Release-Based Clean Up Program Regulation Development

Benefits of transition to a release-based Remediation ProgramUnder a release-based system, Connecticut’s cleanup framework will better serve the state’s economic interests while improving protections to public health and the environment. CGS 22a-134pp-134pp to 134xx charges DEEP to work with the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), legislative leaders, and a variety of environmental and economic stakeholders to chart a new path for Connecticut’s cleanup program.

Next Steps – Working Group

Pursuant to CGS section 22a-134tt, DEEP has provided the revised proposed regulations for review by the Working Group prior to moving forward with the formal regulation adoption process. DEEP and DECD will continue to meet with the Working Group monthly to receive additional advice and recommendations on these regulations until they are adopted.

The Release-Based Cleanup Regulations Formal Regulation Adoption process has begun. The comment period will end October 24, 2024.

Release-Based Program First Year Flow Chart
Stakeholder Engagement
Working Group’s meetings
Legislative Authorization
Release-Based Regulations Working Group Members
Release Based Topical Subcommittee Meetings

DEEP is very interested in your comments on this regulatory proposal.

If you would like to invite DEEP to speak with your member organization, please contact us at

Content last updated July 26, 2024