Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program

Thank you for your interest in this grant program, we are not currently accepting applicants at this time. Please check back for any future funding opportunities. 

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has awarded several beverage container recycling (a.k.a. Bottle Bill) grants. The grant application process was intended to support the establishment of beverage container redemption centers in urban centers and environmental justice communities. June Special Session Public Act 21-2 required that DEEP issue a grant application process that distributes such grant proceeds and sets forth additional requirements and Public Act 22-118 made further updates to the program. 

Please send all correspondence regarding this program to Applications were accepted on a rolling basis from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

Find information on the first round (closed) of Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program awards here

Follow these links to review the Narrative and Application from the second round (closed) of the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program.

In November 2021, DEEP released the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program Scoping Document and Opportunity for Public Comment

In preparation of the issuance of the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program Application requirement, DEEP released a Scoping Document to provide more detail than the July 16, 2021 Notice of Proceeding. DEEP requested comments and feedback on the Scoping Document from interested parties and stakeholders. DEEP requested more specific feedback than was received from the July 16 Notice. All written comments submitted in response to the Scoping Document are listed below:  

American Beverage Association

Central Connecticut Redemption Center


Connecticut Package Stores Association

Redemption Centers of America

South Central Regional Council of Governments

The Arc Eastern CT

TOMRA (Received on 12/6/21)

Town of East Hartford

Voices of Women of Color

For additional information related to the Bottle Bill and the stakeholder engagement process launched to effectively implement responsibilities included in Public Act 21-58, and June Special Session Public Act 21-2, please visit the DEEP Bottle Bill Stakeholder Process webpage.

Content last updated March 11, 2024.