Election Performance Task Force

The Election Performance Task Force was convened by the Secretary of the State to review and evaluate our election system in order to ensure that elections in Connecticut are fair, accountable, efficient, cost-effective, and work to encourage broad-based voter participation.

The task force issued its final report on March 2, 2012.  Click here to read the final report of the Connecticut Election Performance Task Force.

The goals of the task force were to:

- Examine Connecticut’s current electoral system.  What is working well?  What are its weak points?

- Identify measures that will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the voting process while maintaining its security and integrity.

- Provide future direction for our electoral process: given demographic and other trends, what should our system look like in five years? In ten years?  

- Evaluate ways to integrate technology into our election systems.  What is in use elsewhere?  What offers the greatest value-added to election administrators? To voters’ experience?

- Find ways to increase voter participation among ethnic minority groups and young people.  Are there policies in place elsewhere that are working to achieve this goal? 


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