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Guidance for Voters of All Abilities

How to use the Accessible Voting Machine
Video link (English): https://vimeo.com/763887076

Your Vote Matters!

Voting is one of our nation’s most fundamental rights and a hallmark of our democracy. It is critical that all eligible voters have equal access and opportunity to participate in our electoral process. We understand, however, that voting can present a unique set of challenges to voters with disabilities. Fortunately, important federal and state laws exist to protect your fundamental right to vote and prohibit discrimination on the basis of your disability. Those laws are designed to ensure that you have full and equal access to voting. The Office of the Secretary of the State is committed to ensuring that the polls are accessible to all voters and that you are fully able to exercise your voting rights privately and independently.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact our office at (860) 509-6100. For additional information, including the Connecticut’s Voter’s Bill of Rights, visit MyVote.CT.gov.

This material is designed to provide basic information to the voters of Connecticut and is not meant to be a comprehensive review of Connecticut election law.