Primary Caregivers - Registration Process
If a patient’s physician certifies the need for the patient to have a primary caregiver, the patient may register one person to act as their caregiver with respect to their palliative use of marijuana.
A primary caregiver applicant will only be able to access the online registration system if:
The patient’s physician indicates a need for a primary caregiver; and
The patient identifies the applicant as the person who will serve as their primary caregiver.
To register with the Department, a primary caregiver must:
Have their patient identify them as their primary caregiver on their registration application. In this regard, the patient must provide identifying information about their caregiver, including:
A valid e-mail address :This should be an email address that you are comfortable using in connection with your medical marijuana caregiver registration as it will be the primary method the Department will use to communicate with you.
A primary telephone number: This should be a personal telephone number that the Department can use to contact you about your medical marijuana caregiver registration.
Submit to the Department:
Proof of Identity (see examples)
You will be able to upload these documents and pay the fee when you submit your registration application online. If you need assistance uploading any documents into the system, please contact your chosen dispensary facility.
Check out the FAQs to find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by caregivers.