Bowhunting Safety Course
Connecticut’s Bowhunting Safety course is a minimum of 6 hours and includes both classroom and field exercises. Registration is mandatory and limited to a pre-determined number of students for each location. Register Here
- Students must demonstrate safe bow handling skills and pass a 50 question multiple choice exam.
- Please bring your own bow and 5 field tipped arrows. If you do not have one, we will provide a bow for you to use.
- Wear weather and season appropriate clothing. Footwear must be closed toe and suitable for wet and/or muddy conditions.
- Minimum age to attend is 10 years old. All students under 18 years of age must be registered and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian must sign the student registration card at the field day.
- Many facilities are not located near food options. It is recommended students bring a bagged lunch.
The Connecticut CE/FS Program receives 75% of its funds from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program. The remaining 25% state match is derived by using the value of the services provided by the volunteer instructors. The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program is funded by the excise tax paid by sportsmen on rifles, shotgun, ammunition, handguns, and archery equipment.

Content last updated on March 3, 2022