Help Your Child Get Ahead

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to help support your child’s education.

If your daughter is interested in technology, arts, math, science, or engineering, you may be searching for tools to help them succeed.

Here are starting steps you can take to guide your child:

  • Encourage participation in STEAM activities out of school - If you are working on a limited budget, check out the calendar at your public library or try an at-home kit or subscription from companies like Creation Crate or MEL Science to help your student build their skills outside of the classroom.

  • Invest in Your Child’s Interests - Find a summer camp or other activities near you. Like many extracurricular activities, these options may come with a cost. But a financial investment isn’t the only way to invest. You can show your commitment by being emotionally invested. If your student is excited about a new hobby, share their excitement.

  • Ask Questions - It’s okay to not understand everything your child is learning. We all have different passions. Your job and interests may be very different than your student’s. Ask for help from your child’s teacher, search the internet for information about STEAM resources and use free online tools like Youtube videos to learn more about topics that your student finds exciting.


What is STEAM Education in K-12 Schools?

STEAM education is an approach to learning that uses science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics as access points.

A STEAMspired approach to STEAM!

Learn more about STEAM education and how it encourages critical thinking.