Environmental Monitor

October 7, 2014 

  1.   1. NEW! Stony Brook Water Treatment Plant, Montville.
     No Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
     No Environmental Impact Evaluation has been submitted for publication in this edition.
     No state land transfer notice has been submitted for publication in this edition. 

The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on  October 21, 2014.
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Scoping Notices

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

The following Scoping Notice has been submitted for review and comment.

1. Notice of Scoping for the Stony Brook Water Treatment Plant Facility Upgrades

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Montville

Address of Possible Project Location: 260 Cherry Lane

Project Description: Norwich Public Utilities is improving the Stony Brook surface Water Treatment Plant (WTP) by retrofitting the existing non-buoyant filter media contact clarifiers with Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) clarifier units.  The retrofit will be housed in a building addition adjoining the existing water treatment plant. The project also includes modifications to the interior and exterior piping as required to accommodate the proposed retrofit.  There will be no change in the production capacity of the WTP.

Project Maps Click here to view a map of the project area.  Click here to view a schematic of the proposed building addition.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: Friday, November 7, 2014.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by October 17, 2014.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Mr. Eric McPhee
Agency: Department of Public Health
Drinking Water Section
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Fax: 860-509-7359
E-Mail: DPH.SourceProtection@ct.gov

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Patricia Bisacky
Agency: Department of Public Health
Drinking Water Section
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT
PO Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-509-7333
Fax: 860-509-7359
E-Mail: Patricia.Bisacky@ct.gov

Post-Scoping Notices:   Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required
This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an  Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.

No Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE).

No Environmental Impact Evaluation  has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process. 

No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

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