Docket No. 440 - Colebrook

American Towers LLC Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a telecommunications facility located at 522 Colebrook Road, Colebrook, Connecticut.
Applicant's Filings
Procedural Correspondence
Pre-hearing Questions & Responses
Parties and Intervenors
Pre-Filed Testimony and Exhibits
Motions, Briefs, Findings of Fact
Final Decision
If you are interested in becoming a party or intervenor in this proceeding, click here for more information.
If you would like to make a limited appearance statement (public comment), click here.

Once an application is approved the applicant then must file what is known as a Development & Management (D&M) Plan, which addresses several details including construction, design, etc., for Council approval prior to construction.

The Council often receives public comment letters with regard to a proceeding. These files are open for public viewing in the Council’s office during normal business hours.