Events Archive
(3/4/2024): The Connecticut Water Planning Council was seeking applicants to serve on the Water Planning Council Advisory Group established under Section 25-33o(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Applicants should be willing to assist in researching and analyzing water resource issues and advise on matters of interest. The statute requires that the WPCAG members be balanced between consumptive and non-consumptive water interests. For more information please see State Water Plan ( Applications closed on Monday, March 11th.
(7/12/2023): The public is invited to a WPC-hosted retreat, 11:00 - 3:00 Agenda
(4/12/2023): Preparing for Drought in CT Webinar Recording
(9/16/2022): Updated State Drought Plan (adopted 9/6/2022)
(6/8/2022): Rivers and Watercourses: The Importance of Riparian Zones Webinar recording
(5/11/2022): Wetlands and Climate Change: Mitigation and Resiliency Webinar recording
(2/2/2022): World Wetlands Day Webinar recording
1/20/2021: Building Better Water Rates in an Uncertain World: a 3/2021 workshop Agenda
- Cover Letter submitted to the City of New Britain from the WPC (.pdf)
- Comments submitted to the City of New Britain from the WPC (.pdf)
- Compilation of comments from the public submitted to the WPC (.xlsx)
- October 26, 2017 (Public Meeting)
- October 30, 2017 (Public Hearing)
- November 8, 2017 (Public Meeting)