It’s no secret that there is a problem with gender inequality, both in career opportunities and in pay. CT is working to help boost young women by providing resources that promote STEAM education.


Women are missing in STEAM careers. According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, women make up just 34% of the STEAM workforce.

Women of color have even fewer opportunities and represent less than 10% of the STEM workforce.

STEAM careers are the careers of the future. According to Pew Research Center, STEM workers can earn two-thirds more than other fields.

Women deserve access to the same high-paying jobs as men. It’s up to us all to collectively help young women and girls in Connecticut bridge the gap.

Gender Inequality

Well before high school, young women and young men begin to carve out ideas about their future careers. A study from Cornell shows that even when women perform well in science and math classes, they still gravitate towards non-STEM careers. One of the big reasons for that choice is cultural messaging and the belief that women will not be accepted or compensated fairly in technical careers.

Teachers and parents often underestimate girls' math abilities, in turn leading to low self-esteem and low personal expectations.

Engagement Drop-Off

What is driving the gap? There are many factors that contribute to the lack of engagement, starting with STEAM education opportunities.

  • Gender Stereotypes: Even from a young age, girls are pushed into more art-focused hobbies while boys are given hands-on possibilities. Boys play with blocks; girls play with dolls. Boys are expected to show an interest in video games while girls are steered towards fashion, arts and crafts. These stereotypes can be dangerous and limit girls' exposure to math and problem-solving experiences.

  • Lack of STEAM education: A study from Psychological Science showed that girls performed similar to or better than boys in nearly all countries. An important solution to solving the engagement drop-off starts in the classroom. We’ve put together resources for educators to help you incorporate STEAM and STEM activities in lessons and classroom projects.

  • Limited Resources: Today’s students face obstacles at home and in the classroom. In addition to cultural biases, girls must overcome a lack of opportunities at school and in their communities to pursue interests in science, technology, engineering, art, and math.


Many young women show a love of math and science from a young age. But, by the time they reach college, there is a drop-off in STEM majors.

A report from the National Science Board shows that of the degrees awarded in engineering and computer sciences, only 25% were awarded to women..


A New Generation of Women in Science

Danielle Adams, Deputy Director for Marketing & Communications, joins Samantha Gorney, Deputy Director for Education, to discuss the new Astronomy Discovery Center (ADC) and how Lowell Observatory is designing its new STEAM-focused educational exhibits to be inclusive to all children, regardless of gender or background.

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM | Brenda Skozcelas | TEDxLSSC

In her talk, Brenda discusses the gender gap in STEM fields and looks at ways we can close that gap. Brenda Skoczelas is a full-time instructor of physics at Lake-Sumter State College.