DEEP's Environmental Equity Policy

A focus on environmental justice guides everything we do at DEEP. No segment of our population should — because of its racial or economic makeup — bear a disproportionate share of the risks and consequences of environmental harms or be denied equal access to environmental benefits. As a result, we strive for environmental equity in all our program development and implementation, our policy making, and our regulatory activities. We are committed to:

  • Reviewing and assessing the impacts of — and opportunities provided by — our activities with regard to racial and ethnic people of color groups and lower income residents;
  • Enhancing communication with people of color and lower income communities — and improving environmental education opportunities for those communities;
  • Encouraging community participation in DEEP’s ongoing operations and program development, agency advisory boards and commissions, regulatory review panels, and planning and permitting activities;
  • Fostering a heightened awareness of environmental equity issues among our own staff by providing training on the environmental issues affecting low-income and minority communities and implementing specific environmental equity goals in our programs;
  • Working with other federal, state, and municipal agencies and coordinating on environmental equity issues;
  • Continuing to diversify the racial and ethnic makeup of our staff to better reflect and represent DEEP’s diverse constituency; and
  • Employing a staff person responsible for ensuring that environmental equity principles are incorporated into all DEEP’s policies and programs.

While DEEP's environmental accomplishments have been many, this Environmental Equity Policy will continue to advance DEEP’s goals of preserving and enhancing the environment for people in Connecticut.

Ways to Connect

  • For environmental justice administrative inquiries, please contact Edith Pestana (Program Administrator) at (860) 424-3044 or
  • For community and education coordination inquiries, please contact Doris Johnson at (860) 424-3053 or