Procedure to Submit a Petition to Add a Debilitating Medical Condition, Treatment or Disease for the Use of Medical Marijuana

The Department of Consumer Protection will accept and consider petitions to add debilitating conditions, treatments or diseases to the list of forty-two (42) conditions for adults and eleven (11) conditions for patients under 18 currently allowed by law.

How to Submit a Petition

The following form must be used for submitting a petition for consideration.

The Department will only accept petitions that are sent via U.S. mail or electronically.

Email to:

Or mail to:    Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection 
                     Medical Marijuana Program
                     450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 901 
                     Hartford, CT 06103-1840

If the petition meets all requirements, it will be referred to the Board of Physicians for a public hearing. Petitioners will be notified in advance of the date, time and location of the public hearing, and will be allowed to offer verbal comments, as will other members of the public.

If a medical condition, medical treatment or disease in a petition has been previously considered and rejected, or is determined to be substantially similar to a previously-rejected condition, treatment or disease, the Commissioner may deny the petition without first submitting it to the Board of Physicians, unless new scientific research that supports the request is offered in the petition.

The Board of Physicians will meet at least twice each year to review and hold a public hearing on petitions. The list of conditions, treatments and diseases to be reviewed at the hearing will be published on the Medical Marijuana website prior to the hearing.

After reviewing the petitions, supporting evidence and public comments, the Board will issue a recommendation to the Commissioner as to which of the conditions, diseases or treatments should be added as qualifying conditions.

The Commissioner will make the final determination; if the decision is to add the condition, treatment or disease, the Department of Consumer Protection will proceed to propose regulations to expand the list.
