Medical Marijuana Program

Notice: Pursuant to Section 28 (c) of RERACA, the Commissioner of Consumer Protection has increased the monthly allotment of medical marijuana for registered medical marijuana patients to 5.0 ounces per month. Patients who have an allotment that has been restricted or expanded by a certifying practitioner will remain unchanged. For logistical reasons, patient’s and caregiver’s who were approved prior to this change will maintain the same 2.5 ounces listed on their registration, however, their monthly allotment will increase to 5.0 ounces at the dispensary facility.

Starting July 1, 2023, the state registration fee for patients and caregivers will no longer be required.

Qualifying Patients Primary Caregivers Minors
Requirements and instructions
for obtaining a Connecticut
medical marijuana certificate.
How to become a primary
caregiver for a qualifying patient.
Information for parents on how to register their children for a Connecticut medical marijuana certificate.

Physicians BOP Dispensary Facilities

How to certify a qualifying patient for a Connecticut medical marijuana certificate.

Get information on how to add new debilitating conditions, public hearings and meetings.

Important information on the
licensing and operational
requirements for a dispensary

Producers Forms FAQs
Important information on the licensing and operational requirements for a production facility.

Access change of dispensary form, lost or stolen certificate form and other important forms.


Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

 For more information please call (860) 713-6066 or e-mail us at

 New information on the Medical Marijuana Program will be made available on this website.

 Please continue to visit our website at or subscribe to receive medical

 marijuana updates by registering for e-alerts.

