If the letter you received says "Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation," you are on the correct page. If your letter says, "Notice of Intent to Dissolve or Revoke," go to that page for corrective steps.
Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation
If you received a Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation for a business you own or manage, your next step depends on whether the business is domestic (formed in Connecticut) or foreign (formed anywhere outside of Connecticut).
How to reinstate your business online:
1. Log-in to business.ct.gov (you will need to create an account if you do not have one).
2. Choose the "Manage your business" drop-down menu.
3. From the "Manage your business" drop-down menu, select the reinstatement option (as pictured below).

4. The system will then request you either select the business you want to reinstate from your previously linked businesses, or you must search and select the business you want to reinstate from the search bar.
Domestic Businesses
A domestic business is one that originally formed by filing with the Connecticut Secretary of the State. If you received a Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation, the business indicated on the Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation is now forfeited. A forfeited business may not conduct business in this state other than to wrap-up its affairs. Also, the business name is now available for someone else to use.
If the business is no longer active, no further action is necessary.
If the business is still active, it is important to reinstate the business as soon as possible. A reinstatement will bring the business back to active status and avoid someone else taking the name.
Foreign Businesses
A foreign business is one that originally formed in another state or country. If you received a Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation, the business is revoked from transacting business in Connecticut. A revoked business may not legally transact business in Connecticut. The revocation does not impact your status in your state or country of formation.
If the business is no longer transacting business in Connecticut, no further action is needed.
If the business is transacting business in Connecticut, it must re-register in order to transact business legally in this state.
Log-in to business.ct.gov (you will need to create an account if you do not have one).
Choose "start a business," then "register a business" from the left panel.
During the foreign business registration flow, you will be asked for the date the business began transacting business in Connecticut. Please use the filing date of the Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation (bottom right corner of the Certificate). If you do not use the date listed on the Certificate of Dissolution or Revocation, you may receive a foreign penalty letter from our office.
All reinstatements (domestic businesses) and foreign registrations (foreign businesses) are reviewed by office staff. If you chose expedited filing, you will receive a response within one business day. If you did not choose expedited filing, our response time is usually 3-5 business days.
Once you receive a response, you can confirm your business is in good standing by using the public business records search. If the status is "active" and the annual report due date is in the future, you are all set.
If you still have question, please send us a ticket and be sure to include the name and ALEI of the business listed on the Certificate.