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Adding Debilitating Medical Conditions
The Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) will accept and consider petitions to add debilitating conditions, treatments or diseases to the list of 11 conditions currently allowed by law.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionThe Medical Marijuana Program Board of Physicians operates within the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) and is comprised of eight members. The board is charged with advising the DCP regarding implementation of various provisions of Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 420f, Section 21a-408.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionA patient or caregiver will report any changes in their applications within five business days to the Medical Marijuana Program by using the Change of Patient Record form. Patients can also find the Change of Dispensary Facility, Change of Caregiver/Legal Guardian and Change of Record forms.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionConsumer Protection Publications
Brochures and presentation materials for the general public and physicians.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionIf a patient's physician certifies the need for the patient to have a primary caregiver, the patient may register one person to act as their caregiver in regards to their medical marijuana use. Caregivers can find information about how to register online and forms to submit to the department.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionA patient may only register for a medical marijuana certificate if they are a Connecticut resident being treated for a debilitating medical condition by a Connecticut-licensed physician. Debilitating diseases include cancer, glaucoma and Parkinson's, among others.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionPhysicians must also have a bona fide relationship with the patient in order to register them with the program. A bona fide physician-patient relationship means a relationship in which the physician has ongoing responsibility for the assessment, care and treatment of a patient's debilitating medical condition.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionAnswers to the most frequently asked questions concerning qualifying patients, primary caregivers and renewal.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionMedical Marijuana Online Application
The Department of Administrative Services’ Business Network is the home to the online application for the medical marijuana program.
Agency: Department of Administrative ServicesThe Medical Marijuana Program, as administered by the State of Connecticut, is the authority on registration and enrollment for patients who qualify for medical marijuana treatment. A certified physician must initiate the registration on the patient's behalf.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionEach patient and caregiver registration expires one year from the date the physician certified the patient to use medical marijuana. The date of expiration can be found on the front of the registration certificate card. Access the online renewal registration system to renew your medical marijuana card online.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionA patient is eligible for a medical marijuana certificate if they are a Connecticut resident with a debilitating medical condition. Conditions that qualify as such are cancer, glaucoma, Parkinson's, post-traumatic stress disorder and epilepsy. To meet certificate eligibility requirements, a patient must be 18 years of age or older, must be a Connecticut resident and cannot be an inmate in a Connecticut correctional facility.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionRequest for Application Form (RFA)
This registration form is for a place of business where marijuana may be dispensed or sold at retail to qualifying patients and primary caregivers, and for which the department has issued a dispensary facility license. Obtain the Request for Application (RFA) form and the form for dispensary facilities.
Agency: Department of Consumer ProtectionRequest for Application Form (RFA) Questions and Answers
Dispensary facility questions and answers for applicants as can answers about products, paraphernalia and specific statutes.
Agency: Department of Consumer Protection