Psychologist Licensure Requirements
Before applying for licensure, please familiarize yourself with the general licensing policies.
An applicant for licensure shall meet the eligibility requirements outlined below:
Successful completion of a doctoral degree from an approved program in psychology. Programs holding full accreditation by the American Psychological Association during the applicant's attendance meet the requirements for an approved program in psychology. Programs not so accredited are subject to an individual review to ensure that the applicant's psychology program meets the requirements outlined in Section 20-188-2 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;
An applicant who has received a doctoral degree in psychology that does not meet the requirements outlined in the Regulations may remediate the required course work post-doctorally in a program accredited by the APA.
An applicant who has received a doctoral degree in a non-applied or non-clinical area of psychology shall meet the educational requirements provided the applicant has completed a respecialization program in an applied psychology program accredited by the APA.
Successful completion of at least 1 year of supervised work experience at the pre or post-doctoral level. Work experience as part of an internship required to complete the doctoral degree cannot be counted toward meeting this requirement.
The work experience must be either no less than 35 hours per week for a minimum of 46 weeks within 12 consecutive months or be no less than 1,800 hours within 24 consecutive months. No more than 40 hours per week may be credited toward the required experience.
Supervision is defined as direct, face-to-face supervision provided by a doctoral-level psychologist who is licensed in the state where the experience was conducted. The experience must be appropriate to the applicant's graduate coursework and intended area of practice. For each 40 hours of work experience, the supervision shall consist of at least 3 hours of which no less than 1 hour shall be individual, direct, face-to-face supervision. The supervisor shall not concurrently supervise more than a total of 3 individuals completing the work experience.
Individuals completing the work experience in Connecticut are exempt from the licensing requirement while completing the work experience necessary to obtain licensure. Not later than two years after completion of the work experience, the exemption from the licensure requirement shall cease if the person did not successfully complete the EPPP examination.
An applicant may substitute two (2) years of licensed work experience in lieu of this requirement.
Additional requirements pertaining to work experience for individuals commencing such experience on and after April 1, 1988, are specified in Section 20-188-3 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies;
Successful completion of the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) administered by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards – Prior to April 2001, the cut score for the EPPP is 70%. On or after April 2001, the passing score is 500;
If taking the EPPP as a Connecticut candidate, once all application material has been submitted and reviewed by this office, the applicant will be notified in writing as to the applicant's eligibility for the EPPP examination. Once notified, the applicant will be provided with instructions as to how to register on-line for the examination. Once the applicant has registered for the examination on-line, the applicant will receive via email, instructions as to scheduling an examination within a 60-day testing window with Prometric Testing Center. Failure to take the examination in the 60-day window will result in a penalty by PES.
Documentation Requirements:
An official transcript verifying the award of the appropriate degree in psychology, submitted directly to this Department.
Applicants graduating from a program that was not APA accredited, must, in addition to arranging for the submission of an official transcript, arrange for the submission of a Verification of Doctoral Education Program Form directly from the source.
Verification of work experience submitted directly to this office from the supervisor. Please select this link for the required form. If substituting licensed work experience in lieu of this requirement, please arrange for a letter to be submitted directly to this office from your employer.
Applicants in private practice may arrange for a letter to be submitted by a practitioner with whom the applicant had a referral relationship. In either case, the letter must indicate that the applicant worked as a licensed psychologist and provide dates of the employment.
Official verification of the EPPP examination forwarded directly to this office from the EPPP Score Transfer Service;
Verification of all licenses held, current or expired. forwarded from the appropriate authority in any U.S. state or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed as a psychologist. Most jurisdictions charge a fee for this service. Please contact the jurisdictions for fee information;
A completed application and fee of $565.00. Applications are only accepted online. Please select the following link to apply online.
Please arrange for all supporting documentation to be sent directly from the source to:
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Psychology Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APP
P.O. Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7603
Fax: (860) 707-1980