State Water Plan

Connecticut has long enjoyed plentiful water resources to meet its needs for drinking water, industry, environmental health, agriculture, energy, and recreation. To balance these needs, a water management plan for the entire state is needed to ensure that there will be enough water for all uses now and into the future.

On July 1, 2014, Public Act 14-163 "An Act Concerning the Responsibilities of the Water Planning Council" directed the Water Planning Council to develop a State Water Plan. In the following years, the State Water Plan was developed and eventually approved by House Joint Resolution No. 171 on June 5, 2019.

The overarching goal of the State Water Plan is to balance the use of water to meet all needs and provide technical information and guiding principles that may be used to inform decisions across the state. Since adoption, state agencies and stakeholders have worked together to implement the State Water Plan.

Stakeholders and interested members of the public can learn more about the State Water Plan and its implementation through the various Water Planning Council Workgroups.

State Water Plan Documents

Final State Water Plan (113 MB)

Final State Water Plan (compressed) (73 MB)

Final State Water Plan Executive Summary (8 MB)

Final State Water Plan 2-page Summary (4.6 MB)

State Water Plan Prioritization List

Annual Reports

2024 - WPC Annual Report 2024 | 2024 Annual Report Factsheet | Transmittal Letter (2024)

2023 - WPC Annual Report 2023 | Transmittal Letter (2023)

2022 - WPC Annual Report 2022 | 2022 Annual Report Factsheet | Transmittal Letter