Events Archive

(3/4/2024): The Connecticut Water Planning Council was seeking applicants to serve on the Water Planning Council Advisory Group established under Section 25-33o(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Applicants should be willing to assist in researching and analyzing water resource issues and advise on matters of interest.  The statute requires that the WPCAG members be balanced between consumptive and non-consumptive water interests.  For more information please see State Water Plan ( Applications closed on Monday, March 11th. 

(7/12/2023):  The public is invited to a WPC-hosted retreat, 11:00 - 3:00 Agenda

(4/12/2023):  Preparing for Drought in CT   Webinar Recording

(9/16/2022):  Updated State Drought Plan (adopted 9/6/2022)

(6/8/2022):  Rivers and Watercourses:  The Importance of Riparian Zones  Webinar recording

(5/11/2022):  Wetlands and Climate Change:  Mitigation and Resiliency   Webinar recording

(2/2/2022):  World Wetlands Day  Webinar recording

1/20/2021:  Building Better Water Rates in an Uncertain World:  a 3/2021 workshop  Agenda

06/05/2019 -- The Connecticut General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution No. 171, approving Connecticut's first State Water Plan.
02/06/2019 -- View the utility company acquisitions and mergers presentation from the February 5, 2019 WPC meeting.
11/28/2018 -- The Connecticut Water Planning Council resubmits the Final Draft State Water Plan to the Energy and Technology, Environment, Planning and Development and Public Health Committees in accordance with Section 22a-352 of the Connecticut General Statutes. 
11/09/2018 --  The Connecticut Water Planning Council adopted a revised Connecticut Drought Preparedness and Response Plan on November 6, 2018.  Download the plan below.
06/25/2018 -- WPC Chairman John Betkoski appears on WNPR's "Where We Live" to discuss water conservation in Connecticut (originally aired on June 5, 2018).
06/14/2018 -- Governor Malloy issues Executive Order #66 concerning implementation of the State Water Plan.
05/29/2018 -- The Water Planning Council, in accordance with Public Act 16-61, has reviewed the report titled “Environmental Study: Change in Use of New Britain Water Company Land” that was submitted by Lenard Engineering, Inc. to the WPC on February 27, 2018.  In response, the WPC has published:
04/10/2018 -- The Public Health Committee, Energy and Technology Committee, Environment Committee, and Planning and Development Committee will hold a joint public hearing on the Connecticut State Water Plan on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in Room 2C of the Legislative Office Building.  The Committees are accepting electronic testimony via email at  See the WPC Calendar for more information.
04/06/2018 -- The Water Planning Council has received a copy of the report, "Environmental Study Change in use of New Britain Water Company Land/Proposed Quarry Expansion and Future Water Storage Reservoir," published by Lenard Engineering, Inc. in accordance with Public Act 16-61.  The public is invited to submit comments to the WPC using an online comment form.
01/24/2018 -- The Water Planning Council voted on 1/23/2018 to approve the Final Draft State Water Plan for submission to the Connecticut General Assembly.  A flurry of correspondence was received by the Water Planning Council leading up to the final approval:  Comments received prior to WPC approval of Final Draft State Water Plan.
01/15/2018 -- The Water Planning Council will vote on the final draft (January 2018) State Water Plan at a special meeting on Tuesday, January 23.  The January 2018 Final Draft State Water Plan, summaries, and responses to public comments can be viewed in the State Water Plan Document Repository.
10/23/2017 -- The Water Planning Council announces public meetings and public hearing to be held on the state’s first ever State Water Plan.  View the press release for details.  Further details on parking and accommodations will be available in the Calendar once available.
  • October 26, 2017 (Public Meeting)
  • October 30, 2017 (Public Hearing)
  • November 8, 2017 (Public Meeting)
10/19/2017 -- Water Planning Council webinar on the Draft State Water Plan is now available.  Watch the webinar to learn about the plan directly from the Water Planning Council members (link goes directly to YouTube).
09/28/2017 -- View the Water Planning Council's overview presentation on the draft State Water Plan (captions in the upper left corner of each slide).
07/20/2017 -- Draft State Water Plan now available for 120-day public review and comment period.  See the Featured Links column and State Water Plan Document Repository for more information. View the press release.
01/05/2017 -- Third public engagement workshop for the development of a State Water Plan to be held on 1/12 at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.  See the Calendar for details and agenda.
11/08/2016 -- Second public engagement workshop for the development of a State Water Plan to be held on 11/17 at the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, New Britain; see the Calendar for details and agenda.
10/19/2016 -- Download CDM Smith White Papers for review and comment.
10/18/2016 -- Come share your voice in the early stages of developing Connecticut's State Water Plan at any one of three public meetings on October 25th, 26th, or 27th.  See the Calendar for details.
09/21/2016 -- First public engagement workshop for the development of a State Water Plan to be held on 9/29 at Central Connecticut State University; see the Calendar for details and agenda.
07/25/2016 -- View the final CDM Smith scope of work, mission statement, and 6/29 State Water Plan kickoff meeting.
05/26/2016 -- Final CDM-Smith scope of work, budget, and schedule to be voted on at a special meeting of the WPC and State Water Plan Steering Committee; see the Calendar for important documents and meeting info.
04/26/2016 -- Draft scope of work, budget, and schedule for the development of a State Water Plan to be discussed at the 5/3/2016 joint meeting of the WPC and State Water Plan Steering Committee; see the Calendar for documents and agenda.
04/05/2016 -- The State Water Plan Steering Committee recommends moving forward with CDM Smith to develop a State Water Plan; NEIWPCC to begin negotiating a Scope of Work
02/09/2016 -- On behalf of the WPC, the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) releases a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the development of a State Water Plan.
01/15/2016 -- WPC steps up public communication and outreach efforts with the launch of a website dedicated to state water planning.
12/11/2015 -- WPC votes to approve Memorandum of Understanding with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) to provide management assistance to the WPC in the hiring and oversight of a contractor to develop and compile a State Water Plan.