LT. Governor's Working Groups:
- Chair: Access Health CT—Connecticut’s healthcare exchange.
- Chair: Healthcare Innovation Steering Committee—Charged with providing oversight and guidance to the SIM Program Management Office and activities related to the implementation of the Connecticut Healthcare Innovation Plan.
- Chair: Health IT Advisory Council—Coordinated health reform efforts in the state
- Chair: Governor's Health Care Cabinet—Advisory body on issues related to implementation of the federal Affordable Healthcare Act.
- Chair: Certificate of Need Taskforce - Responsible for reviewing Connecticut’s health laws to ensure that consumers continue to receive equitable and affordable access to high quality health care.
- Chair: Rocky Hill Veterans Home Working Group—Convened to determine the most effective use of the Department of Veterans Affairs Rocky Hill Campus to support at-risk veterans.
- Co-Chair of the Governor’s Veterans Cabinet—Convened to improve delivery of veteran’s services throughout Connecticut.
- Chair: Youth and Urban Violence Commission—Charged with identifying risk factors for youth violence in urban areas and recommending policies and programs to reduce violence.
- Chair: Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap—Established to eliminate the academic achievement gaps in Connecticut.
- Vice-Chair: Connecticut Employment and Training Commission—Connecticut’s State Workforce Investment Board, authorized under the federal Workforce Investment Act and state statute.
- Chair: Finance Advisory Committee (FAC)—Convened to approve fund appropriations in any one fiscal year of over $50,000 or 10 percent of any specific appropriation, whichever is less.
- Co-Chair: Early Childhood Cabinet—The Cabinet coordinates early education and development programs in the state.