from the Working Group (e.g., formal reports, Ad Hoc Team reports, Subcommittee Concept Papers, and others).

The revised proposed Release-Based Cleanup Regulations have been posted for public comment. The comment period will end October 24, 2024.

Release-Based Program First Year Flow Chart

Technical Support Documents

Draft Proposal for Risk Based Cleanup Standard Calculators
Draft Multifamily and Recreational Risk Based Criteria TSD

Additional Stakeholder Engagement on Draft Regulatory Language

Previous presentations held by DEEP or at which DEEP discussed the December 2023 draft regulatory proposal are listed below.  RBCR Formal Regulation Adoption has presentations and workshops on the current proposed regulations.

Organization Date Time
Connecticut Environmental Forum
January 3, 2024
9:00 a.m.
Environmental Professionals of Connecticut
January 16, 2024
3:30 p.m.
Connecticut Business and Industry Association
January 18, 2024
1:00 p.m.
Transition Advisory Group Meeting
January 22, 2024

CT Bar Association, Environment and Real Property Sections January 25, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Transition Advisory Group Meeting January 26, 2024

CT Society for Women Environmental Professionals
February 1, 2024
9:30 a.m.
Transition Advisory Group Meeting February 2, 2024

Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast February 27, 2024
12 noon
Real Estate Finance Association of Connecticut/Building Owners and Managers Association February 15, 2024
12 noon
DECD-DEEP Developers Forum
June 21, 2024
9 a.m.
CT Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, Water Subcommittee  July 24, 2024

Subcommittee Process – Advice and Recommendations

First Phase Final Report - November 9, 2021
Second Phase Final Report - July 13, 2022

Regulatory Concept Feedback

Third-Phase Subcommittee Process Concept Papers

DEEP Initial Response to Third-Phase Concept Papers

Second-Phase Subcommittee Process Concept Papers

DEEP Initial Response to Second-Phase Concept Papers

First-Phase Subcommittee Process Concept Papers

Concept Paper Public Comments Summary
DEEP Initial Response to Concept Papers

Transition Advisory Group Reports

Transition Advisory Group Recommendations - June 11, 2021
Transition Advisory Group Observations - October 12, 2021

Ad Hoc Teams Charges and Reports

First Phase Subcommittee Ad Hoc Team Charges Guidance and Forms Ad Hoc Charge 

Working Group Emails and Materials

Forty-seventh Release-Based Working Group email with Proposed Regulations

Forty-sixth Release-Based Working Group email

Forty-fifth Release-Based Working Group email

Forty-fourth Release-Based Working Group email

Forty-third Release-Based Working Group email

Forty-second Release-Based Working Group email

Forty-first Release-Based Working Group email

Fortieth Release-Based Working Group email with Draft Regulations

Thirty-ninth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-eighth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-seventh Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-sixth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-Fifth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-Fourth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-Third Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-Second Release-Based Working Group email

Thirty-First Release-Based Working Group email

Thirtieth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Ninth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Eighth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Seventh Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Sixth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Fifth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Fourth Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Third Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-Second Release-Based Working Group email

Twenty-First Release-Based Working Group email

Twentieth Release-Based Working Group email

Nineteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Eighteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Seventeenth Release-Based Working Group email

Sixteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Fifteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Fourteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Thirteenth Release-Based Working Group email

Twelfth Release-Based Working Group email

Eleventh Release-Based Working Group email

Tenth Release-Based Working Group email

Ninth Release-Based Working Group email

Ad Hoc Teams Summary Survey Results

Eighth Release-Based Working Group email

Seventh Release-Based Working Group email

Sixth Release-Based Working Group email

Fifth Release-Based Working Group email

Fourth Release-Based Working Group email

Third Release-Based Working Group email

Second Release-Based Working Group email

First Release-Based Working Group email


Email to Subcommittee Chairs - March 9, 2022

Method 3 DEEP Response

DEEP has worked to draft regulations incorporating the concepts identified. DECD and DEEP continue to work in partnership with the Working Group and the public throughout this process and until the regulations implementing this program are adopted.  In addition, DECD and DEEP will continuously work with stakeholders groups to discuss and update the public on the status of this regulation adoption process.  The Commissioners of DEEP and DECD will seek opportunities to engage with a broad array of stakeholders. 

If you are interested in staying involved and up-to-date, please ensure that you are signed up for Remediation e-alerts so you can know when we post additional information on this topic.

Release-Based Clean Up Program Regulation Development

Content Last Updated July 26, 2024.