Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program

The grant program will support the establishment of beverage container redemption centers in urban centers and environmental justice communities. Preference will be given to locally-owned, minority-owned, and/or women-owned business applicants, and first-time redemption center owners and new redemption centers. Business owners, municipalities, and regional councils of government are eligible to apply. Awards must be used for purposes including infrastructure, technology, and costs associated with the establishment of a beverage container redemption center and for initial operational expenses of the redemption center.


Grants are intended for new redemption centers that must be located in urban centers and environmental justice communities. Please read the Beverage Container Grant Program narrative document for more information on eligible locations.


Application Submission

Download the Application

Application Deadline

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023

Associated Documents and Websites

View the Grant Program Webpage

Download the Narrative



Grants and Financial Assistance Main Page