What is STEAM?

Only you can walk through the door to your future. But it helps if you have the keys.

STEAM careers represent the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and math. You may see the acronym STEAM used in place of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

With the change from STEM to STEAM, educators recognize the importance of the arts and how it can apply to all fields. The STEAM approach in education helps students connect the dots when problem solving by thinking creatively.

We’ve partnered with organizations across the state and country to give young women in CT access to STEAM programs, camps, internships, careers and more.

Within this site, you’ll find links to resources near you. Use our interactive map to help guide the way.

Equality for Women in Technical Careers

The State of Connecticut is committed to gender equality and opportunity. That’s why the administration formed the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls to address the issues that impact women and girls and make sure women and girls in Connecticut have the same opportunities as their male peers in education, careers and business.

In addition to the council, four subcommittees were formed to ensure that all citizens have an equal opportunity to determine their future and provide for themselves and their families. These subcommittees include Economic Opportunity and Workforce Equity, Education and STEAM, Health and Safety, and Leadership.

Led by the Office of Higher Education, the purpose of the Education and STEAM subcommittee is to encourage educational advancement for women and girls, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts and math.


Inspiring the Next Generation of Female Engineers

Close your eyes and picture an engineer. You probably weren't envisioning Debbie Sterling. Debbie Sterling is the founder of GoldieBlox, a toy company out to inspire the next generation of female engineers.

How Does STEM Education Impact Society

At the 75th National Sciences Teachers Association Annual Meeting, NSTA TV asks attendees how they think STEM education impacts society.