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"She Needed Me to Say Yes"

At a time of such uncertainty, when a merciless virus has become the invisible enemy, a little girl and her brother found themselves in need of a loving and kind individual - Heather Kjos, a foster and adoptive mother from Westbrook, became just that.


In Mid-March, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was spreading throughout Connecticut, Heather received a telephone call at 2 o'clock in the morning from our Department. A one year old little girl and her two year old brother were in need of a placement. The children were at a local hospital with their Social Worker who tirelessly tried to find them a family. Rock Love


There was more to this story…….


The Social Worker explained to Heather that one of the children was sick and it was suspected that she may have the COVID-19 virus.


Heather stated, "it was a little scary to hear this, but a little girl needed someone to take care of her and she needed me to say yes". Heather, who has been licensed for 9 years and has 3 biological children and 2 adopted children, said "yes" and warmly welcomed the children into her home. 


They have now been with Heather's family for almost 2 months and both are healthy and doing well.  Heather said it was a risk she felt she needed to take and with beautiful humility, she said she would do it all over again. Heather said the ongoing communication with the children's parents is going well. The children visit virtually with their mom three times a week for one hour each time. Heather said "it's been a great opportunity for me to build a strong partnership with mom and has created some great trust".


Thank You Heather from the adults who know you, on behalf of two little children, who may not be able to articulate those words!