How can I retrieve my abandoned funds?
Public Act 16-91 requires the CT Teachers' Retirement System to cease crediting interest on non-vested inactive member accounts after ten years of inactivity.
The Connecticut Teacher’s Retirement Board (CTRB) attempts to notify members each spring who, on June 30th of that year, will become ineligible to receive further interest on their CTRB funds. These members are mailed a notice to their address on record which includes a current Member Annual Statement and information on withdrawing available funds. Members can also check the current Abandoned Fund List, which is updated each July, to see if they have already passed the limits for inactivity.
For non-vested members inactive for 10 years, and vested members inactive for 25 years, their funds will not be credited with interest after June 30th and their funds will be deemed abandoned. Since there will be no more activity on their account, there will be no further mailings or Member Annual Statements sent to anyone in this group.
To withdraw your funds please submit the Application to Reclaim Abandoned Funds. Also, please keep us updated of any changes to your current postal or email addresses.